PollyK has a birthday today!

Nantucket, MA(Zone 7a)

Polly, My very best thoughts out to you today. Cold and blustery, but a good day to stay inside and think about the coming glories of spring. Patti

Thumbnail by bbrookrd
South Hamilton, MA

Polly, were you born in Jan. so you could grow up a couple of months & garden. Have a happy one & don't go outside now.

Port Vincent, LA(Zone 8b)

I hope you have a very happy Birthday Polly.


Huron, OH(Zone 5b)

Happy B-day, Polly. I hope it is a nice one!

Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

Polly, have a wonderful and healthy Birthday. May the next year bring you all you desire.

Thumbnail by WormsLovSharon
Happy Jack, AZ(Zone 5a)

Happy Birthday Polly! Have a wonderful day.

Thumbnail by HappyJackMom
Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Just got home from work. Can you believe my daughter made me work on my birthday? At least she fed me.

And coming home to find all these sweet birthday wishes just made my day.

Thank you so much, Patti. Love that iris. You are such a sweetheart!

Lucy, I did start gardening at two months, how did you know?

Thank you Debbie!

Thank you Jumper2, it has been so far. Going out to eat tonight. I guess. I'm not looking forward to the 6 degrees, but someone elses cooking sounds good.

How adorable, Sharon. Thank you!

Happy Jack Mom, thank you, and what a beautiful iris.

Thank you all.

Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Very bestBirthday wishes to you,Polly, and many, many more. Just wanted to let you know I have Japanese iris in the back of the toilet tank, and another batch in the refrigerator, following the Ensata directions this time.

Sparkling Rose

Thumbnail by mittsy
Central, SC

I don't know you Polly, but I too hope you have a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! :o)

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Thank you Mittsy. Why am I not surprised about you having JIs in the back of the toilet tank, LOL.

Thank you BerthaEmma. Hang around on this forum, and you'll get to know me.

Tomah, WI

Wishing you the very best on your birthday, and a year of beautiful blooms!

Lebanon, OR

Darn, was hoping to be first one to wish you a super BD Polly, got some JI and Sibs today for the price of ZERO just for digging....


Thumbnail by irisloverdee
Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Thank you so much, Mattsmom. I'm looking forward to that year, believe me. 8 degrees here and light snow.

Thank you Dee! I hope you were thinking of me when you dug those FREE JIs and sibs, LOL. Every happy birthday I get is a first, and very treasured, my friend.

Lebanon, OR

I did:)


Look for the list I sent

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)


BRB, LOL. That's short for running to look at Dee's list.

Calvert City, KY(Zone 7a)

Happy Birthday from me too, Polly!
Yet again....

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Thank you Sharon Sharran!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yet again.

I so much appreciate you, my friend.

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Wow, great irises you got there, Dee. You lucky bum. It was good for you to deal with irises for a day too.

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Oh, and my granddaughter found out today she is getting her black belt, so it was a really good day for me. The dojo makes up a t shirt with the names of all the people who are getting their black belts on it, and they have a mock up on a piece of cardboard. It had all the names, but instead of Jenna, they put Big Bird. She went in for her meeting to see if she would get her belt and looked at the mock up, and looked like she was going to cry, and said I don't think I'm getting my black belt Mommy. Hammy is, and Jinguin, and Big, WHAT?????? Then she caught on. At age 7 she will be the youngest adult black belt in the dojos 35 year history. So that really made my day.

Then my grandson got the Presidential award of excellence notice today. So I'm very proud of both my grandchildren.

Jenna called me and said Happy Birthday Grammy, and can I come stay overnight soon, and can we make cookies, and can we go to the dollar store, please. Sure. OK, bye. Jamie talked awhile.

They all will be out on Sunday to fix me lunch, and hopefully not cake.

Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

Polly my dear friend Happy Birthday. I did not see this until now and sure wish I had earlier. I hope your day was a Happy one and that this year brings you iris as beautiful and dreamy as this little piece of heaven in the mountains here.
Love you

Thumbnail by rebloomnut
Lebanon, OR

Some of them have a certain persons name on them:)


Raleigh, NC

oh Polly, I'm so sorry I missed your birthday! Many happy more!

We left very early for Dr. Epperson's funeral about 90 mins. away in High Point yesterday. I didn't have the heart for much on DG after that, and there's a great deal of work to take over and finish now that he's gone. came home and scrambled to complete preparations for big winter storm that has left us our first snow of the winter.

But you would have LOVED his garden, now under a deep blanket of snow. such lovely siberians, and Lucy would love his collection of medians!

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Thank you Steph? Is that your place? Lovely and peaceful. I love the mountains.

Thank you Bonjon. I will have to see if there are any pictures around of Dr Epperson's gardens. I'm sure I would have loved them. It's very nice of you to offer to help out.

Dee, now I'm excitied!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Houghton Lake, MI(Zone 4b)

Oh Polly, sorry I missed your birthday, hope you had a wonderful one. Birthday wishes for a wonderful year.

Thumbnail by Mshadow
Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Shadow, thank you so much! I did have a great one, and I'm planning for a wonderful birthday year, LOL. Lots of new irises in my beds to see, so this spring will be fun. And it can't be too far away, right? Even though it's only 2 here today.

What is that lovely JI?

Houghton Lake, MI(Zone 4b)

The JI is Pinkerton. I know, I can't wait. Lots of new beardless here too that I hope will all bloom this year. The temperature here is now up to 7. Supposed to go up to 20 today. :)

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

That's good it's Pinkerton. That one is new for me, and hasn't bloomed yet, so now I can really look forward to it!

I think this is the last of our really cold. Right around the freezing mark at the end of this week and then for the next couple of weeks. So they say.

Raleigh, NC

Thank YOU for the cudos, Polly, but I haven't done anything...yet. spoke words of encouragement to Ruth Barker, who is a little overwhelmed at the moment. She'll need our prayers as she sorts through Roy's boxes of stuff. Roy's daughters let them help sort out the AIS stuff that needs to be sent forward to others, because they don't know what anything is. Think I heard someone say Roy had been our ENCIS treasurer for 40 years? A lot there. Others (ENCIS members) had already stepped up and were doing that.

It was my first time there. Was so moved by the overwhelming feeling of being in the garden of a kindred spirit, even in the dead of winter. Found myself volunteering to spearhead getting his garden ready for it's last tour at Region 4's Spring Conference. right up my ally - no discussion to make or meetings to take, just a ton and a half of weeding already with more to come.

Will take lots of photos of his garden in bloom for you.

South Hamilton, MA

Photos not only for us but for AIS if his daughters wish them & can not send copies to the library. My eldest daughter knows that our 'World of Iris' should be kept as it is signed by Bee Warburton, but she also knows to send stuff that the girls don't want to Median Society & AIS. I worry about garden sculpture named 'Snailmaker' because no one likes him but me.

Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

Polly not my place but near a cousins place. It was so serene I had to get some photo's.

Raleigh, NC

is does look like a hideaway haven, rebloomnut.

Anita is planning on being here for the conference. I hope she'll take dozens of photos and share them around. And I'll take some, too.

Lucy, I'll only be the caretaker for a short time. All the irises are being donated to either AIS or ENCIS. Don't know if that was his daughters' wishes or his bequest.

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

It is lovely Steph. I would never leave, I don't think.

Can't wait to see pics, Bonnie.

Winston-Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

happy birthday!

Winnsboro, TX

Happy Belated Birthday Polly!!! As usual I'm a day or two late and a dollar short. LOL

It sounds as tho' you had a great time and are going to get some wonderful irises from Dee's diggings for your B-day.
Recon I could tell Dee a small (white) lie like it's my birthday too, and maybe she would share some of her hard work free irises with me???? I didn't think so, (LOL) but I thought it might be worth a shot.

I'm day dreaming of gardens choked full of irises very soon. Praying that we all have a wonderful bloom season that's not nearly as wet as last springs.

I loved the picture too Steph. I love anything painted in that Barn yard Red!!!
Hope everyone has a Glorious Sunday and week!
Love each and everyone of you,

Lizella, GA(Zone 8a)

Happy Belated Birthday, Polly. Been down to Florida soaking up some sun and warm weather.. now back to cold gloomy stuff,,sigh,,, oh to win the lottery. Of course, they can't grow these wonderful irises down there. And if we keep having all this rain into the spring, I'm afraid some of mine will rot. They are all planted on sloping ground, so may be ok.

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Thank you flowergirl!

Thank you Marion, I'm dreaming of irises too.

Hi Elaine, thank you! Cold Georgia? You just can't imagine, LOL. Here's hoping your irises don't rot. I'm betting on the irises.

Lizella, GA(Zone 8a)

Yes,, cold,, I am a Florida native and have that thin blood,,, LOL

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

LOL, A wonderful birthday wish for you, Polly!! May this be one of the very best years of your life!! Here, I go away to celebrate mine and come home to find that yours was right on my heels. Aquarians are the best!! May your Iris prosper and may you find great joy and peace in your garden. Congrats on the very accomplished grandkids.

Thumbnail by stormyla
Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Thank you so much!

Where did you go to enjoy yours?

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Havre de Grace, Md. I was enamored of Linthicum's Eagle Watching thread and wanted to see them and the herons. Also, it's a neat old town on the Chesapeake with lots of nice Antique shops, Museams and good restaurants. What I didn't expect was the large snow storm, but that made it a nice adventure! I wanted to get over to see the Laidew Topiary gardens, but they were buried deep in snow.


This message was edited Feb 2, 2010 6:25 AM

This message was edited Feb 5, 2010 7:19 PM

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