MA Comfort Food

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

coming from:

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Tonight, Barbecued boneless ribs, stuffed baked potatoes, and baked apple with cream cheese/caramel.
Tomorrow is also started, Ham,taters,green beans, and biscuits to take to my Uncle's house. Ric

The apples tasted like marshmallow, yummy!

This message was edited Mar 8, 2010 8:29 PM

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Ooohhhhh, I should have had a picture of Ric's cake for the Cooking forum!

Ric, can I hire you to give "my Rick" some lessons? LOL With all our ongoing projects in the kitchen this winter I haven't been experimenting as much as I usually do. I did try something a little different last week though that turned into a great meal! I had some boneless chicken and was bored with cooking it the usual way (grilled, baked, etc.). I decided to slice it real thin, added thin strips of green peppers and onions with a dash of soy sauce and cooked them in the wok. Served with long grain and wild rice and it was a smashing success! Rick's suggestion of adding Snow Peas is already on the shopping list to add the next time I cook it! :)

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Debbie, I have a Sesame Chicken recipe that is easy, I make it quite often.
4 chicken breasts, I alway have a bag of the frozen ones on hand, slice into strips.
Dredge the chicken in 1/4 cup flour with 1/4 teaspoon salt and 1/8 teaspoon pepper. set aside.
Mix together 1/4 cup soy sauce, and 1/4 cup sugar.

2 tablespoons of toasted sesame seeds.
1/2 teaspoon of dark sesame oil.
And veggies of your choice.

Brown the chicken in pan, you can use Pam or a small amount of cooking oil. When brown reduce heat, add the soy sauce and sugar mix. stir until sugar dissolves. (you can remove the chicken from the pan to do this but I just push it aside)
Add the veggies of choice.Stir in the sesame oil and seeds.

I like Jasmine rice with mine.
And I have used snow peas, thinly sliced raw carrots, frozen broccoli.
Once you get everything assembled the cooking goes fast.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

I do stir fries all the time. I really like ginger sauce or peanut satay. Stir fries are usually lo-fat and it's one of the healthiest ways to prepare veggies. I love the Royal Blend Rices, especially the whole grain with barley, and the Texmati with white, brown, wild & red. Since I use a rice steamer they come out just poofed and flavorful. I had a friend visit St. Maarten and brought me spices home, to my amazement in them was a golf ball size package of saffron, probably enough for the rest of my lifetime. Something for an easy quick dinner? Walmart sells a rather large bag of Thai stir fry with ginger sauce, you can throw together an impressive meal in the time it takes to steam the rice. Ric

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

I bought a rice cooker that you use in the microwave. We very seldom buy Minute Rice anymore. But DH likes to have it around.
Stir-fries are my favorite too.

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Phooey, twice in the past two weeks I've taken things out of the freezer to defrost and fell asleep without putting them in the fridge. I usually like to let them sit in one of my sinks for a couple of hours to give them a head start before I put them into the fridge for full defrosting. This morning it was the BOGO pot roast greeting me all fully room temperature. URRRGH.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

stormy. I hate that.

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Stormy, you need a timer. I picked up a double times in walmart when I was taking a lot of pills at different times. I also set it when I am topping off the hot tub, saved on a bunch of over flows.

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Chris you're right. Mine are only good for an hour. I guess I could keep resetting it. LOL I do have three and used them in cooking, but then I got to the point, where I couldn't remember which one was for which dish! Then there is the matter of being able to hear it over DSO's tube watching.

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Stormy, I don't know what I'm going to do with you!! LOL

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Since I have my cell phone in my pocket most of the time I can use the timer on it. Its a cell phone world anymore.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

I use my cell phone as a timer all the time, I got that habit from work where I had to start and stop the mechanized systems for lunch and breaks. It wasn't safe or practical to wear a wrist watch, and where anal bosses worried someone may get an extra minute off the clock. Our start-up alarms were the start of a segment of your shift and the blessed quiet was the end. Gad how I don't miss that. LOL Ric

Stormy, couldn't you save it by throwing it in a crock pot or something?

This message was edited Mar 13, 2010 11:01 PM

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

My stepmom got me a timer on a lanyard to wear on my neck, while doing housework--yeah right--while in the garden!!

Food safety wise-- a solid hunk of beef at room temp would grow something on the surface which you could possibly wash off and cook to death (of the microbes, surface cookng heat would do it. The inside of the meat should be sterile. NEVER let ground meat sit at room temp extended time and then try to rescue it. But you all probably know this.

Sirloin tips in gravy with noodles, asparagus. Carrot salad and peaches would color up that meal.
Last night hot dogs box mac n cheese jar of beans coleslaw

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

That's sorta' what I had in mind Sally, beef tips, stew, or something.

Baked tortellini and veal, so as not to waste the oven, brownies for desert. LOL Ric

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Sally & Ric, Thanks, I never thought about using the cellphone as a timer. I do sometimes use the alarm clock feature. I will give that a try.

I really didn't know how long the meat had been at room temperature and was afraid to give it a try. It's funny, a few years ago, I would have cooked it. But in recent years, I've gotten much more cautious. Ric after reading that crock pots never get really hot enough to kill a lot of bacteria, I've stopped cooking beef and pork in them.

Your meals sound wonderful!

This message was edited Mar 14, 2010 8:24 PM

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Stormy, anything cooked to an internal temp of 160*F should be safe, especially if held at a higher temp.
Here's a condensed version of what Wikipedia says about crock pots. Ric

A typical slow cooker is designed to heat food to 170°F (77°C) on low, to perhaps 190-200°F (88-93°C) on high. Added ingredients must be given time to cook before the food can be eaten. If the food is allowed to cool below about 158°F (70°C) and not reheated, toxic bacterial growth is possible; some toxins, once present, are not destroyed by later heating.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

I get the heebies about that too. I really rather brown my meat and/ or get it all to a simmer before putting it on slow cook. I have an old one with a metal nonstick 'pot' which then sits on a base, so its easy to brown and heat up on the stove top first.
Have you heard of the roast beef recipe where you put it in the hot oven, then turn the oven OFF for some hours, then heat up again??? Sounds like a dumb gimmick to me and I hope the idea has been discarded.
Hm, we need to get on a more appetizing topic! I just made banana muffins for tomorrows breakfast. I'm figuring I won't be up early to bake in the AM! I cheat and use Betty Crocker muffin mix all the time now, they are moist. Target sells them cheaper than the grocery.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

I agree Sally, it doesn't sound like a good practice, but if it was well cooked and left in the oven there should be no source of contamination. I've had dairy products and produce last a long time because of careful handling. On the converse, I've had the same items that went bad before the use by date because of a chance exposure. I try to practice a more or less a chem lab principle in the kitchen by always using a clean utensil to get things from the source container and never put anything back in one. If I over measure or don't use something it goes in its own container till I need it or compost it. Ric

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Ric, I try to use that approach too. Doesn't it just fry you when you buy something like blackberries and the very next day they're moldy?

Sally, I cheat sometimes with those muffin mixes too. I often augment them with nuts, flax, carrots or pineapple. I find even the box mixes to be a good way to use up some produce that's past it's prime.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Oh you guys would have died- I went to one of those buying kitchen stuff house parties once. The demo cook did a chicken dish. Raw chicken, rubber spatula going from chicken to mayo jar and back................AAAAAHHHHH..Eventually she said Oh I guess I shouldn't do that.

I also never let food touch my countertop, cuz even tho the kitties USUALLY don't go up there,...
Except to roll biscuits. Me, I mean, roll biscuits on the counter, not the kitties...!!

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Holly went to Ikea about a year or so ago and brought me home a couple of cutting mats. I use those all the time, after use it's like being able to put a part of the counter in the sink. They also fit in the dishwasher where they visit regularly.
Yeah Sally, I never roll my biscuits on the kitties either, too hard to get them to be still.LOL
I still haven't decided about supper tonight, but I know we're having corn beef and cabbage tomorrow, a day early since Holly's Mom and Dad can't make it Wednesday. Ric

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

ACK how did I forget about st patricks Day?? I have to get some corned beef while its on sale amd freeze it too.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Ric did his usual magic today. Got to love a guy that does so much to show you how he feels about his family. He got up and vacuumed and mopped the floor just to start. Then he cut up a fresh pineapple so he could send home some for my Dad. Then while I was out getting my hair done he did Corn beef, Cabbage & Potatoes and threw in some carrots for my Mom as he knows that she doesn't like cabbage that much. By the time I got here he was already entertaining my parents and serving them fruit and cheese plates. Top it off with a Key Lime Pie he pick up yesterday and he sent them home with containers leftovers from today's lunch, the fresh pineapple, pasta salad that he made this morning and some of last nights veal tortellini. {{{hugs to RIc}}} HOLLY

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

You picked a winner there! I think I'm doing good if 'he' remembers to say dinner was good. and 'man, that was good' is a high compliment.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


I bought a very small corned beef piece and a small head of cabbage.
I plan to cook it on Friday--but have never done Corned beef and cabbage.
I printed out 2 recipes from they seem to have too many hings that go into this dish.

Would you print (here) how you do it?
Are carrots necessary? Everyone i asked at work said they never use carrots...

Thanks, Gita

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Here's one- couldn't be much easier

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Gita, Many corned beef cuts come with a spice packet or you can use a little McCormick pickling spice. Don't drain the juice that came in the package it adds to the flavor.Just put the meat in what ever your roasting in, fat side up add spice and a couple of inches of water and roast covered at 350*F for 50 mins. per #. Add your cabbage and potatoes if you like, about 1/2 hour before your done time. I also uncover mine for about 15 mins. at 375*F to lightly brown everything. Carrots are optional, the main reason I add them is that not everyone likes cabbage. Slice across the grain of the meat and Bon Appetit! Ric

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Tanks, Ric.
I was not aware that a seasoning packet comes with the meat.
The meat I bought is vacuum packed and I have not opened it. However--since I can make a presentable batch of pickles--I think I can duplicate Pickling Spice quite well.

Today, I bought 2 lg. heads of cabbage just to have them. Rather than pay 79 cents/lb. (as usual)--I took advantage of St' patty's prices.....At Safeway--4lbs. for $1.

You know what else I like about Safeway? They have these little "Clearance areas" in the meat dept.
I do not shop at Safeway--but i go there to just see what I can buy at 30% off the tagged price.
Today, I bought 4 packages, at 30% off, of Applewood bacon (sold in bulk at the deli).
As soon as I finish this post to you--I am going to go sit down and veg., watch some TV--drink some wine--and dice it all up for future use and freeze it.
AHHHH...Weird as it seems--me sitting and chopping/dicing/and cutting things up while watching TV is my most favorite thing to do to "chill"------assuming there is nothing else pressing that has to be done.
I am off tomorrow--and other than my Garden calling me----I have nothing else scheduled.....

I cannot tell you how long I have been hankering to make stuffed cabbage rolls!!!! Cabbage will keep in the fridge a while--so I bough these two heads to use whenever I can actually get to it.
I know cabbage is more a Winter dish than something to cook and eat when it is 80*---but I will do it regardless.....


Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7a)

Holly/Ric... I'm so glad you continued the comfort food thread! I had lost track of it! Catching up on this one made me hungry!

We had this about a week ago, but it is definitely comfort food... and not for the faint of heart! It is so yummy!

Mexican Cornbread Casserole

Thumbnail by VA_Wild_Rose
Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Had our corned beef cabbage carrots and mashed potatos today, went over well though it seemed kind of salty- Superfresh whatever brand they carry.
I like the looks of that Cornbread casserole.!

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

We had a London broil,Julianne potatoes and peas with cream cheese and garlic.The weather just makes me want to fire up the grill.
Wild Rose what all do you have in that casserole? It looks yummy. Ric

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Hey--Get to bed! We'll be burning daylight!! It's another beautiful day on tap--good night


Because it is Shirley Temple feature night at our doll club we are making this contribution. Have done it a dozen times or so. One very good cake.

Thumbnail by docgipe
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Hey, Ric------

SO! Today I went back to Superfresh to buy another piece of corned beef. Called first--and the meat lady said---OH YES! We have lots of these corned beef cuts left. Asked if they would still sell at the sale price of 79cents/lb. and she said "Sure!"

So, I went--and bought another piece. Thought that as long as i am cooking--I might as well make extra. Nothing better than left-overs!
She was so nice and friendly--so we started chatting.....She said she had just made corned beef and cabbage for the first time as well and that she had researched recipes on line....
Of course--I asked her how SHE cooked it--and we chatted some more........I am good at "chatting"......;O)

She said she did it in a crock pot. She also said that it called for 1 cup of water and 1/4 cup of dark brown sugar mixed in it. ALSO--one good-quality beer added to the whole thing and also some good mustard.

You know what? All this sounded good to me--so i am going to do all of the above. Except--NOT in a crock pot--don't have one big enough.....Just in a nice stock pot.

Anything with beer in it as a flavoring is OK with me! Also--dark brown sugar sits well with anything that has cabbage in it. Sounds like a winner!!!!!

Will let you know how it turned out!


Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Gita, That does sound good, what time is dinner?
Doc, I just may have to give that a try, if it's chocolate, how can it not be good?
Sally, I got enough of the veggie garden turned to put in my peas, onions, and radishes tomorrow. Then took down and cut up a 40' poplar for a friend, and hauled it home, any more daylight would kill me. LOL Ric

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Ric--Dinner is at 6 PM today?????.....Come on over!!!!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Quote from HollyAnnS :
...., any more daylight would kill me. LOL Ric

Have to laugh, its so true, we al love this weather but almost wish for a day of rain as an excuse to rest!!!!!!!!! I take kids to school then rush out to garden for an hour or so before the rest of daily routine sets in. It has been wonderful out for several days; I just love going out after dinner "for a minute" that lasts till dusk. Cleaning up dry stuff from last year, tonight I found a sprout of lily I forgot all about
Wait are we talking garden or dinner, I forget?
Tonight was just us adults so I threw together something with shrimp, fish, rice, onion celery tomato-, a frozen cup of pasta sauce from some long ago restaurant meal.. turned out OK!

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Gita, You forgot the address! LOL Ric

Sally, Too true, We went to a birthday party for granddaughter Lily today, (no cooking for me), ended up being a garden party, so nice! Our daughter has the privilege of living in an area infested with Asian tiger mosquitoes, veracious little vampires. Deet showers are needed in the August sun to delay them. Anyway, it was great! No bugs! The kids had a ball, and it was 7:15 til we got home, after 3 hours in the garden this AM I was not upset by the dusk and not getting back to it. I just hope I can finish tomorrow, rain is expected for Monday. Oh, I also found two day lily sprouts in the garden I'd forgotten. Ric


What you will not see when you have a camera in hand. Today's observation that spring has sprung. Twenty men with ten Troy Built Tillers giving the high school baseball field a new infield. Five home made stone pickers and ten guys taking turns at all chores. Two dump trucks bringing in new clay.
The first game is April the first. They will be ready!

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