Will the groundhog see his shadow?

(Zone 7a)
There are a total of 199 votes:

Yes, he will at my house...six more weeks of winter here.
(85 votes, 42%)
Red dot

Not here! Spring is on the way!
(58 votes, 29%)
Red dot

I'm south of the Equator and it is still summer.
(3 votes, 1%)
Red dot

What does a groundhog have to do with the weather?
(49 votes, 24%)
Red dot

I live in a frost-free climate and it is already spring.
(4 votes, 2%)
Red dot

Previous Polls

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

that garden pest always sees it's shadow!!!

Saint Petersburg, FL

I certainly hope not! Even if Florida, this winter has gone on too long.

This year though, I'll be among the first to know! Phil will be texting me his predictions tomorrow. Not sure how he gets his little paws to press the right keys though. Maybe he has an Admin Assistant?

Madison, IL(Zone 6b)

I feel optimistic just knowing that Groundhog Day is tomorrow! Before you know it, we'll be flippin' the calendar over to March & running the clocks ahead an hour. Time to start exercising more, or I'll be all sore achy muscles from the Spring gardening chores. I'm looking forward to seeing the crocus bloom that I planted last Fall. I've printed out a February calendar with the sunrise & sunset times. The daylight hours will be 11 1/2 by the last day of February. We're getting closer to the Spring equinox which will occur on March 20 at 17:32 UTC. (I looked it up.) Almost time to start growing the tomato and pepper plants.

Peachtree City, GA(Zone 7b)

Spring is on the way!! Thats my story and I am sticking to it!

Waukesha, WI(Zone 5a)

makes no difference to me 6 weeks is 6 weeks no matter how we look at it. I am so tired of cold, snow and more cold.

Bark River, MI

I need another choice -- I don't think the groundhogs will come out of hibernation here for another 6 weeks!

Tonasket, WA(Zone 5a)

They'll wake up Phil anyway.

It has been cloudy most of Jan. but warmer than normal, so can't complain too much. We see the sun a few minutes some afternoons.

I am soaking a coir brick in anticipation of planting seeds very soon


Assuming we HAD groundhogs here, which we don't, the poor baby would not have a chance of seeing his shadow! We're getting another 2 inches this afternoon and there is no indication it's going to get better any time soon!

Hebron, KY

With all the lights and cameras on him, he's going to see his shadow.

Beautiful, BC(Zone 8b)

There is panic in the streets - not enough snow for some of the Olympic venues. I can't remember when there was last frost on the ground and my palm seedlings are popping up all over the garden. Cloudy and rainy so Mr Groundhog won't see his shadow and it's his time to come out of hibernation.

Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

Dag-nabbit groundhog here better run around as if it were his last day on earth - or it may be.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

The groundhog thing is an urban myth. Now if a mountain lion sees a groundhog and hides, well THAT twould be a whole nother bag of apples!

Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

HA! - please get video on that one!

L.A. (Canoga Park), CA(Zone 10a)

I chose "what does a groundhog have to do with the weather?" Yes, I know the legend, but I also know that it is sooo bogus. Has anyone ever seen spring in PA start (and hang on) on February 2?

Albuquerque, NM(Zone 7b)

I think our local groundhog is bipolar. Inside one week, out and about the next, then in, then out, ...

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

I said he will see his shadow, but actually it all depends on what time of day he comes out. We had a combination of sunny and overcast skies throughout the day.

Southern, WI(Zone 5a)

I voted for wishful thinking....spring is not the way....

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Much like the balloon winds dparsons? Back and forth; twixt and tween?

Kalama, WA(Zone 8b)

Quote from Marilynbeth :
With all the lights and cameras on him, he's going to see his shadow.

LOL Marilynbeth

So far, we've only had 1 week in December that looked and felt like winter here. The whole month of January seemed like a PNW spring. I'm hoping we dodged winter entirely.
But we're probably not that lucky. I voted that he wouldn't see his shadow.


Corning, NY(Zone 5a)

OK This rat thing has me going, First off as Marilynbeth says, SHUT OFF THE LIGHTS! Second, Why does this rat have air conditioning in the summer & heat in the winter when lots of people don't even have food? Just my zero cents:)Anita

Hebron, KY

I've been having Spring Fever for days now, It can't be Spring here soon enough!

Darn those groundhogs! Always 'predicting 6 more weeks of Winter'!

We can't be that lucky to get Spring here that early anyway.

Rats!!!! lol

Kalama, WA(Zone 8b)

That would be pretty early for spring actually. What's 6 more weeks? I'm sure some of your winters typically last longer than that.

New Waverly, TX(Zone 8b)

I voted for early spring. I hate cold weather, and am ready for the heat. I can cool off easier than I can warm up! This has been the coldest winter we have had for more than a decade.

Bark River, MI

Quote from Joy :
That would be pretty early for spring actually. What's 6 more weeks? I'm sure some of your winters typically last longer than that.

I can vouch for that!



Albuquerque, NM(Zone 7b)

Yep, balloon winds dahlianut. Lots of wind.

Cedarhome, WA(Zone 8b)

Annette -- I too am looking forward to spring, although I am opposite you -- I find it much easier to warm up than cool down, and really can't abide temps much over 80 (something in the way distant past at this point...)

Flora, IN(Zone 5a)

The ground hogs here are smart and choosing to sleep in . Too cold to get out of bed just to go back and take a nap.
I on the other hand start my winter sowing on groundhog day and look forward to spring.
By-the -way if you don't like his prediction BBQ groundhog is very delicious.

Fresno, CA(Zone 9a)

Im going with Genaral Lee In Georgia. He said spring is coming early.

Nurmo, Finland(Zone 4b)

Wish I knew what a ground hog is. Is it the same as a hedgehog?


Kissimmee, FL(Zone 9b)

Pat G, I haven't seen one either, nor do I know the significance of groundhog day or watching his shadow - perhaps someone could explain it for us. (I am British)

Flora, IN(Zone 5a)

Today's article on DG has some pictures and some information.
It can explain better than I

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

well today ours didn't see his and I'm thrilled as I want winter to be on its way out....


Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

I'm not sure if the groundhog here saw his shadow, but we won't have 6 more weeks of winter, regardless. (Yes, I'm spoiled!) Here is a photo of a groundhog, though... (not mine, but it has a Creative Commons license, so it's ok to use.) They're cute little guys when they aren't eating your garden.

Thumbnail by Marylyn_TX
Logan Lake, BC(Zone 3a)

Go to the Wildlife forum to see the Yellow-bellied groundhog photos that I posted today.;-)


Bark River, MI

Quote from patgeorge :
Wish I knew what a ground hog is. Is it the same as a hedgehog?


I'm pretty sure groundhogs (also called "woodchucks") are bigger than a hedgehog - and aren't the hedgehogs kind of prickly? I know they sell them here as a somewhat exotic pet, but most of what I know of hedgehogs comes from "Alice in Wonderland." I'm also pretty sure most of us really have no idea about the origins of groundhog's day, but on Feb. 2nd it's a great excuse for a midwinter party, in my opinion! Maybe you can get a "hedgehog day" started!


Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)


Love that cute pic of the groundhog. Glad we don't have any of those scoundrels here. Well, now it is official. No one saw there shadow here today as it rained all day long.

Houston Heights, TX(Zone 9a)

Joy, I think I know what happened to your winter!! It showed up HERE, in Houston!!! We had 7 nights in a row of mid to low twenties, reducing everything in my front garden to hanging black shreds and I walk out my front door to be greeted by the smell of dying vegetation, ugh! This only comes along very seldom for us. We usually stay green throughout the winter. Our ground never freezes so most of these plants will come back from the root but it will be like starting all over. 12 foot tall Brugmansias, 10 foot Firespike, ginger, impatiens, firecracker fern, iresine, begonias, Mexican heather, hypoestes, tradescantia, wedelia...all dead. The survivors were azaleas, roses, irises, Hippeastrum, jasmines, chrysanthemums, lettuces and winter root veggies. I think that at least up North, freezing is expected so you probably dont try to grow a lot of the tropicals that we do. We go along for 10 to 15 years and then...Gotcha!!! We lose almost everything. Azaleas bloom here in February so at least that is just around the corner and the bare landscape revealed all the tools Ive "lost" over the years. How's that for looking on the bright side? Marty

Kalama, WA(Zone 8b)

You know Marty, I think you're right. Those tempts you just described would be normal for here at this this time of the year. We don't usually stay that cold for long, but we often have at least a light frost over night. And that's been pretty much non-existent this year too. The plants you lost are the same plants I have to grow in pots and store in a frost free area every winter. They won't make it til spring if I don't, or if I'm lucky and they do, like you say, they have to start all over again. Now I hope the mix up doesn't continue and we get your summer heat and you get our gray skies and rain until July.
Actually, we haven't been experiencing that so bad for a number of years now either! ;-)


Xai Xai, Mozambique

phew, here its 100+ degrees, definitely not cold!!!

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