spider mites

(Zone 6a)

two spotted spider mites.
seems we have them every year on our tomatoes.
was thinking that a powder dusted in the early a.m. would coat the plants better than a spray.
has anyone used sulfur dust fot 2 spotted spider mites ??
would also like some input using the following.
permethrin, neem , di-syston, & rotenone.
also what's your secret ??

Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

I don't think the dust would do any good, the mites live under the leaves. Spraying them with pyrethrin, or alcohol and water with a squirt of dish soap will work, or just plain water sprayed under the leaves every day for a week or so will get rid of them too.
I've used neem, just be sure it's not Safer's, there's not enough neem in it to be effective. Neem is an excellent miticide. I've been using tea-tree oil lately too and it seems to work. Sunspray ultra-fine oil is good for mites.

This might give you some ideas


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