3 hours without DG??? WOE is ME!

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

What is a person to do for 3 whole hours??????


Thumbnail by ZZsBabiez
Clarkson, KY

Silliness. Converse with your chickens a'course!!

Joplin, MO(Zone 6b)

hmm.. wonder how much useful info I can find out from my chickens in that time frame?

Portland, OR(Zone 8b)

I couldn't converse with chickens at that time even if I had them, I'll be at work :(

Lodi, United States

They are toying with me now...I'm on. I'm off. I'm on. I'm off. I'm on.....

Joplin, MO(Zone 6b)

it loads the page, it doesn't, then it loads the page.. oops not this time! Quite annoying.. I won't be around tomorrow to be on here when its still up & running! i need my DG fix before then.

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

DO NOT GO TO THE FEED STORE, I REPEAT DO NOT GO TO THE FEED STORE.. made that mistake before I went to the tack auction and saw the new chicks... You all know them ones with the little top hats?? hummm ask Billy what he is getting on Friday...OH WOO is me, I went to the feed store...

This message was edited Mar 3, 2010 11:36 PM

Portland, OR(Zone 8b)

Oh no MissJ!! Sounds like you're becoming addicted!!

Sapello, NM(Zone 5b)

Oh see, NM did it the easy way... there's a sales tax on everything until it's exempted. All this foolishness about what to start taxing... we don't have to deal with that. WE just argue about how much to raise the sales tax by, or sometimes what to exempt. Like a couple of years ago they decided to exempt food (which all my life had been taxed)... now they're wanting to start taxing things like bread and tortillas. If you're going to tax one edible, I think you oughta tax 'em all, rather than let the food nazis decide. IMHO

Portland, OR(Zone 8b)

I've paid tax on clothes in Washington and California. I don't know about Washington, but I think about the only California doesn't tax is food....is that right Catscan or ZZ?

We have NO sales tax in Oregon....it's been brought to the voters maybe a dozen times and we heartily vote it down!

This is way too weird! I posted this after Countrygarden's post about clothing tax, it the post at the bottom

This message was edited Mar 4, 2010 6:08 PM

Sapello, NM(Zone 5b)

I think MsJ got addicted last year... all the classic symptoms: clever excuse (Billy), blame (the feed store), paraphenalia (incubator), increasing use (eggs AND chicks). She's pretty far gone already... little aliens have sucked her brains right out, made her toady to their whims.

Couldn't happen to a nicer person! LOL

Now we'll see how long it takes to post this...

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

News Flash! Chickens are taking over the world!

Only way to save ourselves is to buy more chickens.
So go that feed store, buy chickens!
Spend the 3 hours searching for chicks online. There are lots of hatcheries.

I'll be busy attending a Farmers Market meeting. Yes, some of us sell our chickens & eggs for human consumption.

Thumbnail by CountryGardens
Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

But... I really NEED to go to the Feed Store! You don't understand! If DG is gonna be off for 3 hours, I can do some MAJOR chick shopping! LOL

Sapello, NM(Zone 5b)

Maybe what we need to reduce the US deficit is a "sin tax" on chicks, just like there is on cigarettes and alcohol. =0)

Ferndale, WA

Yes by all means you may ask, It's my main chicken coop, one of five that I house my friends in. Right now it only has eight little seramas and three gamehens in it but I just built a new coop for my seramas, and will finish it up this week. I have seventy five babies comming on the fifteenth of this month and they will be raised in the coop behind me. Here is a pic of my new coop, but please excuse the unfinished look, it still needs the trim and touch up's along with painting so it fits in.

The upper left is a glass window that needs yet to be framed, the lower left is the egg retrievel box and the middle left is an open air window that will have hardware cloth on the inside so it can be left open on the warm summer nights and closed on the cold winter nights. Sorry middle right is the open air window...LOL. Hay

This message was edited Mar 4, 2010 5:11 PM

Thumbnail by Haystack
Ferndale, WA

This message was edited Mar 4, 2010 5:04 PM

Thumbnail by Haystack
Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

Quote from Jayryunen :
Maybe what we need to reduce the US deficit is a "sin tax" on chicks, just like there is on cigarettes and alcohol. =0)

Just to let you know the great state of Arizona has passed a 2% tax on food to balance its budget, so you could classify that as a sin tax...It i now a sin to eat... Thank goodness that my eggs are free... Maybe should think about raising broilers... just have to find someone to do the dirty work..

I am so eggcited this am... My geese are sitting on the egg nest she built, WHOOO HOOOOO
Yes I got addicted last year thanks to all you enablers on here... Billy Loves his chickens too, and I figure that since we only have antenna tv, we need another form of entertainment That would be Chick TV...

Ferndale, WA

Great post Bernie!!! You know that isn't gonna make you popular with the female chicken brains. But I for one applaude your courage. Scrambled eggs and chicken nuggets, MMmm MMmm good. Yes by all mean ladies run to the local feed store, and while your there gloom on to a few new girls...

Thumbnail by Haystack
Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

Hay if I may ask, what is that building behind you??

Lodi, United States

So, Haystack, how do you like your Serama...broiled?

Count down to oblivion....man you brooders...it is going to be a long 3 hours.

Sapello, NM(Zone 5b)

Nah, Haystack likes his chicks half-baked.

And MsJ, NM just repealed its food tax a couple of years ago, and of course now the state budget is deeply in the red. We tax durn near everything here and we're still broke.

Portland, OR(Zone 8b)

I'm reposting this from way up above....very weird.

I've paid tax on clothes in Washington and California. I don't know about Washington, but I think about the only California doesn't tax is food...is that right Catscan or ZZ?

We have NO sales tax in Oregon...it's been brought to the voters maybe a dozen times and we heartily vote it down!

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

I was such a good gurl today.... I didn't go to the feed store.. I just took care of Biz.. I can sleep well tonight.. One more productive day under my belt makes me happy! It wasn't much, but I won't let a day go by without getting SOMETHING constructive accomplished.

Ferndale, WA

Could someone please tell me how my post to answer miss Jester got posted before the question was asked? Whats wrong with this crazy site? Sorry Miss J. I don't know what happened but the answer to your question and the pic of my new coop somehow got posted in front of your question, so you'll have to scroll backward to see the answer. Lord help is all...LOL

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

Some idiot that is running for governor here wants to tax clothes. He might have trouble getting elected.

Somebody asked what your building is. To many chickens, they can't read the sign above the door!

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)


Portland, OR(Zone 8b)

I think the programmer for FB is now programming DG....my fellow FBer's know what I mean....LOL!!

Clarkson, KY

Well now that was a surreal read...yup. Definitely, Loreen Facebooky qualities...

Lodi, United States

I'm scared.....

Ferndale, WA

I figured maybe Catsy was in on it cause I beat her bad in a tomatoe fight. LA LA LA LA LA.

Hey on the serious side, did any of you hear on the news where a British woman and her daughter found a dead fox in their chicken coop, She says the girls ganged up on it and pecked it to death. I don't know, it was just on the news...Hay.

Sapello, NM(Zone 5b)

So ... the old story of the fox in the hen house is just chicken propaganda to lure innocent naive unsuspecting foxes to their deaths?! That's horrible! There oughta be a law against such blatant misrepresentation of lethal intent.

I knew chickens wanted to rule the world... but I thought they only preyed on humans...

Be afraid, be very afraid!

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

Thanks Haystack, and yep that sure was weird. That sure is a pretty coop, I am leaning towards now coming back as a chicken on Haystacks place.....

Ferndale, WA

He there Miss jester, I would like to know what your scheduling for hatching eggs is like, so I can figure the exact date to send your eggs. If I send them when your already hatching then they could sit there and go bad while the first hatch is taking place, do you understand what I mean? The begining stages of hatching can be confusing so I just want to make sure of when the inc will be available. Have a great day darling...Hay

This message was edited Mar 5, 2010 8:45 AM

Joplin, MO(Zone 6b)

I um... went to the feed store today.. took the boys to get some chick starter so we were ready for next weekend. On the way home I heard cheeping coming from my purse.. and behold inside were two little blueish gray chicks. o my.. how did they ever get in there?

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)


Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)


Joplin, MO(Zone 6b)

:) they are sooooo cute

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Oh I'm sure they are.. please post pics!! We need a visual!!!

Joplin, MO(Zone 6b)

posted... on another thread!

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

I can see them from here! LOL!

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