(Daniel) Mount Orab, OH(Zone 6b)

I like chickweed...

North Pole, AK(Zone 1)

Chickweed is horribly invasive up here...Like kudzu in the south...yuck! It ends up in all your container plantings, raised beds, grass, veggie gardens...sun, shade, doesn't care...overruns everything...I'll send ya some...LOL

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

There's some crazy robin singing away today. Sure makes it feel like spring is around the corner

(Daniel) Mount Orab, OH(Zone 6b)

No thanks, I have all I can use:0

The main reason I like it is cuz it keeps everything so green! And... It does not behave like a weed. All it does is sprout in early Spring, grow for a few weeks, then dies. And repeat in the fall. What a nice weed!


Thumbnail by DMgardener
Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

ok, show me a pix if the chic weed...

(Daniel) Mount Orab, OH(Zone 6b)

The only birds I get see are lots of Blue Jays, Cardinals, Tufted Titmice, and the occiansionl (i cant spel) Woodpecker.
In summer, there are Hummingbirds! Yay!


This is the closest I have been to one>

Thumbnail by DMgardener
Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

That robin is a sure sign that spring can't be far away Joanne. The sparrows and warblers are always on top of my water containers every morning (at least that what my neighbor tells me). The parrots are the ones making the most noise during the course of the day.

(Daniel) Mount Orab, OH(Zone 6b)

This is the best I can do>

Thumbnail by DMgardener
Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Danny, is that a coleus?

No birds here yet other than the Canadian geese.. but then they stay all winter anymore.

North Pole, AK(Zone 1)

That little bitty leaved "stuff all around the coleus is chickweed...Give it 10 minutes, you won't see the coleus...LOL

BTW...Chickweed is edible...But it would reproduce itself double while you were eating one small salad with it...Guess you can tell I HATE the stuff...Doesn't die and comeback here...just GROWS! It's like the first thing we see in spring and the last thing once frost has killed everything else...

Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

Oh...yuck. I've seen WAY too much of that stuff at my parents. When I'm visiting, I'll do lots of weeding for them and that's about 90% of the weeds I'm pulling out. I hate that stuff also.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Is that what that is!! LOL!.. well I am not without it. Not that I want it, I just was not sure what it was. Ok, its chick weed.. hmmm! LOL!

I have what I think is creepingcharlie.. kind of a purply green leavded thing with blue flowers...well anyway I think its creeping charle.. got a punjent odor to it, kind of pretty in a dumb odd sort of way..

North Pole, AK(Zone 1)

As far as I'm concerned, Charlie is Chick's Evil Twin...LOL

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Polar bar salad! LOL!

Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

Yep, some reindeer with cranberry and some chickweed salad. Mmm mmm good.

North Pole, AK(Zone 1)

MMMmmm..Yummmy...Well, the reindeer with cranberry is but I'll leave the chickweed salad for my friends...

Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

I agree. Have tried reindeer with cranberry and liked it. Will stick to traditional lettuce in me salad also.

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

One good thing about's a great green manure...with that said I still hate the stuff. You can't weed or mulch enough to keep it out of the flowerbeds.

Well...Shut my Mouth! I was prefectly comfortable yesterday in sweats while I played outside. Came back in around 1 as the clouds were rolling in...went out side again in less than an hour and the tempt had plummeted....4 o'clock it was snowing. Cold as a well diggers heiny this am."Don't like the weather?.....Wait a minute"

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)


Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

Me or the weather?

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

LOL! YOu up already???

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

awake since 3:12 up since 4 made a mad dash to my friend's house at next community over about 5 miles away because radio toned out their 1 st. responders for a woman having trouble breathing on her street but turned out it was her neighbor right next door. So friend was sound asleep not knowing anything was going on. Should ahve beat on her door,got her up to amke me breakfast for being such a good friend....LOL

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Well, comon over...if you can squeez one of my girls, we can have eggs. Dang, aint seeen an egg for months!

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

CHICKEN SQUEEZIN"S...YUM! Our try to start laying on the warmer days but then it turns cold again and they shut down production. I'm buying feed,feeding birds and having to buy eggs at WallyWorld...Dag!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

YUK, nothing werst that store bought eggs....I put lights on to fake them out.. they were cackling the other day, but nuthin... dang. Then the price of storeboughts, like everything else is ridiculous...

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

egg prices here are alright...if I wasn't buying fed for girls that ain't puttin' out

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

yAA, NO KIDDUN.. $10 a week to feed 12 and no eggs....Them thar are spensive eggs here.


Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

I wished Shurm would re-work the old dog pen in the backyard into a chicken coop,move the banties over here get rid of the others and the donkeys. Banties are the better layers,other girls are getting old and the donkeys are to protect the chickens. That and 5 dogs make our livestock fed bill about as much as I spend weekly on gro.

Gimme COFFEE! Got up at 4:30 this am...better than 3 something. No point in trying to start trying to sleep in at this late date as market will be opening mid-March for the new season.

How'd we get so OT?

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Its a cafe.. where everybody speaks their mind! LOL! I want chocolate. Well or at least a cresant, with sausage and egg.

I fell this morning on a peice of ice.. dang, cant get through a winter without at least one spill. like the old bones needed to be rattled.

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

Ya better watchit,gurly! We don't bounce well any more at our age.

Speaking of age. I was trying to figure out how long we've been yammering at each other since the day of yore and dinosuars that we became pen pals via Organic Gardening magazine and wondering if that mag still exsisted. Back in the early or mid 90's wasn't it.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Nope, the only thin bouncing here is the hanging baskets...! LOL! Got a knot in my back now.. so no happy camping today

Well letsee, 6'2" and I been hitched some 21+ so its that and maybe then some? Shoot, must be late 80's if that...

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

OMG...yer so old! LOL...that long? Well,my mind wanders and forgets to come back. I just can't keep track of dates any more. Sad to say,half the time I don't know how old each DGK is any more.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Waaaz I yer first?

OMG.. I was a virgin seed swapper back then..

Come ta think of it, Im still a virgin though. Thas why after all these ye-ars 6'2" and I are still on our hummynoon! Hez waiting for the right time! LOL! wink wink!

Just cant get him ta hole the still long enuff!


Dang lasagna!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

So how is everyone doing in the Gardening Olypicks?

Today we have the Keester Meets Ice Slolum....So far the iice is winning....UGH!

Going to be around 30 so its freezy sleezy weather.

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

Don't watch them

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

No silly, not them, the Olympicks in yer garden..... still got snow do ya?

Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

Unfortunately (or fortunately) we only participate in the Summer Gardening Olympics down here y'all. Ice comes out of the freezer in cube form.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Aaaaah soz you participate in the Slam Dunk Tea Totalling Slolum!

Well, the lemonade is coming up soon.

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

Okey dokey....I plea not enough sleep last night to read correctly.

Hub's is down the road fixing breeding kennel water tanks. Breeder told me yesterady,he had a new litter of red boston terriors...dare I go look? Do I need another dog?(5 already)....but they're so cute. Think I'll saddle up the chu-who-a-who-a,grab the camera and go "oh and aw"

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Awwwwwww, you go girl! Looky, touchy, but no no no!

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