How's the weather where you live?

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)
There are a total of 294 votes:

Things are just starting to turn green and Spring is around the corner!
(107 votes, 36%)
Red dot

Same as always since we do not have four seasons ( hot, dry, wet? Tell us!)
(4 votes, 1%)
Red dot

It is still cold and wintery where I live.
(138 votes, 46%)
Red dot

I'm south of the Equator, so it is almost Autumn
(2 votes, 0%)
Red dot

Rain, rain, rain. I've had more than my share!
(26 votes, 8%)
Red dot

Hot and dry.
(1 votes, 0%)
Red dot

Other. (Tell us!)
(16 votes, 5%)
Red dot

Previous Polls

South Hamilton, MA

Going to be over 50 on the weekend. With luck we can get gardening in.

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Just barely almost the start of spring, 4-5 weeks later than typical. The birds are definitely getting flirty. We're seeing just the first precocious blooms of wind flower, sun drops, summer snowflake, Gregg's salvia, false dayflower, ... Big fat strapping healthy plants for all the other wildflowers - should be spectacular in another month.

South Hamilton, MA

Cardinals think it's spring here. Not too sure about them as they were singing during last heavy snow.

Odessa, FL(Zone 9b)

I heard yesterday on the news that this is the coldest winter in 60 years here in Florida.


Eastern Long Island, NY(Zone 7a)

I think the Cardinals are going by the sun angle, mine have been singing up a storm in the am too, (while it's snows lightly lol!)

-Got a friend down in Tampa, he says it's been in the upper 30's the last few nights, messed up his palm trees...

Belleville, Ontario, Canada

We here in Ontario 5b are experiencing an early arrival of spring. The forecast is for warm days and cold nights. I believe this could a most treacherous time for some garden perennials that suffer badly from dehydration and the thawing and freezing cycle that is almost a probability with this weather. The frost in the ground was 27 inches at Christmas according to a local grave digger and now it's about 17 inches. So it won't be long until everything will be warm enough to start to grow.
I would be interested to know if anyone has a strategy to deal with impending problem.

Rosamond, CA(Zone 8b)

I sure don't, it is unfathomable to me, in the desert of California, but I sure don't envy that problem. On the other hand, in the dry, hot summer, I will see your green florishing yard and look at the tumbleweeds blowing down the road and say, Oh I wish I lived there right now.

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

With it being an EL NINO our usual 25-30" of rain per month, we were down to .50" in 3 months. And the whole state has been experiencing a drought and this winter has made it horrible. Imagine plants that normally live semi hydroponically suddenly have zip. We did mulch heavily in anticipation.... We usually have snow on Moana Kea and this year zip.

Watertown, WI(Zone 5a)

Finally in the 40s around here, but to me it's still way too cold and wintry. I couldn't say that things are greening up since the snow cover hasn't quite melted yet...especially not in my shady yard.

Alamogordo, NM(Zone 7b)

Collage I made last week of what is blooming in my yard so far.

Thumbnail by cactuspatch
SW, WI(Zone 4b)

woohoo! Some warm days *and* nights along with some rain have finally melted the bulk of the snow, and some green is popping out!
The sedums and sempervivums are green underneath...there are even a few patches of green grass!
I'd love to see something blooming...but we're not *quite* there yet!

Just hoping the rain doesn't cause more flooding. We (and others) have had enough of that for another 100 yrs or so (which is ultimately inevitable) with floods in 2007 and 2008 both!

Rosamond, CA(Zone 8b)

You guys don't know how bad we needed the rain that you did not get in Hawaii.

Harris, MN

Snow is almost gone in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area of Minnesota. Should be in the 60s today.


The temp was around 38 deg. yesterday and the snow/ice is down a couple of inches. Started the heater in the greenhouse and the soil is thawing. Soon now!!!

South Hamilton, MA

Daffodils in front of our stonewall are up to about 4".

Oconomowoc, WI(Zone 4b)

A full 60* today! Where's my trowel...and rake...and nippers...and bucket...and leaf blower...and muckboots...and hat...and...

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