My Morning Glory adventures February 2010

NW/Central , IL(Zone 5a)

Thanks! I always have one of the cups like that in the car.

Lake, MI

I just love Morning Glorys they are one of my very favorite plants in this whole world.

I tried the blue one with the white edges that is sometimes double last year I got one lone flower on a six inch plant. I did something wrong. I stuck it under my japanese maple tree. The ones I put in the sun in front of my trellis died:(

How soon can you start them in the house before you can plant them outside?

I got more of the new blue ones this year and am hoping for better results.

Grandpa ott and heavenly blues do excellent.

I love the pics of the butterflies they are so beautiful

Here is one pic I took of a butterfly


Thumbnail by Amos55
Lake, MI

Here is another one

Thumbnail by Amos55
NW/Central , IL(Zone 5a)

Those are both beautiful clear shots!

Cumberland Mtns, TN(Zone 6b)

Debra, I don't know how you OR Becky keep up with those names.

that pink flower works for me.

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Amos - Beautiful blooms and butterflies! :-) Two of my favorite things! :-) Wonderful photos!

I would start your MGs about a month before planning to transplant them outdoors. BUT ... you can grow them indoors much longer if you have enough light and heat on them. I grew them indoors for the first time last year and enjoyed them for several months before transplanting them to the garden. :-)

Phyllis - LOL! I remember the names if I have grown them! LOL! But Debra's got me beat with all the names of all the different plants she has! I would not remember all of them like she does!

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Amos, those are the most beautiful shots I have seen in a log time. Awsome! I love your oriental lilly. Is tha second shot on a butterfly bush? Gorgeous.
Tonight I started my tray of Kansas native wild lfowers. Blue sage .. compass plant, leather flower, clammy weed, blue verbena, pale coneflower, giant hyssop, Prairie petuinia ( ruella) , button bush, drummonds aster, snow on the mountain, blue star flower, ( wild laurentia),white wild indigo, blue wild phlox, culvers root, bindweed, and winecups. I will have an area that will not require much water for everything except the button bush. That will be so cool. My blue lobelia is up and so is the cardinalis and the meadow violets. I had a bad day at work, so rushed home to get the seeds out of the refridgerator where they have been stratified.
I also planted some kansas pandurata that was stratified. I made a tray of four different coleus starts.
I feel more productive tonight than I was today at work. feels good.
I start alot of seeds right now. I have morning glorys everywhere... If you have the room and the window sill, then start planting! ;D

Salvia Rose Queen

Thumbnail by joeswife
Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10b)

I was thinking about keeping one or two of each variety in a pot, perhaps indoors, to collect seeds. I guess one could mark a given vine while flowering and check it for seeds. Baggie twisty ties or yarn would work.

Lake, MI

I'm glad you like the pictures.

I have a lilac tree that was here when we moved in, so not sure what it is. It is pink and last year it was loaded with monarchs. You should have seen me running around with my camera trying to get a good picture, I looked like a mad woman.

Yes it is a butterfly bush. Here is another pic I got of a clearwinged hummingbird moth. Just love them.

I think I will get started with my MG seeds, well at least some to give your idea a try.

Thanks for all your help


Thumbnail by Amos55
Cumberland Mtns, TN(Zone 6b)

Hey Debra, I'd like to have primrose seeds if there are any left. I'll get an SASE out tomorrow, k?

I like how a MG was climbing on it.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Love that shot amy. I had one show up last year here in Kansas, it was beautiful. I have a lilac bush.. mine is an old fashioned lilac. I love it. I did get a stick of a chinese lilac. Can't wait to see what it does.
Phyllis, no problem, will send it back to you. Today after work, I sat down with my Dh and sorted thru a pan of seeds from my adventures out in the country. will send you some of those too, since they grow so well out in full sun. another good thing to grow mgs on is the tall cosmos. A nice other plant for them to climb on is the cleome , and of course the sunflowers. Hubby liked my live privacy walls around this patio..

Thumbnail by joeswife
Cumberland Mtns, TN(Zone 6b)

yes, i love cleome. I grew cleome last year and saved LOTS of seeds. but that yellow primrose will be pretty with all my blues, LOL.

I love your privacy fence too. the more the merrier.

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10b)

What lovely pictures for a cold, snowy day. I am a little jealous of your beautiful yard and spare room! I have been looking to move to a bigger place with more garden space, but am doing my best in the meantime.

Lake, MI

I love your patio walls such a good idea. I could see myself sitting and reading a good book with a tall glass of cold lemonade. I bet the hummer's come and feast.

That is such a good idea to grow mg up the plants. I did that last year on a new peach tree I planted. My DH was mad at me and said it would hurt the tree. It was just fine. He worries to much.

I am so ready for spring........


(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Debra and Amy - WOW! Lovely plant photos! I'm ready for Spring, too! :-) I do love those MG walls! ;-)

The vines do look lovely climbing up and blooming in a tree! ;-) Any photos you could post of that? I'd love to see how it looked! :-)

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Oh Amy, that is funny, your Dh and Mine sound like the same guy. I let my mgs grow up our old pear tree. Course, it really doesn't hurt them, by the time they are vining and twinng, they fruits are already gone here.
Garden, what is your name? I am Debra.. nice to meet you, and I know it is hard to grow alot i a small space, I used to live in a house with a tiny tiny yard, but I used anything I could find for things to grow in or on..LOL

I am looking forward to seeing all of your pictures of this coming Spring and Summer. All I can do right now is stare at years past Garden designs in my Back Yard Project, and try to imagine things done in a different way. The sun was out today and it got up to 39 whoohoo!

Phyllis, here is a nice picture of the yellow evening primrose.. I have the pink ones too that smell good, but they don't get tall, and I have the white kansas native ones too.

I love Beckys way of displaying them in the white tubs, tho.I am going to try that this summer I have decided... and I especially like her cement donut rings. I can't find any here ...

Thumbnail by joeswife
(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Debra - The concrete donuts are used to protect sprinkler heads. Possibly in the irrigation section of HD or in the patio paver section. That's where I got mine and I also saw them at Lowe's. :-)

Pretty Primrose. What do the pink smell like? I love fragrant blooms. :-)

Cumberland Mtns, TN(Zone 6b)

me too. Fragrant first, then color, then the blooms. thats what i look for most, i think.

guys. i am so lost on the other site. i can't remember where Ive posted, there's so many threads within a thread within a forum within a cubit. on mine, on the tn gardening one...on almost all I go to. helpppp. i guess i'm getting old or cantankerous. i can't find nothing anymore.(thats a double negative, i know) i dont mean the ones that show up as Threads i'm watching. its 'after' Ive posted or want to look for something.

dont you think this one is easier to follow? i guess i'm just old.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

It seems to me that if you don't "watch" the threads in the forums in the cubits that you have joined, you will miss out on what you wanted to hear from your post. it shows the last unread at the top. if you havn't read it for a few hours, you have to scroll all thru the chitchat to catch up and/or see your reply.
I love the new endeavor, but like you, dear Phyllis, I am old. And, don't have a lot of free time now, either.. as you can see by the times I post.
Anyway, I have a picture of the white evening primrose, which is going to be rampant this year, since i see it popping up thru the leaves already. ( I cover my beds with about two feet of leaves thru the winter) The pink looks like it n bloom, also fragrant, but blooms at night, like the yellow, but stays about 8 to ten inches high instead of up to 8 ft tall, like the showy yellow. Hope that didn't confuzzle anyone.

Thumbnail by joeswife
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

this is what I like most about the tall showy yellow evening primrose..

Thumbnail by joeswife
Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

I agree Nannie, guess I'm getting old too. lol

Cumberland Mtns, TN(Zone 6b)

well, it shows the threads you're watching. but if a new thread/forum has been opened up, unless you click on the main Cubit, you dont see the new ones. there can be lots of new ones and you dont know it just by following threads you are watching.

(shaking my cane and clacking my teeth) i want the old days back.

like Becky's...i can see the need for cultivars, and different 'informational' forums. but one i was on, we were talking about poppies and wintersowing and I never know where I'm supposed to post. etc. etc.

ok. i'll hush.

Debra...i only had one stamp. i'll mail it tomorrow. have you ever grown bee balm? it's in the monarda family. i grew it in a pot accidently and by the time I realized what it was, i was afraid to move it in the ground.

Thumbnail by nanniepb
Cumberland Mtns, TN(Zone 6b)

Oh yeah, I've seen those before. I dont have any, but they would look good on my bank.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

I love beebalms.... I havn't see that strain of yours tho..I have about 6 kinds so far.

Thumbnail by joeswife
Cumberland Mtns, TN(Zone 6b)

if I saved the seed right, you'll have 7 =)

Thumbnail by nanniepb
(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Cute Beebalm! I can smell them now ...

Cumberland Mtns, TN(Zone 6b)

somebody want to work for me tomorrow?

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

I have to work too, I tried to do some gardening tonight downstairs, but I just sorta wandered around, didn't see any bugs and then told them all maybe tommorrow after work..
I am so tired... keep pictures coming of spring..

Thumbnail by joeswife
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Okay first day of march... this is i. plantesis with some other mgs... new thread coming..

here comes March!

This message was edited Mar 1, 2010 9:47 PM

Thumbnail by joeswife
Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10b)

I think there is a mistake in the link posted above. It leads me back to this page.

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Here is the correct link:

Apopka, FL(Zone 10a)

Yellow evening primrose is a native wildflower (weed) in the midwest.

Common Evening Primrose, Night Willow-herb, Hoary Evening Primrose
Oenothera biennis

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Thanks, Becky!
John, you are so very right.. it is very tall in the wild, that is why I like it. ;)

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