Newbie question: growing salad greens indoors

Watertown, WI(Zone 5a)

Hello! Dave's regular here, but first post to this forum. :)

We recently learned that my husband has become diabetic and, in the interest of feeding him (and the rest of my family) right, I'd like to start growing some fresh produce of my own--particularly salad greens. The problem is, I have a very shaded yard and the few sun spots I have are dedicated to things like tomatoes and a couple raspberry plants (and those spots are not even quite sunny enough for that), so I'm resigned to growing indoors. I'm wondering if some of you could share your information and how-tos about growing salad greens (and perhaps some other veggies) exclusively indoors. I do have a light setup for seed starting (although not a big one) and room to expand.


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