Chit-Chat, everyone welcome #170

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

Some morning I'm going to beat 'cha posing, Hetty.

It's 71.4 and dark.

Glorious Morning to All


Pinellas Park, FL(Zone 9b)

You wouldn't say that if you'd been sitting here is this cold empty office since 6am. LOL

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

You're right.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Good morning everyone!!!!

I have been Crocheting like made, get a Pray/Wellness shawl off to Canada yesterday for one of our DG's member

Working on a Baby blanket for the DD of one of our Europe DG members

And I have a order of 2 more Pray shawls from a lady that was in line with me yesterday at the post office.

You think this will keep me busy will I wait for warm weather???? LOL

Here is a picture of the shawl I just finished


Thumbnail by wren107
Kissimmee, FL(Zone 9b)

I crochet swan table mats, but not shawls, did a tablecloth once! I suppose you could wear that - it's big enough.

Lakeland, FL

That's very pretty Sandy. I am sure who ever is receiving it will love it.

Indian Harbour Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

I too hope there won't be too many changes to Daves. We all know what buy-outs can do.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Thank you,

The funny thing is I blame it all on my dog, I think he know I needed to make it for her. Last week the stupid UPS drive just throw a box over the fence and the brat tore open a corner and was happily pulling stuffing out of the pillow. I went to our Publix store to get some things and had planned to pick up a sowing kit to fix it. But as they where getting ready to close for remolding they had already taking them down. I then went to Hobby Lobby to get one. I had to walk pass the yarn and craft books. And as always I had to stop and look at the books-the book on Pray shawls seemed to jump out at me,after looking at it I went on and get the sowing kit. There was a sale on some yarn so of course I went to check it out. And this yarn also seemed to jump out at me.(was not the ones on sale) So I gave in and bought the yarn and get a pattern of a free site and crocheted like mad Thursday and get it finished. The surprising thing was that Andre the Demon Child was as good as gold the hole day, he is always a pestering brat but not that day.


Deland, FL(Zone 9a)

wow- I feel honored that Dave was actually on the Fla. chat line !!!

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

GG, Pretty impressive, huh?


Deland, FL(Zone 9a)

well its not every day the man himself enters our little group..........

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

Especially with all that he has on his plate right now.


Deland, FL(Zone 9a)

He must spend a LOT of time on the computer

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

It must be almost 24/7!

No, not on the weekends, for sure. I just pop in and out during the day, though.

Right now with all the recent activity, I admit I've been on a bit more than usual today. But, I also installed a new gate post for my front gate and took 4 cows to the local sale barn. Even sat there for a couple hours watching the sale. :)

Jacksonville, FL

Dave--I just wanted to say that for the last couple of years that I have been on this gardening forum have been wonderful. Not only the knowledge I have gained but the friends that I have met as well as the way you and your administrators have kept Daves Garden "for Gardener's, By Gardener's" concept a reality that we can all enjoy. Meeting gardeners all over the world is wonderful, sharing what they grow and their culture. This has been the greatest gardening website I have ever been on, and I thank you Dave for all the hard work you have put into it to make it so fantastic. They will not make it without you and neither will we!!!!!!
Sincerest thanks for all you are and all you have done! And thank you for stopping by our Florida Forum! You are special!


Thank you, Linda. I've said it a few times over the past couple days but I'll say it again: reading these kinds of stories and knowing that we're making people happy is a tremendous reward for us. I hope to continue providing this place for a long time!

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Dave I to thank you!!!! This site has helped me a lot and not just with my plants.


Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

That's very true. It's far more than just plants here. It's a worldwide friendship and support group of people from all walks of life. We share our experiences, our knowledge and our ups and downs, in life, with each other.

Naples, FL(Zone 10b)

I wish to thank everyone for the kind words of condolence you sent. We left our daughter alone with her youngest daughter. We felt a bit in the way as she had so much to do to get life in order again. We'll go back soon when life will have returned to a more normal sequence.

Currently we are stopped for the night in Fayettville, NC. My car (Envoy XUV) is crammed full with things from home. Mostly my hobby stuff: genealogical magazines, books and stamp albums. I'm anxious to get back to Naples and the warm weather. The Envoy was not pleased with defrosting the windows every morning but it did work. Poor thing has never seen snow or frost in its four years of life. We left the larger trailer in NJ as Loading it takes more manpower then I can muster myself and besides, I need to arrange that the trailer's brakes work in conjunction with those of the car lest the loaded trailer push the car to smithereens. I might take our coach next time. That baby can handle the load.

Be seeing FL again once we cross SC tomorrow. They can keep the cold weather up here.

Port Charlotte, FL(Zone 10a)

Sandy...that really is a lovely shawl you made. You've really inspired me! It's been years since I've had a crochet hook in hand and it's something I really used to enjoy. One of these days....


Port Charlotte, FL(Zone 10a)

Be safe travelling Fred!

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Kat I am glad that I get stated again-I had not done any for a LONG,LONG time, it took time for my fingers to remember and my shoulder decide to except the movement but it is getting easier. But I do not think I will do a shawl in one day again!!!!


Jacksonville, FL

Good Morning al!!

Sandy--the shawl if beautiful! You did a great job on it -- of course with help from Andre!!!! I have some more painting projects to work on today between errands and Comcast coming to rectify internet problems (one MORE time!) They cannot seem to figure out the problem. I lose internet regularly then it comes back later.

Still waiting on Spring.......


Fred - drive safely and welcome back to the warmth.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

good morning everyone


Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)


Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

I am sitting out here on my carport and believe it or not-a wren is building a nest!!!! I have heard a number of birds singing. I think they have the wrong calendar. Thought I did see an number of maples that are putting out there flowers and seeds, this is about the right time for them.


Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

I can relate to your internet problems mistress. I had the very same problem about 2-3 years ago with Comcast. I think they came 5 or 6 times over a two month period because I kept losing internet connection. Every time it was fixed it would last for a few days or a week and then right back to the same problem. Finally gave up, called Bell South and switched to them. Comcast made me take their equipment back to them or else they would continue to charge me on a monthly basis. They refused to come here and pick up their equipment. Haven't had any connection problems with Bell South so it was well worth it.


Gainesville, FL(Zone 9a)

Its crazy, the yellow finches have already been sighted in town as well as a..get this...Robin. I was getting some woodpecker food the other day and people were sure a chatter about it. I have lots of wrens nest, as I type this, one is building a nest in the fence, under some honeysuckle. Does it every year...twice i think during the year actually.

Deland, FL(Zone 9a)

I've had some finches here also the last few days. Lots of "chatter" first thing in the morning. I really don't want to think about this yet,(being the opptimist I am), but do you think its a sign of an early spring???
I also have 2 red maples in the front yard, and it seems like just yesterday the leaves fell off, but they're already getting buds all over them...

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

I have been seeing the robins for weeks-they are early, the gold finch have been here about a week, not many but is about the right time.

To Mourning doves where courting.


Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

Where are my robins? Have been here for over 25 years and nary a one has come. I miss them.


Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

they do not come to feeder here, but if you have Hollies or Firethorn bushes they will come. LOL
You maybe a little to south for them, I do not remember how far south they go.

Huntsville, AL(Zone 7a)

"Our" Bluebirds are back checking out their house and making sure nothing else has moved in during their absence over the winter. Yea!!! Still waiting for the Goldfinches to show themselves but the Chipping Sparrows have arrived.
Everything here except the Viburnum and the Florida Anise is toast.. even the Lorpetalum are brown and shedding leaves... not a pretty sight, for sure.
Rain began earlier than expected.. just a drizzle before the front moves through later.
Sandy, that's a lovely shawl. You've got me thinking I need to dig out those hooks, too and see if I remember how to crochet.
Dave, we're with you 100% and more and our sincere thanks for making our garden a haven for us.


Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

Do recall seeing one robin here, hopping around in the grass, 2 or 3 years ago. It was a nice pleasant surprise. Vividly remember seeing all kinds of unique/different birds around right after Hurricane Wilma in Oct 2005. They must have been displaced birds looking for new homes. Saw so many orioles around right after that Hurricane.


Lafayette, IN(Zone 5a)

I put bird seed out - two feeders- to attract painted buntings. They especially like the white millet seeds.They spend the months of November through most of April down here.

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

MY DS took away the bird feeder for the same reason I don't have one. RATS. I live on a lake, seen them, don't want to encourage them. It's sad.

But then, I have the feral, (?) cats, and I do not want to provide a buffet for them.

Oi vey!


Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

I do not have a problem with cats because of the demon child, the owls keep the rats undercontrol, plus I am fixing the feeders so the rats and hopefully the squirrels will stay out of them.

There is bird food that has pepper in it that the rats and squirrels will not eat.

Jeremy I have someone who would like to take the Kumquat if you do not mind?
I told him you have first chance at it.


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