Dracaena angustifolia - Need advice please.

(Tracey) Mobile, AL(Zone 8b)

I bought this a few weeks ago from Walmart. It was ID'd here at DG and I am just now getting around to repotting it. The pot was full of roots.. They are not white, they seem an odd yellowish color. Is this normal for this plant?

Thumbnail by daisylovn
Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

They look healthy and fine, though in need of some pruning. .... usually better to carry out bare-root procedures and root pruning (houseplants) in the month before the plants most robust growth period, though.


(Tracey) Mobile, AL(Zone 8b)

I had to take it out of the muck it was in... it was water logged in black muddy goo. -- I will just pot it up for now and prune the roots at the beginning of spring. Thanks for the analysis.

Haven't seen you around much lately. I hope all is well.

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

Ahhh - an emergency. Got it!

All is fine, thanks. ;o) I'm here in the background. I tend to join in the posts where I think the OP or the conversation can benefit from an offering that comes from a more technical angle. They tend to run in boom/bust cycles - sometimes there are a bunch of them, and then comes a time of scarcity. ;o)

I've been filling in with working on & off on a long post about how to be a "Plant P.I." It's about how to approach analyzing your plant to arrive at what ultimately needs to be done to fix it when it's broke.



(Tracey) Mobile, AL(Zone 8b)

Well you are certainly the one for that task.. I look forward to reading it. : )

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