Photo by Melody

Caroline's Member Page


  Caroline wants you to know:  

  A note from Caroline:  
"I live in Northern California at the present time and am trying to build a "Cottage Garden" around a small military housing unit. I have a variety of herbs, roses, vines, annuals, shrubs, and bulbs. I keep trying to think of ways to squeeze in "just one more plant." My garden is confined to three small garden areas and a variety of pots and containers.

I was raised by my Grandmother who was an avid gardener all of her life. I spent 9 wonderful years in the U.S. Air Force and was blessed with opportunities to see amazing gardens all around the world. DH indulges my gardening whims and helps with the heavy work. We share our home with three lovely budgies. I work at a large jail facility; gardening is a great way to "unwind" after a day of noise and confusion!"

Caroline signed up on Sep 12, 2001