CLOSED: Dwarf Pomegranate 'Nana'

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Trina those look like Sago Pups there in that picture u have.. go to the links Don Posted for me.. it will show you what to do with them..

Anyway thats what they look like to me..
I love the things I get from Don.. always an adventure here..

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

yes they are I just didn't know how to plant them, I obviously have to put them in pots, but I didn't know if I should bury part of it or sit it on the top of the soil or what...LOL
I know they bite back if you're not careful! LOL

Bluffton, SC(Zone 9a)

Those pups look a little odd. They look like someone just cut the growing part off without any of the "root"? The way to get the pups is to use something like a saw-all and cut the pup away from the plant and down into the ground, you need some of the part in the ground. Could be wrong but that's how I do it. Personally I'm not a fan of King Sagos I keep one just for the sake of seeing how tall I can get. I have about 3 ft of clear trunk right now. I trim off all the pups and give them away.

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

I wish I like they palms, just not having any luck getting one to grow, and your right there are no roots attached should I put them in a shollow dish with a little water and see if they will root first?

Bluffton, SC(Zone 9a)

Nah, just pot them up as long as the crown is out of the soil it should be alright, I think.

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

now I'm on a mission to find more potting soil...but first off to bed, my fibro is in full rager mode today and I've hit the wall on pain tolerance!

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

please let us not detour this thread away from the Dwarf Pomegranate pathway any longer.

(Zone 7a)

LazLo, I would love some of your dwarf pomegranate seeds - am sending you an envie as specified. The kindred souls your threads attract are a hoot - thank you all

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Lazlo, just when I think I'm not going to ask for mre seed You come up with these.
Will get you a SASE in the mail for the dwarf Pomegranite seed if You still have any left.

La Grange Park, IL

Hi, May I have some Pom seeds, too?

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

as stated in the seed offer . . .

Whenever the supply runs out, I will close this thread right away. Until the thread is closed, yes, I have more Dwarf Pomegranate seeds left and, yes, I will send a packet to you . . .

Thumbnail by LazLo
Orangeburg, SC

Ooh. I'd like some seeds too. My envy is on the way.


Warren Center, PA(Zone 5b)

Love to try some Pomegranate and Pride of Barbados, sent envy with double postage

Framingham, MA(Zone 6a)

Hi Lazlo,
I have a couple of full sized pomegrantes from the store. Can these seeds be planted? If so, how do you prep them? Thank you for any advice!

Snellville, GA(Zone 8a)

Thanks my env is also on it's way.

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Deb -

Yes, they can. This is a very simple species to start, whether you are growing seeds for a pomegranate tree or one of the dwarf ornamental varieties.

Pomegranate seeds don't store well, so the fresher the seed you use, the better. When I prep seeds for sharing, they're sun-dried and stored in the refrigerator. I dispose of stored seeds after 60 days.

menthod #1 - no stratification:
Clean your seeds, removing the fleshy pulp. Mix cleaned seed (pulp removed) into the upper 2 - 3 centimeters average loose potting soil. Keep moist by spraying water on top until seedlings emerge 3 - 4 weeks later. Transfer to containers after second set of true leaves form. My results have always been a lot more seedlings than expected. Seedlings will emerge at random intervals, with a germination rate ranging 65 to 80%.

menthod #2 - stratification:
Clean your seeds, removing the fleshy pulp. Soak in water for 24 hours then stratify seeds (refrigerate) for 3 weeks. Surface sow by pressing seed into moist soil with soil temp 70-75°F. Germination after 30-40 days to germinate.

Regardless of the method used to germinate, transfer your pomegranate seedlings to containers after second set of true leaves form. Handle only by the leaves - - remember - leaves can always be regrown, stems cannot.

In general, pomegranates are slow to flower when grown from seed. The dwarf poms flower more readily, however. Pomegranates are self-pollinating.

There are other methods which work in addition to the two I have used. Check 'em all out if you like:

Good luck, Deb!

~ Łaz

Thumbnail by LazLo
Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

I got my seeds today. Thank you so much for the lagniappe seeds you sent. It was so kind of you. I have lots more room to grow things here so I'll find a place for them. Does the dwarf nana make fruit?

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

My seeds arrived today, thanks so much!
Happy Thanksgiving!

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Cheryl - it sure does. the poms are small, about 1.5 in. diameter at the largest.

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

I can hardly wait!

(Zone 7a)

Lazlo, sent you seeds & dmail yesterday


Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Lazlo, My goodness, that ought to be enough seed!!!WOW!!
Thank, just open ENV. I ought to get plants out of those.
Appreicate it .

Orangeburg, SC

Thanks, Lazlo. My seeds came today. I can't wait as I love the pom flowers, never mind the fruit. Thanks again.


Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

SORRY - - This offer is now closed . . .

Dec 1, 2009


(Zone 7a)

Lazlo, received my seed today - you are beyond generous

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

either that or he eats a TON of pomegranates! My goodness!

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