Propagation: part XIII based on my own experience

Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

Great idea. Are you kiding, they are on every corner around here.

Wrightstown, NJ(Zone 7a)

Now we are learning how to dumpster dive on this group. What next????? Speaking of next, here is a picture of the black pussy willows in full bloom.

Thumbnail by JBerger
Wrightstown, NJ(Zone 7a)

A better view, sorry, I sent the wrong one.

That is what happens when you are in a hurry .............

Thumbnail by JBerger
Tulsa, OK(Zone 6b)

wow that looks great. I just wanted to pop on and say hi. I moved all my important stock plants and DL's into the GH. covered over the veggies with frost blaket. as you can imagine I am feeling it so Its time to get verticle. here is a pic of the GH packed to the gills. I guess If I had more time and energy I could have squeezed a few more in. Have a good evening everyone

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Dave, this is the second time in the last few days when you say you are posting pictures and nothing. Where are they?

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

hay does anyone here have experience with misters?

John is in need of some postings.

if anyone would mind to help him out.

JB love that black PW.


Tulsa, OK(Zone 6b)

OOOPs sorry I keep forgetting.

Thumbnail by Pughbear7
Tulsa, OK(Zone 6b)

cart under cover

Thumbnail by Pughbear7
Tulsa, OK(Zone 6b)

sorry about the forgotten pics. I think I get to adding more to the post and forget to put the pic on the post.
well the white fluffy crap started at 10:00am and the weather man said it would not turmn to snow until noon. we have abot 2 to 3" so far and its still vlowin and goin.
I really dodged a bullit last night. I forgot to close the doors to the GH so I had to go out in the rain last night.. boy am I glad I got it closed last night.

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Dave, your pictures look real good, but aren't your lights a long way off of your planted seeds? Do you have domes on the seeds? If not, do you have saran on them? I put my lights within 1 to 2 inches of the seeds. Depending on what cover I have on them.


Tulsa, OK(Zone 6b)

Yes the issue I have is the plastic cover bounces the flash back when too close. I love the cart. I am hopeing to get a light for each shelf as well as rig up a poly cover with pvc and thick plactic from home depot next year. Everone did quite so well this year when all things were considered.
I just hope the snow did not set everyone else back to bad. I hate the late snow storms. they always set some of my stuff back and it takes weeks just to recover to a decent level of growth.
here is a pic of the snow on a fence... I promise its there
Stay warm

Thumbnail by Pughbear7
Rosamond, CA(Zone 8b)

I like the jug idea for protection during the risky season. What is a Lizzie? I have a mental block.

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Lisianthus. A very pretty flower that I have never had. I tried them a few years ago but they didn't come up. Well, I now have 7 plants up. They grow sooooooo slow. I hope they bloom and are worth the work and wait. I have never seen them except in the T&M catalog.

Yes, I thought the jug protection with the dowel was pretty cool.

Tulsa, OK(Zone 6b)

Impatiens were once called buzzy lizzies. I am sure there are other plants named lizzy..hmm lets see how many plants have the name lizzy

Thumbnail by Pughbear7
Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

That is a beautiful; dl dave. One of your new ones? Very hot. I have a few, maybe a dozen, but don't have room for any more with all the other stuff I have going. Hows long do you keep the ones from seed before you think you can sell them?'


Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)


your GH looks like it is busting at the seams.....

Don't be sending that white stuff this a way, please hold on to it for your enjoyment....LOL


Tulsa, OK(Zone 6b)

I think I can sell them this year as no name seedlings or wait and get blooms and name them and sell them. I look at a 4 - 5 year turn around. This year is naming of some and others just leaf growth. I am thinking of bumping the community pots to gallons so they get a fresh slow release fertilizer as well as room to expand. I am still rolling that around in my head as I know rootbound usually bloom more than the fresh transplants.
Janet I think I could have fit a bit more but i was flat out of steam when I finished. I was wiped out and it took me a bit over 2 hours to move them all I did take a small breaks to keep moving especiall before I watered. I know one thing that it helps to water before a freeze. make sure everyone gets enough water to survive a hard freeze like that especially when it was warm the day before.
I am tired of the stuff though. here is a pic of Space coast freaky tiki

Thumbnail by Pughbear7
Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)


You have some really cool crosses there. I love them both Great colors mixed there.


Rosamond, CA(Zone 8b)

Nice color Dave. My seedlings are popping up daily, but the prob is that I have so much desert land that a lot of stuff is mingled in with weeds, since I spread some seeds in areas that I could not use pre-emergent on, so there is going to be some issues, since weeds will have to establish with the plants since I can't tell them apart at this point. grrr!

Tulsa, OK(Zone 6b)

Hellen sounds like a real issue. I had that problem with some of my stuff. I started waiting for the plants to bloom so I could tag them and pull what I know is a weed. everything looks like a weed when its first emerging from winter rest. at least the do to me. I have gotten better with iding stuff through my seed growing of the hardier plants instead of just flowers.
Can you take back one area each season so its not so overwhelming? I do have to say I am not familiar with dealing with desert conditions, but I am familiar with the sandy soils a desert might have. do you have any beds available to plant in? how is your soil? do you have micro irrigation? I am getting into more and more of the micro irrigation. Its better in the heat of the summer as the water is asorbed rather than evaporating into the air.
well its time to go scout to see how much damage I can see from the late snow fall. I hope its the last one even though we can have more upto the 15th of april just cross my fingers and pray.
The shiney part of moving everyone into the GH is it gave me the roome to clean and rearainge the plants. It allows me to rake all the last of the leaves in and under the plants I have in container's. I am hopeing to putdown ground cloth sometime soon so it will be easier to keep the weeds under controll.
More to follow on the snow outcome

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Dave, what do you mean by micro irrigation?

Rosamond, CA(Zone 8b)

Yes I have almost all micro irrigation, it is so much easier to adjust your water too. I have 5/8 of an acre and have had so many issue, gophers, caleche clay soil, alkaline water and soil, rabbits going through the chain link and munching on my plants, wind, heat, drought, lack of irrigation on timers and in some areas none at all, but that is slowly changing.

Now I have a lot of room for beds. I start a new section each year, it is so overwhelming, but I am getting somewhere, it seems.

I am xeriscaping most of my front yard and side yard area, with exception to a couple planters with roses and Cannas, that I am working on starting this year.

What about you guys, do you have space in your yards for beds?

I have familiarity with most of my seedlings except the wild flower mixes that I put out, they are foreign and look like weeds and are mixed in with weeds.

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Helen, that is one reason I do not buy wild flower mixes. Because you don't know if any of the plants in them are invasive to your area. With so many different ones in there, it seems to me that something is bound to be.

So, tell me what is your micro irrigation?

Tulsa, OK(Zone 6b)

Greetings fellow campers. Today was a glorious day we toped out in the lower 70's, which snow does not like yeah!!! as you can tell I seem to be doing quite well today. I managed an outing to the local garden center always a mood lifter in my book. of course I spotted a bunch of neat new things ...ok new to me.... there was Pelargonium 'chocolate' a cute dark purple almost black. froma distance it was black. I am wondering if its semi hardy here in oklahoma? Oh well I probably wont see it again for another year, as they only had less than a dozen. ok on to the serious stuff.
Micro irrigation (I highly recomend it) is using either drip or soaker hoses to water your plants. the true micro irrigation is the use of a small poly hose that delivers water to each plant its usually under the mulch. I got to play with it at my grandfathers last time I was down in florida. It starts with a 5/8" thin wall black pvc and the 1/8" feeder tubes branch off the big header pipe. They have a spider sprinkler thats cute it looks like a spider made of water. it rotates and covers a pretty good sized area. Home depot sells kits but I just find the free booklet and go from there. I bought the hose bib reducer last year and have some of the 1/8" tubing running along the top of the greenhouse. My biggest problem has been getting the heads to stand up. I use the 1/2 circle and the 1/4 circle to mist everyone down in the greenhouse. I just have a few dry spots to work out. I have added a close up of a micro mist 1/2 circle.
I hope to have it all over the back yard. There was a vendor that would install a sprinkler system for you where its attached to the outside hose bib. the system was $500.00 per zone. so like my front yard would be 3 zones turf, hosta bed and the privacy hedge across the front entry way. Of course I would probably opt for 2 zones and let the turf water the hedge. Its kind of cool but I think If I had a strong helper to dig I could get that accomplished. But then there is a lot to be said for time management. Is it worth my time to install the zones instead of having it done for me. I know my plan this year is to have at a minamum the hose end impack sprinklers on timers so I can just check it from time to time and have the watering done early in the am.
early am watering is best because it helps reduce the evaporation of the water being used. it also is helpfull to combat diseases that are spread by water. I am sure we all are familliar with black spot on roses. I will have to watch the black spot as my new privacy hedge is going to be Photinia and they are really bad about getting it on the leaves. Most of the time its not a killer but it sure is ugly on the plants. If watering is done in the early evening or midnight time frame plants are more susceptable to black spot, powdery mildew and several other nast diseases spread by splashing water and encoraged by staying wet for an extended time over night. In my opinion though when its 100 degrees in the daytime and it only drops to the upper 80's overnight I would think the high temps alone would help with evaporation and reduce the time of exposure to wet condition in which dieases thrive.
I am sure I missed a few diseases that will be encouraged by extended diseases but the basic thought is its best to water at dawn or just before dawn so that the morning sun will evaporate any excess moisture left on the leaves and the early timing increases saturation of the water and get the water where it will be best used. sorry if there is some redundancy in the above. anyone have any questions? Janette would you like to see a pic of the hose bib adapter for the 1/8" tubing? I am sure it can be put on the end of a hose also.

Thumbnail by Pughbear7
Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)


what a timely subject, as I was just going to post a new thread to talk about this.

I'm in the beginning stages of trying to figure out how to lay some water lines to water more efficiently this summer as well as being able to water in the morning instead of evening which is when I had the time to go around and water....

I'm working on a layout of my front flower beds and will post that by the weekend.

for now here is what some of the beds looked like when I first started the beds.


Thumbnail by meadowyck
Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

that was to the right (when looking at our home) and this is too the left.

The bed on the right now has stepping stones in two rows for easy access to the bed.


Thumbnail by meadowyck
Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

the hard part is figuring out how to get a main pvc pipe to each bed and then to other beds that are in the front and on the right side of the yard.

I'm tried of lugging around a hose and that really doesn't offer enough water.

The very front bed, had a soaker hose that I lay on it and then just hook the hose to, which if it comes down to it I don't care to have to do that for each bed, as then I don't have to stand there...LOL

side bed on the right when looking at the house, this one mainly has flowering shrubs in it, with some ground cover and daffodils.


Thumbnail by meadowyck
Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

This one is the front flower bed that runs across the width of this side of the yard, which is the largest side. The left side of the yard is just a strip.


Thumbnail by meadowyck
Tulsa, OK(Zone 6b)

Hi Janet:
Let me roll this around in my head as its late for me and I need to stop for a bit. I am glad to hear the subject is timely. I never know what to chat about here as I think I've covered it all and then poof an idea and poof another one. I am in the midst of doing both front and back yards. I really dont want to rent a trencher so I have to figuire that out butwe will dig in tomorrow.

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

You know, about 30 or more years ago I had a couple of friends dig the trenches for my pvc (then it was the solid) to lay a sprinkler system for my front and back yards. They then put on sprinklers, the Rainbird (can't think of what you call the ones that have the thing that goes back and forth hitting the stream of water). I then bought valves and a timer and wired them all myself to solenoids. It was so wonderful to have the whole yard watered on a timer and it never looked so good.

Now, I think you can rent the machines to pull the pvc hose (on a roll) thru under the soil so it doesn't tear up your yard. The sprinkler company did my mom's like that several years ago.

I think the word for those sprinklers was "interrupters" or something like that?

But, if you all put in sprinkler systems you will not only love them, but increase the value of your property a lot.

I will never forget having my coffee real early one morning and all of a sudden I heard all of this screaming and yelling in my front yard. I ran to the door, and here was a man out there jumping and dancing around trying to dodge my sprinklers. I had had them set to miss the paperboy, but the delivery boy had changed without telling anyone, and we had a new man delivering it. He unfortunately had a different time.

Rosamond, CA(Zone 8b)

Janette, it does not up or value in SoCAl because here it is a necessity in order to grow anything well or if you leave 1 day in the summer, it all croaks.

I have sprinklers on my one grassy side. Which is the only sprinkler system in ground I have. We have horrid water pressure and half the time, parts don't pop up.

I will have to take pictures of our micro water system, that we have now. We just got two more of those complete kids you were talking about and two hose bib timers. We also got more spaghetti lines and several types of heads to add to the old system, that is now not adequate for the grown garden.

I have put some of the spider ones in a couple of areas with a drip only, and ones that spray 360 degrees, but we had to put it up on top of a stick or pvc pipe to make it taller than the plants.

I hate that Photinia watering here, because the leaves burn unless you have them with a drip.

I used to use those micromist flat hoses for watering before but they always crack. I even buried them.

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Helen, no matter with a necessity or a luxury item, it still makes a difference in value. I am not saying it has to be a sprinkler system. A watering system.

What are the kits you got? Very interested.

Tulsa, OK(Zone 6b)

Here is the kit link at home depot. they are also at lowes.

Its just enough to get you started. they also have the 1/4" tubing with a drip emitter every foot or 2 just another thought. Its really kool and interesting puzzle.

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

Thanks Dave
as I want something that will leave with me later this year. with DH still no luck on a job and no luck with Disability we are on countdown..... I figure when the cobra payment shoots back up to 850.00 then we will have a limited about of time in our home, cause I will pay health insurance before I pay a house payment....LOL The choices we end up with....gosh,,,,,

So when the time does come I will be wanted to take as many of my plants with me as possible... this summer everything new is going in pots.....LOL DH said we aren't paying for a rental truck just to haul plants.... I said oh yes I am.... then we both laugh at how crazy it is....


Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

Janet, I am so sorry to hear that. I am hoping someone in Washington will wake up and realize what good is health care if you do not have a job to pay the premiums. Not a political statement, actually a prayer.

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

Sad thing is I just went to look and they don't have them in my area.......

Will keep looking... thanks again Dave for the info.


Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

Thanks worms


Miles City, MT(Zone 3b)

Hi all. Just wanted to say I have this drip-spray system in most of my beds, and I have the drippers to each of my large shrubs with 1/2 sprinklers at the front of beds. Each bed is separate, with a push plug and unplug connection on each. I have issues with water pressure also, and this seems to help a lot. I also water early in the morning. I still have the old to and fro sprinkler for the grass, but it too has the push plug. It is more time consuming because you still have to drag and hook, however, with a timer all is easier. I found it isn't as expensive as the in ground units, and they all have survived our -25 or more winters for the last 5 years. I am really happy with these units especially since you can buy extra parts without having to buy just kits. hope this helps convince a few that it really is a good thing, Lee

Tulsa, OK(Zone 6b)

Janet I am sorry about the failed attempts with disability. I know the 1st thing I did was find me a lawyer that did nothing but ss disability. They will turn you down for the first 2 years just because... Its been my experience.
I do understand about digging everyone up. no sence leaving them to someone who will just pull everything and plant 3 shrubs and a flat of annuals and call it good. I did the same thing when we knew we were going to put our condo up for sale. If it was special it was dug up and hidden in amongst the grasses.
Irrigation direct has fogger heads that would produce a nice mist for cuttings and proagation. the only thing would be to have a timer that would cycle every1 to 2 min. which would have to be adjusted to your specific location and needs.
One thing that does need to be addressed is that if you have a leaky hose bib you will want to get this fixed before setting up a drip irrigation to run automatically. I know most of the time its just a fine seal that needs to be replaced it looks like the pipe tape used on scew on fittings but is in the shape of a thicker string. I am not a plumbing pro somy advice is to either get a friend or family member who know how to fix this or pay the plumber the house call and get all your outside faucets fixed. In one season you will most likely loose 2 to 3 times the cost in water bill than just going ahead and paying the plumber.
I found similar kits online here:

drip king has a 1/4" line with built in emitters every 6", but with the 20' limit it might be strange. I wonder how several lines off the 1/2" main tubing would work? Looks like an experiment to me.
I just typed in drip watering kit and I got what looks like the phonebook of companies wanting to sell the parts and kits.
I hope this helps

Tulsa, OK(Zone 6b)

Lee I agree. I know I will spend a bunch of $$$ on the timers but the time savings will be well worth it. you don't know how many times I have left the two and fro running and then forget and its an hour and a half later. a big waste of water. I believe its our resposability to conserve water where we can.
I know in florida they have specific police driving around looking for people running their sprinklers on days they are not suposed to. They will run them every day and even when its raining. The when its raining really bugs me because they can get an adapter for a few $$$ and it will tell the system to not start because its raining (the sensor is wet). just imagine the amount of water that alone will save.
Last year they were running pictures of the lakes in florida where it had dried up and all the gators were fighting over a small patch of water. It was really funny to here that the police had been called to come remove a gator from the backyard pool.
has any one seen fe fe? here fe fe... i wonder where that darn dog got off to???

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