CLOSED: Dwarf Pomegranate 'Nana'

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

SORRY - - This offer is now closed . . .

Dec 1, 2009


Dwarf Pomegranate

botanical:   Punica granatum 'Nana'

DG plant info:

Whenever the supply runs out, I will close this thread right away.  Until the thread is closed, yes, I have more Dwarf Pomegranate seeds left and, yes, I will send a packet to you . . .

Each packet will contain at least 12 seeds.

What I need from you:

A self-addressed business-size envelope (SAE) or a self-addressed bubble envelope (SABE) enclosed with 61˘ in LOOSE U.S. postage stampsPlease do not affix the postage to your return envelope.  Thank you.

Mark the lower left corner on the outside of your enclosed return envelope with the word:   ''Nana'' just to help me from becoming more confused than I already am.  Thank you.

My postal addy == >

If you can't see the DG address exchange, send a DMail for my postal info,
using this link == >   and request my postal mailing address.

The accompanying photo was contributed to DG by KactusKathi, of Goodyear, AZ.

A T B T Y !       ~       ŁazŁo     ;--)

This message was edited Nov 12, 2009 5:02 PM

This message was edited Dec 1, 2009 8:45 PM

Thumbnail by LazLo
Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

envy on the way!

Bonifay, FL

I'd like both types of pomegranate seeds.

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Therese - be sure to note both on your envie, pls.

Thumbnail by LazLo
Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

I'm sending "Compton" to you in my envie!

Valdosta, GA(Zone 8b)

I would also like some of these Pom seeds. Thanks again!

Tami :)

Bluffton, SC(Zone 9a)

These fruit right? Read in plant files that people seem to have trouble getting fruit. Any ideas whether they come true from seed? I have full size pomegranates but I'm think these would make nice present for next X-mas. LOL. Probably make a nice potted patio plant. Wheels turn in my mine.

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

soak them overnight. sow directly into a part shade garden bed to a depth of 1/2 in. keep moist but not wet for two weeks, then let nature take its course.

also works well in deep containers kept in part shade locations (TX) - - other locals probably can allow more sun than here, where full sun means blast furnace!

yes, these oughta yield little bitty pom fruits for you, Corey - - 1 in. - 2 in. in diameter - - they'll make great gift plants.

Thumbnail by LazLo
Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Ooops! ( never mind )

This message was edited Nov 17, 2009 6:16 PM

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

                                    Offer reopened:  Nov. 12, 2009

Thumbnail by LazLo
Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

I so wish these were hardy in zone 6.

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

I grow them here in the house in zone 5

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

How big does the tree get?

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

I don't know they can grow large if you let them. the trick is in very careful pruning, and forcing your hubby's hand so he HAS to build you the green house he promised

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

That would never happen here on either count. I couldn't bring myself to cut a healthy limb off and DH is not going to build me a green house. Oh well.

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

ahhh but see he everything to build it has been here for 5 years...I got sick of waiting especially after he bought him and our middle son 1932 and 1907 model t's to build hot rods out I took the entire house hostage, I covered the couch with plywood and then potted up 200 plants and stuck on it I put 2 huge weeping fgs in front of the tv. I covered everysingle flat surface in the house as packed as I could with plants, I put a very large and nasty agave in front of his coffe pot.
a 300 pound cactus in front of the oven and a pot of EE's that weighs close to 150 pounds right in front of the fridge, they cant sit to eat cause I packed the dinning room to beyond capacity

footings went in last week, he finished the knee walls and cement borders for the permanent beds tonight and our 19 yo will start framing tomorrow! They are tired of sandwiches

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

sorry I was just sick of the excuses! I thought if he can go buy himself another hot rod, then why couldn't I have what I already paid for?

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Cheryl -

they get to a width of 3 - 4 feet and about 5 ft in height . . . great in a deep container . . . and as far as pruning goes, why not give a shot at rooting those cuttings. nice gifts for close friends.

the flowers are really interesting - - i've been mesmerized many a morning watching butterflies and bees enjoying my Nana . . . if only there were hummers around here to make it a truly terrific show . . . plenty of hummers as near as four miles away, but have never seen one here in the ten years i've been here. and there is just NO excuse for those absent hummers! not with all the hummer treats i've got growing around my building.

eighty million sparrows, wrens, finches, cardinals, jays and who really knows how many mockingbirds . . . not one hummer !! BAH!

g'night . . . i'm off to have a nightmare now.

Thumbnail by LazLo
Valdosta, GA(Zone 8b)


Thank you for the 'Big Pom' and 'Nana' seeds I received today. I can't wait to plant them.

Tami :)

Portland, OR(Zone 8a)

Lazlo, I would love some of the nana seeds. I will get an envelope in the mail in a few days. Ran out of stamps but have some ordered that should be here by Monday. I need something to replace my dead bay laurel. Fortunately I have (had) two. Z

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

You talked me into it! I can put them in big pots and keep them in the cellar with a light in the winter. My cellar doesn't get below 50 degrees because the heating unit for the house is down there. The humidity is about 84%. Sound like it would work?

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Cheryl -

they are hardy to 5 °F, so i guess the temp and humidity in the cellar will be alright but i have pity for the person to be tasked with hauling potted poms up and down cellar stairs! LOL!

atbty ! ~ Łaz

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

Never thought of that Lazlo! No wonder my 5 teenagers dread spring and fall, It's when I make them move all my big pots!

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

It's only 2 steps down and I'm the one who will need to be pittied. LOL I'll try to get to the PO first thing next week. Thanks.

Framingham, MA(Zone 6a)

Oh Trinawitch - what an awesome story! I wish i could do the same to get a greenhouse! As it is, you can't move in my basement with all the trees in there for the winter. maybe i can threaten....

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

I am glad I am not the only one who has a garden in the basement..
just found this offer, Don.. will get an envelope out to you..

One small area of the garden down here..

Thumbnail by joeswife
Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Debra - you so cool, gal.

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

Lazlo anything special to plant these or just pot them up? My brain is about to explode, too much info trying to be stored in my head!

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

just pot'em up in moist soil, sown about 1/4 in. deep - - watch for green thingies
now, an important announcement from Washington!

Thumbnail by LazLo
Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

ok...just wanted to make sure, cause you know yourself that some seeds need special things before you plant them

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

trina, I do something special.. I kiss my seeds before they go into the soil, and coo to them to do something, cuz I might not ever see them again! LOL ;D
in the 30s' tonight.. I said good bye to the impatiens, salvias and begonias I didn't bring in..

Don, I need to know if I am supposed to crack a Sago Nut open before I plant it..

I planted these last winter from seed.. just now blooming in the basement.

Thumbnail by joeswife
Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

oh now that's a pretty flower!

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

i didn't crack the one i grew . . . just soak the seeds for 2-3 days and then scrub'em clean . . . there is a good photo of what clean sago seeds look like here ---»

info resource(s) you might want to check with further:

"Sago Palm Seed Germination - How To"

Phil Bergman's article -
"The Sago Palm, Cycas revoluta”

and perhaps better illustrated . . .

Thumbnail by LazLo
Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

Got my envy sent off today. Can't wait to get this one growing. I bet I'll be the only one in the neighborhood who has one. That is, until mine have seeds and I share with the neighbors. LOL

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

hey Lazlo, I don't have seeds I have these, how do I plant them?

Thumbnail by trinawitch
Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

Nothing gets past Washington! LOL

My cellar is not a finished one. The man who owned this house, hand dug the cellar with a mattock. It is tall enough for a stand up shower. The floor is rock and clay with a layer of gravel. Good for drainage. He also put in a drain pipe that leads out to the creek. So I don't have to worry about getting water on the floor.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Thanks.... soaking them now.. will post results as they go..
one of the seeds from you I planted last spring out side.. I brought it in.. it was planted in a hibiscus pot.. it is now up to the ceiling and bent over. The leaves resemble hemp, the buds are pointed and fat..
is this the sweet hibiscus? or could it be the red star of texas>

This message was edited Nov 17, 2009 7:59 PM

Thumbnail by joeswife
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Cajun, I have tile, but since the walls leak all the time anyway, I have no care if they get wet or not.. I use a garden hose that runs from the other side of the divider wall, where the Washer is Supposed to be , but isn't. I would love hand dug area.. I had a cellar on the farm I lived on for awhile as a kid.. we used it for the tornadoes.. like Dorothy .
Don: I found a picture of one of the seed heads I sent you. It grows huge and tall.. it looks like a seedy corn cob in that bag..

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

here it is:

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

now that's a neat plant Joeswife!

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