Stewart, TN

Birder17, that is interesting. Seems to mean they need better drainage than perhaps I had realized. Last year, when I had no luck with them, I had planted them near a trellis where the soil is pretty heavy clay. Poor things must have drowned!

Jackson, MO(Zone 6b)

You might try the sand mix and see if that would help. I wait till it is fairly warm outside - again, afraid of rot. Don't let the pot stand in water either. Good luck.

Stewart, TN

Sand, sand - I need sand!

Rushville, IN(Zone 5b)

Daisylovin I have grown this plant in my front yard on a trellis that is hooked to a pole on which a bird house is a top about 12 to15 feet in the air and it got so big it covered the birdhouse and about 2 foot above it it was just beautiful wish I had taken a picture of it am planing on planting there again this year. sissy70--judy

Rosamond, CA(Zone 8b)

Mine was in a pot but we had a lot of rain last year.

casselberry, FL

omg..i bought a pack of these seeds from the dollar store for 25 cents in the spring i planted them beside my mailbox..the sprungup in week...the grew like wildfire...flowering then the flowers turn to pods that have usually 3 seeds in each...i have had hundreds..i just replanted them wherever i wanted and had about a 99% success rate without even preparing the seeds...i just stuck them into the ground..i have given many to friends...and the say the same thing...i call them jack and the beanstalk seeds...i live in florida and found they like full sun best but will grow in part sun...i had to water frequently at first we had a very hot summer..but they r fuss free...the r climbers if u want and also bush out ...pic of my mailbox..the post lady had to cut them back i can send u some if u would like i have lotssss...send me ur address if u r interested...oh yea...i hane very sandy soil

This message was edited Nov 28, 2010 11:53 AM

Thumbnail by corrigandee
Rosamond, CA(Zone 8b)

Good to know about the sandy soil. OK, that sounds great. I loved the darn things.
I will dmail my address, thanks so much. Mine did not do that great the first year, but were in partial shade. This year none germinated. I don't know why. Maybe more shade as trees are larger and denser. Thanks in advance.

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