Light Bulb for Lime Tree in Montana

Helena, MT(Zone 4b)

My lime tree spends its summers outdoors growing leaves, and its winters indoors losing them. It's in front of a south window, but I think it wants longer hours of light.

Does anyone have a recommendation on an adequate light bulb I could put in a regular floor lamp? I don't want any big honkin' tube-type lights in our living room.

Conneaut, OH(Zone 5a)

I have a dwarf orange tree.I winter over under shop lights in the basement.Its on a timer for 16 hours of light a day.You could try a compact florescent bulb.I have seen 150 watt ones.Which is really like,I dunno 23 watts?Edge

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

It certainly won't hurt it to give it some more light, but I would also look at a few other potential culprits which I think are more likely to be the cause of the leaves dropping.

First would be watering--it's not going to go through water as fast indoors in the winter as it does outdoors in the summer so it is much easier to overwater. Because of the dry air inside, the top of the soil can get to looking dry very quickly, but underneath will still be plenty wet so I'd start doing the finger test (stick your finger down a couple inches into the pot) and see how the soil feels a few inches down before you water.

Next I would check for drafts and temperatures--since it's by a window, if the window isn't sealed tightly it's possible there's some cold air leaking in. Or at the very least the temperature can be a lot colder right up next to the window vs a few feet farther into the room. Or is there a door nearby and it would catch a cold draft every time the door is opened? I would also check that you don't have a heating vent blowing right on it--that can cause problems too.

Helena, MT(Zone 4b)

Thanks, ecrane and edgeoftheworld.
It's a couple of feet in front of the window, not right up next to it. I'm thinking you could be right about overwatering. Although the leaves fall off green, not yellow.
Will try some sort of light bulb, too.

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