Think Spring! Seed Swap Party Feb 27

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Date: Saturday, February 27, 2010

Time: noon to about 4 pm, we'll start the seed swap around 2

Where: Frederick, MD, Chef Lin Buffet (scroll down for directions)

What: Eating Lunch and Swapping Seeds

Who: DG subscribers and their guests
(see list at bottom of post)

If you've never been to a mid-atlantic swap, don't worry... we are a fun and casual group. Everybody brings their extra seeds to swap & share (it's very useful to make up little labeled packets ahead of time), everybody visits and talks, and everybody goes home with a nice selection of seeds to try! I wrote an article that may give you an idea about this event, This will be our third year for a midwinter seed swap here!

You may want to plan to come early so you can drop by Dutch Plant Farm. I wrote an article that has a lot of photos taken there, if you'd like an idea of what they are likely to have. I'll check with them soon to see what they'll have at that point (it's about time for the truck to come in from FL).

At NOON we'll meet for lunch at Chef Lin, a local Chinese buffet that's one of my favorite Frederick restaurants. I'm hoping we'll have 20+ people, as we did last year, so we can use their back room, which gives us room to set up tables for name tags, door prizes, and seed swapping. The manager has been very accommodating, and she's happy to hear we're planning to return. Chef Lin Buffet, 417-A South Jefferson St., Frederick. 301-620-0664.

At 2 pm, we'll do a little thing and give away some door prizes. If you have something you'd like to donate as a prize, please Dmail me. Purchased items for the table should be under $5.

We'll concentrate on seed swapping from 2 to 3:30 pm or so. Of course, seeds can be swapped outside of that time, and of course anybody who doesn't want to swap seeds can just keep chatting and visiting. I don't think we all left until at least 4 last time, so plan to make a day of it if you can.

Check out the "Seed Swapping" and "Have/Want Lists" threads in order to pre-arrange trades. It's not necessary to make any arrangements ahead of time, but it can be useful to see what people have and what everybody's looking for.

The cost for lunch will be $11 per person, including tax and tip. With the other seafood on the buffet (sushi, steamed shrimp & mussels, clams/oysters on the half shell, fried fish/shrimp/scallops, and various hot dishes), I've never felt the need for the snow crab, but it's an available option for several dollars more. The buffet has everything from soups and stir-fries to fried chicken and mozzarella sticks... there's salad, fruit, and an array of desserts, including soft-serve ice cream and hot little fried doughnuts. The selection is remarkable, and even if you don't like Chinese food you'll find plenty of possibilities.

We will all be on one tab, so please bring $11 in cash to pay for your lunch.

Swapping of plants (with potting soil or dirt) that we can't bring inside can be done in the parking lot... the best time seems to be between 1:30 and 2. I know it's not an ideal arrangement, but bear in mind this was meant to be a seed swap. :-)

I know some folks might be on tight budgets. If the cost of the meal might keep you from coming, please Dmail me, and we'll get you covered. I don't want anybody to miss out.

Please post on this thread if you're interested in coming. It's useful for the restaurant to have an approximate head count.

I had a blast at our previous seed swaps, and I'm so excited about this year's gathering!



If you can't come but still want to swap seeds
Please post here or on the seed swapping thread and ask somebody to volunteer to be your "seed fairy." You can post have/want lists, send your seeds with return postage to your person, and they'll send your seeds to you after the swap.


The restaurant is in Prospect Plaza, at 417 S. Jefferson St,near a nest of interchanges where 15, 340, 40, and 270 all come together. This makes it both easy to get to from different directions, and hard to describe. :-) McDonalds is at the front of the Plaza, easy to spot. Chef Lin is toward the center of this strip mall.

Combine these directions with a look at the map!

From the north, coming down 15 South. Get off at the Jefferson Street exit, turning LEFT (going east). Cross over the highway, and Prospect Plaza will be immediately on your LEFT (turn LEFT at the light).

From the south, along 15-340 North (the two highways merge together just south of Frederick): Stay on 340. (Don't get off onto 15 North when it diverges.) 340 more or less becomes Jefferson Street. Keep left. You'll cross the bridge over the highway, and then turn LEFT at the light into Prospect Plaza.

From the south, along 270N (coming up from the DC beltway): Get off at the Jefferson Street exit and turn RIGHT at the end of the ramp (east onto Jefferson). Make an immediate LEFT at the next light to turn into Prospect Plaza.

From the east (Baltimore), you'll be on 70 West. Take exit 53b, 15 North. Take the first exit onto Jefferson Street. Turn RIGHT at the end of the ramp (east onto Jefferson). Make an immediate LEFT at the next light to turn into Prospect Plaza.

From the west: you'll be on 70 East. Take the exit for 15 North. You're now on 15-340. Stay on 340. (Don't get off onto 15 North when it diverges.) 340 more or less becomes Jefferson Street. Stay to the left. You'll cross the bridge over the highway, and then turn left at the light into Prospect Plaza.

From Dutch Plant Farm, at 151 Baughmans Lane. Turn LEFT onto 40 East. Take the first RIGHT onto 15 South. Take the first exit, Jefferson Street. Turn LEFT onto Jefferson Street, cross over the highway, and then turn LEFT at the light into Prospect Plaza.

Dutch Plant Farm is off "the Golden Mile," highway 40, W Patrick St. At the corner of 40 and Baughman's Lane, there's a shopping center with a JoAnn's. DPF is just behind the shopping center. Coming from 15 onto 40W, you'd turn RIGHT at the first light onto Baughmans Lane and then take the 2nd entrance on the LEFT into DPF. (The 1st left is the side entrance into the shopping plaza.)

Link to DPF location:

This message was edited Feb 12, 2010 2:30 PM

Thumbnail by critterologist
Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Seed Swapping thread:
Go here to chat about seeds you have and seeds you are looking for.

Have/Want Lists thread:
This is the "organized" thread, LOL. Go here to post your seed lists, 1 post per person, edited as needed

This message was edited Feb 15, 2010 11:31 AM

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

people who think they'll be able to come:

Critter & DH & Little Bit
Buttoneer (maybe Bob)
Bec_no_VA & Chantell
HollyAnnS & Ric
Foxnfirefly ?
Pamgarden ?
rcn48 & Rick ?
kubileya, maybe DH
Greenthumb99 & DW
jfleming & DH

This message was edited Feb 26, 2010 10:14 PM

This message was edited Feb 26, 2010 10:36 PM

Odenton, MD(Zone 7b)

I plan on coming. Are we going to have a door prize table? I don't have many seeds but may have something for a prize.

Thumbnail by Catbird423
Central, VA(Zone 7b)

I really hope to attend this year.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Yes, the door prize table is always such fun -- we'll definitely do that again!

Please post and/or Dmail me if you'll have something for the prize table.

We can get away with a few potted plants or cuttings in rooting vases on the prize table, but please note that, as in previous years, any plant swapping will have to be done on the side in the parking lot or something. We gather in a private room at the back of the restaurant, and we walk through the buffet serving area to get there, so we just can't bring a lot of plant divisions, dirt, pots, etc. back there. Bagged cuttings are OK. Thanks!

Don't worry about whether or not you have seeds to bring... in the past this has been more of a seed sharing party rather than a 1 for 1 swapping event. Trades for "special" or rare seeds can always be arranged in advance for those so inclined. My own seed collecting this year was pretty meager, thanks to a certain adorable distraction. ;-)

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

I'll see you there!!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

I've always 'managed' to stuff myself at Chef Lin--Even took my kid and friends there on the way back from Catoctin Park. They loved it.

Catbird, another one for us to ride together~~ THink of all the gas we're saving.
I'l bring something for prize table, an extra suet cake holder, some gloves, I know off the bat.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Ric and I will be looking forward to coming that is a great buffet. And we just love any excuse for a get together. I have seeds but mostly they will be from last year. I didn't do much in the way of seed collecting myself.

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

I'm waiting to hear about family coming from overseas and the dates - if they're not here - I'll be there!

Edited to add - I just got my New Years present - their tickets have been ordered and they will be here Feb 12 to 22nd - it's my favorite aunt and youngest cousin ^_^ Now I get to plan stuff to do that won't entail too much walking for her - here's to crossing fingers and hoping for decent weather!

This message was edited Dec 25, 2009 1:14 AM

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Bec, It will be great to see you! I will also find something to bring for the Prize table.

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 6b)

What should one expect from a seed swap? What goes on besides seed swapping and how is that done? What has to be done ahead of time for one to participate in a swap? Never been to a seed swap before so don't know what to expect. What is the address of this chinese restaurant and is a meal served and the cost involved? If there is anybody going from either Rockville, Silver Spring or Olney, please d-mail me. Maybe we could ride up together. I don't mind driving as long as I have directions and it's not snow or ice or heavy rain.

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 6b)

Where is this Dutch Plant Farm you menioned?

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Mostly we eat and talk and get to meet in person those that we only know from online. We talk about our plants, gardens and projects. Share our knowledge. If you have seeds to share put them in small envelopes with your DG name and seed name maybe the date they were collected. Some people make swaps ahead of time if they want certain seeds you can ask if anyone has those. There will be people with boxes full of envelopes that they pass around and you take what you want from those boxes. Critter will probably set up a swap thread for you to mention what seeds you are interested in. You don't need to have much in the way of trading as there are always a lot of seeds. It isn't so much of a one to one swap, more like seed sharing. We usually have a gift table with small things to give as door prizes.
If we meet at Chef Lin, you will need $$ for the cost of the buffet can't remember but it isn't alot.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Sorry for the lack of details in the first post... I'll edit after the holidays with more specifics. Meanwhile, see last year's organization thread for an idea of how things work:

Dutch Plant Farm is in Frederick, nice selection of indoor tropicals... for some fun photos & a little more about it, see this article I wrote:

I need to check next time we go and see what Chef Lin is charging now for Saturday lunch... with tax & tip, it'll be between $10 - $15... last year I think it was $11 per person. As in past years, if the lunch cost would keep anybody from coming, please Dmail me & we'll work it out. :-)

Past midwinter swaps have been as much about visiting & chatting as about swapping seeds. There's no set "program" or presentation as there might be with a garden club meeting, but we'll probably switch gears around 2 and get down to the serious seed swapping part of things... even then, there will be people not doing much or any swapping, so if you just want to stay & visit that's fine also.

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 6b)

Sounds like it would be a fun day/afternoon. What type of items are donated for door prizes or whatever? Can it be a gardening magazine, or gardening book, some garden supplies, seeds, or must it be related to gardening? I assume it must be wrapped. If we are donating something, must we run it through you first?
What are some of the things that have been donated in the past swaps so I'd get an idea?

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

I'm coming for two reasons, and two reasons only - seeing everyone and stuffing my face with Sushi ^_^

To me this is so much more a social event than a seed swap - primarily 'cause I never have any seeds ^_^

I brought candles last time, I've seen jewelry, books and small/large plants ^_^ No need to wrap, we have always done a "your time to pick" and that way you can see what you're picking out ^_^

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Pippi, you'll love it!

That's the spirit, Becky!! What she said..but for me it's stuffing with all the buffet, including about three huge plates just of green beans.

I won't have a lot of seeds either, but may have a few small cuttings in baggies. We have to take it easy on the large plants tho, this being in the restaurant we don't want to bring the whole garden, That fun is saved for a warm weather get together.

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

I have started my list of seeds

The list will be added to as I clean and package more, so check the thread often. If you are going to the swap and have nothing to trade don't hesitate to ask for anything you have your heart set on. This is more of a seed sharing then a trade.
I will include other seeds that I may not be on the list.

Have fun guys! I wish I could attend in person.

This message was edited Dec 30, 2009 7:55 PM

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

I don't want to post any seeds until Roses puts her thread up. I will have quite a few varieities. I still have to count and sort them and make sure there are enough for both swaps and some left over for mail..

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

What kind of bags or envelopes does everyone use for the seeds?

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Hi Stormy, You can use anything, coin envelopes, small plastic craft zip bags, the seed envelopes on DG (here is the link)

I made a template and make my own custom packets where I add my own photo of the flowers and add the name of the seed, my name and the year the seed was gathered.

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Lady, Are you sure you posted the right link?

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Stormy, Yes I tested it, it comes up as a list, just click on the names and see what they look like. They are under "extras" under "my info" on DG.
Tested the link again, just to be sure.

This message was edited Dec 31, 2009 2:50 PM

Brunswick, MD(Zone 6b)

In case I hadn't mentioned it in so many words, I planning to come to the swap. I guess I should have posted here first instead of the haves and wants thread ^_^

And off topic, Stadlers nursery on Rt 15, just out side of Frederick is having as part of their sale a bring in your houseplant, and they'll repot it for you for free till Jan 31

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 6b)

I am planning on coming and a NEWBIE from my area that has made contact with me asked if she could ride up with me. Can you give me an example of what door prizes have been donated in previous years? Maybe I'll have something for the door prize also.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Door prizes are generally garden/plant related, and in the past we've suggested not spending more than $5 for something... People often find that they have something at home that they'd like to pass along and think somebody else would enjoy (a gardening book, a garden decoration, a rooting vase, a houseplant in a cute pot, a new pair of garden gloves given to you by an aunt who didn't get the size right, you know the sort of thing!). It's become a fun tradition for everybody to bring something home from the "gift table." I like to get an idea of how many items might be coming, because I try to make sure everybody will find something, but we've always had enough to go around and then some (but let me add that nobody is obligated to bring something for the table, this is just a fun little thing, no pressure).

Stormy, I get the little 1x2" plastic zip-top bags in the craft department at WalMart (100 for about $1), and then I use an address label template to make label slips -- I don't make sticky labels, just print on plain paper, cut apart, and insert the slips into the clear bags. :-)

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 6b)

This sounds like it is going to be fun and I'll get to put names with faces from the message board here. Looking forward to attending it. Already have it marked on the Feb. calendar.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Here's another way to make labels--that does not require a template or any special Software.

For the labels I make--I just go to Word--type up a "label", keeping it about the size of the label to be (1x21/2").

Then I c/p the typed up label-- and now I have 2
Then I c/p the two--and now I have 4
I c/p the four--and now I have 8, etc....
Two pages worth holds about 16 or so labels.

c/p enough to fill 2 pages in your Word screen.
Then I highlight both pages and go to the "columns" option ( Upper tool bar) and choose 2 columns.
Now I have ONE page with 2 columns of labels. That's all you need.
Print out as many pages as you think you will need.
Then--watching TV or whatever some lazy night--cut them all apart--rubber band them together and then do the next plant. While you are at it--make extra for next year. Or--save it to a file so you can always retrieve it.

Works for me! Easy and no special software needed.


Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I don't use special software.. you can probably find "templates" for address labels in your word processor program. Making columns will also work of course -- it's pretty much the same thing. Thanks!

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Miata, Thank you. Those large jugs sound great. I have enough half gallons, but maybe someone else could use them.

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Critter, just wanted to let you know I'm watching the thread :) Not sure if I can make it but if I finish all my projects I might just head north for the day! It was a long drive but so much fun to meet everyone and of course another trip to Dutch Plant Farm would be a definite must :)

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Cool! I'd better get over to DPF soon & check things out... have heard rumors of changes...

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Just thought I'd bump this up. OrchidFancy told me that she thinks she'll be able to join us. Maybe when we're not shoveling, we can start on some seed lists.

cambridge md, MD(Zone 7a)

Yes I will become to the seed swap, I would not miss it for the world. I have a fair amount of seeds that I can pkg and label . I am sure that I have something somewhere for the gift table.... Looking forward to see you critter. Sorry that I could not come to your crocus planting . During that time that is when we discovered that my husband had some serious health issues and that put me over the edge for few weeks/ months.Then my son and family moved with us from GA.... From October to the end of january it has been one thing after another if not health it was somebody's drama.... Now it is all good, life is good....we are all happy in a different house.... LOL

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Glad things have calmed down and you weathered the storm. Can't wait to meet you in person. Holly

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Yay! I can't wait to see you again. As I recall, a fair amount of seed from you made it to the first "Think Spring!" swap, and I'm glad you'll be able to attend this one. I'm glad things have settled down... sounds like it's been quite a roller coaster.

Stormy, thanks for the bump! I'm hoping to turn my attention to seeds and winter sowing and seed starting this week... being snowed in keeps us busier than you'd think, LOL.

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Critter, I think you've confused Orchid with Blue Spiral. Most of my seeds are already sorted, thank Heavens.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Ah, thanks, Stormy, but I haven't. Orchidfancy and I met in person, and she left me with a huge bag of seeds to share around. :-)

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Oh Good, then we won't be entirely "Alien". LOL

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