MG pics from Japan

szarvas, Hungary

Difficult to put a name on a cultivar, there are so many!

Here is a list of names by color and short description + date of creation (?)
As you can read the names are not always very ROMANTIC !

Buttocks soft - Blue, Clear Blue - 22nd line.
Firewood - Dove color first .

I would like to see what the flower looks like : Buttocks Soft ! LOL
you need a translation.
Here's a flower they call "East Girl"

Thumbnail by dany12
szarvas, Hungary

Another pic of " East Girl "

I don't think it's Akasuki No Beni or Heian No Beni or Dainagon .

This cultivar is in the catalog Tea cup but a bit expensive !

Thumbnail by dany12


What a "cheeky" name for that JMG LOL!

I like the looks of East Girl, what a vivid red in that flower.


(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Dany - East Girl is beautiful! Love that color and those variegated leaves! Very, very nice!!! :-)

LOL! about Buttocks Soft name! I wanna see that one too! ;-)

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Ditto on the East Girl, so pretty.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

A very nice reddish pink colour on that East Girl..

East Girl makes me yearn for spring in a big way!

Are you getting much snow this winter, Dany?

szarvas, Hungary

No snow and light freezing at night - no air movement so fog and no sun.

I found a new MG seeds producer in Japan ( SIBAFU ).He has a few blue cultivars that I could not resist.
He is more expensive than others because its prices are for 5 seeds.

Here is the well known Imperialis Chocolate or Rose Silk.

Thumbnail by dany12
szarvas, Hungary

I think we should do more "group " picture showing several flowers.

Thumbnail by dany12
szarvas, Hungary

Another pic.

Thumbnail by dany12

Dany, that is a great find of that JMG vendor. I like the vivid star of the chocolate silk flower you showed. So many asagao to grow, so little time.


Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Gorgeous Rose Silks Dany.
Guess I will grow one or two Silks this
coming summer. I missed not growing one this past yr

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Dany - Beautiful Rose Silk bloom photos!!!! :-)

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Dany, I love those, very pretty!

szarvas, Hungary

Thanks for the compliments ....but... hum ! ... pics from Japan

Here is the Blue Speckled reverse tube.

Thumbnail by dany12
szarvas, Hungary

Another pic.
Saki two first frost , japanese name.

Thumbnail by dany12
szarvas, Hungary

This gives some very special flowers.

Thumbnail by dany12
(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Dany - LOL! I wasn't sure if the photos were yours or not! :-)

Is the Blue Speckled reverse tube one that you grew this past year? Very, very interesting bloom on that vine! :-)

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

We still have to drool, even if they're from a vendor. lol

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Yes! I would love to see more of the "true" SOH with the solid red/pink throats! I am hoping some of the SOH seeds in the swap will be the real McCoy! :-)

NW/Central , IL(Zone 5a)

The blue speckled reverse tube is fantastic!

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Niceeeeeeeeeeeee, I love those blues!

szarvas, Hungary

Drizzling Songdo - bi-colour interesting

Thumbnail by dany12
szarvas, Hungary

Drizzling Songdo = Q 1075 from the Kyushu University Collection.
From planting until the first flower the foliage is also bicolor.

Thumbnail by dany12
szarvas, Hungary

Drizzling Songdo = Q 1075
Later the leave are so beautiful !

Thumbnail by dany12
szarvas, Hungary

Drizzling Songdo = Q 1075.
In Japan they have selected a cultivar that produces blue flowers with yellow foliage (light green).
Here several types of bi-color flowers.

Thumbnail by dany12
szarvas, Hungary

Cha Cah Maru is a Youjiro Yaguruma.

Thumbnail by dany12
szarvas, Hungary

Youjiro Yaguruma are an Interspecific Hybrid ( Ipomoea Nil X Ipomoea Purpurea )

Here are some "sisters " of Cha Cha Maru

Thumbnail by dany12
szarvas, Hungary

Cha Cha Maru, his problem is that has small flowers (smaller than Purpurea) but the flowers are numerous and disappear only at the end of the day.

Thumbnail by dany12
szarvas, Hungary

Foliage feature.

Thumbnail by dany12
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Dany, those look kind of like this one I ad last year..did not know its name tho

Thumbnail by joeswife
szarvas, Hungary

Hi Debra, it's Youjiro Yaguruma Pink .

Thumbnail by dany12
(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Dany - The Drizzling Songdo = Q 1075 pictured above looks VERY much like one of the vines from the mixed NOID seeds that you sent me last year. It had those gorgeous bi-color leaves with white flowers. Every once and a while a blue streak would show up in a bloom. I wonder if it might have been a random seed from Songdo? I managed to find just 4 seeds as I was taking the vine down after it died. So will send you 2 and I will try to grow the other 2 out. Those seeds may have been a cross. Hard to tell until they are grown out. It produced a lot of blooms, but for some reason no seed pods (even with hand-pollination).

Ironcially, with the Lady Yaguruma Kaleidoscope vine that was created from several crosses, I managed to get several vines that looked like Cha Cha Maru. You are right that they are small blooms. Mine were quite small indeed, but perfectly formed. I don't know how LYK produced vines and blooms that look very much like Cha Cha Maru? Perhaps part of Youjiro Yaguruma's genetic make-up? All those vines (20+) that I grew from the crosses produced seeds when I hand-pollinated them from other cultivars in my yard. For some reason they would not self-pollinate among themselves (all planted in the same large container) or even when I tried to hand-pollinate them among each other. They were sterile (no viable pollen). I wonder if it has been inner-bred too many times? Thanks for sharing those photos and information about Cha Cha Maru.

This message was edited Jan 17, 2010 8:39 AM

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Debra - Did I send you some LYK seeds last year? If so, that may be what your unknown youjiro is.

Here is a collage of some of the LYK's that I grew last year. These were crosses from blooms of 2008. And there is a photo of Cha Cha Maru that I grew for comparison. I did get some LYK blooms that looked like a diluted color of Cha Cha Maru and the blooms were small. See photo in top left.

Thumbnail by beckygardener
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Hi Becky, that flower came from Bonnies' house, they reseed every year for her as do all her morning glories, she never knew what any of them were, and had received them in trades thru the years. I checked my packets from you ( I saved all the empties, can I send them back for refills? LOL ) and they didn't have any marked LYK.. I am hoping to see some one of these days tho. I still want to grow some fuji no monet and some purple blizzard, all the seedlings I had last winter never made it to the outside. ;(
Thanks for the ID, I hope I get some more seedlings from the pot those grew in.
edited to say fugi no monet and not fugi no money.. hmm what was on my mind? LOL

This message was edited Jan 17, 2010 2:13 PM

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Debra - They definitely look like Youjiros! I'll send you some LYK seeds! :-)

NW/Central , IL(Zone 5a)

I am growing Cha Cha Maru for the first time. I didn't know the flower size was small. I'm glad to know what to expect.

The leaf Color of Drizzling Songdo is enchanting. I groove out on yellow-green leaves like the ones on Q1075.

East Bridgewater, MA

Terrific photos! Thank you for sharing.

szarvas, Hungary

Here is the New Danjûrô or Danjulo ( Kabuki Theater early twentieth century ).

Thumbnail by dany12

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