Prayer Plant Has Blossomed

(Doug) Murfreesboro, TN

I picked this up at Home Depot last spring. At first I kept it in a rather low light location in my foyer, but it started loosing leaves. Then I repotted it and placed it in a brighter bay window that gets a little direct sun every day near sunset. It has done well there. And now, it has produced a blossom.

Thumbnail by Cibarius
(Doug) Murfreesboro, TN

Here's another view. These flowers are only about 7mm across and they last about one day. Is it unusual for a Maranta leucoreura to bloom in the late fall? This photo was taken mid-day. Note that some of the leaves are still rolled up.

Thumbnail by Cibarius
Southern Dutchess Co, NY(Zone 5b)

I received a shipment of these plants at work in early autumn and every single one of them was in bloom. I suspect this is their normal bloom time.

(Doug) Murfreesboro, TN

Thanks mamasita for that information. This is the first year I have attempted to grow this plant. I saw it at Home Depot and fell in love with it. Here is another photo that I took today. The plant has one flower stalk that blooms repeatedly. You can see the next bloom developing above the open one.

Thumbnail by Cibarius
(Doug) Murfreesboro, TN

And here is one more view of the flower face on.

Thumbnail by Cibarius

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