3 hours without DG??? WOE is ME!

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

They are absolutely stunning Hay! Ebony and Ivory.. LOL

How fun.. lil babiez..

Gridley, IL

they are soooooo tiny and cute! i cant wait ! i have checked that incubator alreay 2 times this morning! i hope i get a good hatch I know i have a special egg that is out of an all white serama roo.at least i will have some mixi chicks soon to hold me over until my serama nuggets hatch.

Ferndale, WA

Another Baby, I'm begining to feel soooooooooooooo guilty for all this blessed success. Catsy it's killin me. la la la la la. Smack, this is the no gloating zone, sorry Jay, no wood pile. ok, pleeeeeeeeze...Self discipline, self discipline. Ok I got it under control.,,,,under control. what did zzs say ebonezzer and ivy oh dear, cant thhink toooo erly. Yawnnn. muse sleep an drem chiches, cjoiches....zzzzzzzzzzzzz/

Ferndale, WA

OH Yeah, Can't sleep now, another pic, yeah another annoying pic. Oh yeah thats right rub it in. Oh Hi Catsy, Hey ZZ's, Whats up baby. wink, wink. OK back to zzzzzzzzzzzz's dreamin.

This message was edited Mar 9, 2010 6:14 AM

Thumbnail by Haystack
Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

OH OH that is a cutie! Look at that tiny lil thing.. Typical Serama expression for pics.. Oh how I love it!!!
Mornin Hay!!

Sapello, NM(Zone 5b)

The crowd in my head roars its CONGRATULATIONS!

And if ZZ keeps tweaking your mustach, then I do think a fellar has a right to
TWEAK HER BACK! (but no butt-pinching)


This message was edited Mar 9, 2010 11:34 AM

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

Haystack, the following line is from Billy Bob,
Dear Mr. Haystack,
Happy birthday to your baby chicks I like the numbers in there too and happy birthday to Haystack my best friend, cause he is real cool he makes chicken that is why I like him, cause he is the best. Love Billy Bob

Dont ask, I just typed, he said it.

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Awww I can hear his voice now... Please tell Billy I Love him and I said HI... my lil buddy!!! That is so sweet.. I bet Hay gets a tear.. the big softy.. :)

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

I will ZZ he wants to know when you will be back by here so he can show you his horse... I had to laugh, we had a snowball fight today, then this afternoon I wanted a roll of ducktape so I said lets go do chores... You should see us, dog, cat (Yes Cat) Billy and I doing all the chores, feeding and watering and he is talking 90 miles to nothing. LOL we are a sight, but something I would not trade for anything... The cat follows us out all over to feed even to the chickens...

Joplin, MO(Zone 6b)

so does my outside cats.. they go down to shut them in at night too.

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

Blackie hangs in the tree's that are around the coops watching the birds that come to visit when We feed

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

changed my mind on what to post..

This message was edited Mar 10, 2010 8:08 PM

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

A goose is sitting on eggs, and she is mean she is really mean, she bit me thru the fence...UGGG and I even picked her some fresh grass and thru it next to the nest...Dang cookie..

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Even still, MsJestr.. gotta love a good mommy! Even if she seems ungrateful..

Lodi, United States

Geese are the best parents.

We use to live near a man-made lake in MD. It had an island in the middle where the ducks and geese nested. When the geese had their goslings out on the water, if you even walked in their general direction, the whole group would turn like a flotilla to go for you....nobody messed with the goslings.

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

I hope we have some babies, but we will see.... This weekend come heck or high water, I am moving the ducks out of the geese pen si they are seperate. I might loose some baby ducks but I would like to have more geese too.. The ducks are not sitting on the eggs, so I figure I wont loose anything. Loreen wanted some Geese eggs, but I cant get next to them without getting bitten

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

Boy, this thread started because you were going to be with nothing to do for 3 hours. Now the chicken talk has been going on for a week. LOL!
Our pullets are starting to lay pretty regular. I had 2 pullet eggs for breakfast. Kind of cute with their 50¢ size yolks.
Keep up the fun with the chickens.

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Yeah, I couldn't come up with a chatty title.. I started this one so I didn't clutter up the other threads with my clucking.. I mean chatting.. LOL

I had two banty eggs this morning.. only lasted through 3/4 of the tortilla. LOL

Portland, OR(Zone 8b)

Quote from MissJestr :
I hope we have some babies, but we will see.... This weekend come heck or high water, I am moving the ducks out of the geese pen si they are seperate. I might loose some baby ducks but I would like to have more geese too.. The ducks are not sitting on the eggs, so I figure I wont loose anything. Loreen wanted some Geese eggs, but I cant get next to them without getting bitten

That's ok MissJ, I forgot how mean they can be. I don't know how I could forget after being chased and bitten by one when I was a kid.

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

I have not forgotten....

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