Oxalis hedysaroides 'Rubra' aka "Fire Fern"

zone 6a, KY

How do you make this plant happy? Is anyone successfully growing it indoors? It keeps losing leaves. I unpotted it to check the roots, and it doesn't have a rhizome like the Oxalis triangularis and others have that I could see, so I don't know if it likes dormancy. Any help or insight would be appreciated...

(Zone 1)

3jsmom: I love the looks of that one with the pretty yellow flowers! Here's the link to an Oxalis hedysaroides in Plant Files: http://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/go/93159/ I think it's normal for them to lose leaves but I'm not certain. I thought all Oxalis went dormant late in the year? I have the purple one and it dies down every winter and re-sprouts in spring.

zone 6a, KY

I have the purple triangularis, and when you dig around there are actual pink corms, but on this one I didn't see anything. I can't find much information on it. I'm gonna read your link and see what I can learn. Thank you

Dawn, your Oxalis plant is considered to be a "evergreen" type . Your plant is not happy if it is loosing it's leave's in your home environment. I wish I could add more to help your problem with this plant but I can not. Maybe you should try a different location for the plant in your home.

Maybe someone else will come along to aid you more.

zone 6a, KY

I've tried in a terrarium, in a sunny position in southeast exposure and in partly sunny spot in southeast. It is at least putting out a little growth in partly sunny, but not enough to make me think it's all better. Do you think it could be humidity? I didn't notice any bugs. Maybe it is a rainwater plant. I'll try that. I wish I could just ask the plant, lol.

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