Vigna caracalla yellowing

Travis AFB, CA(Zone 9a)

My snail vine (Vigna caracalla) has been in a 16-inch pot since June. It's climbing a 4-foot cone shaped trellis. It's thrived and bloomed profusely all summer. It's still blooming but nearly all of the leaves have turned yellow.

Is it time to cut it back? Does it need extra food? I use Miracle Grow every three weeks. Could watering be the problem? I’ve been keeping it “damp.” There are a lot of ants in the pot; but there are lots of ants in all my pots. I noticed an aphid problem early so I’ve kept it sprayed to keep them under control. It’s the only plant in my garden I’ve used insecticides on this year.

Can I keep this plant over the Zone 9 winter; or should I throw it out now?

Newnan, GA(Zone 8a)

Hardy Zone 10 and higher
Full sun, grows to 1-3’ in container, vining in habit, minimum temperature 60°, blooms in summer and fall.

I dont' know why it's yellowing, but if you don't have a place to winter it over, I would be more than happy to take care of it and return it to you in the spring, perhaps taking a cutting for myself. Let me know, I could send postage.

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

Caroline ... here is a url to help u understand a bit more about the plant. hope that helps... ma vie rose

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