November in the Garden

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

I love peonies, thanks dalfyre for showing that! It made my day!

Well I discovered Leo gave me 3 kinds of mums! That first one was a Belgian mum called Ozenda Orange and it did, it turned an orangish yellow as fall wained!

Then the second was Gold Finch Yellow....

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

And this one .. also a Belgian mum called Terano Yellow!

Whooohooooooo, I am so happy! I just hope my labor was not for not installing almost 30 of them that he generously gave me and I hope they return in my garden next year!!

Im gonna have to do something nice for Leo.. that was sweet of him!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

And call me weird, but I love dandelions! They smell wonderful and are great bee attractors!

Some are still blooming even now!

Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)

Dandelions have a fragrance???? I will have to sniff one next time, just before I pull it out and toss it. LoL.

Teresa - how many peonies do you have? That is a lovely bloom. I also see a nice deep dark red one in one of your earlier photos. I planted about 6 new ones this year, bringing my total herbaceous and tree peony total count to about 24. I am on borderline cold-requirement, so some years is great, others not so good.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Oh yes, dandies have a fragrance, but maybe its an acquired "taste"..

Christchurch, New Zealand

Soils I am envious...
I only have the two.
Mum gave me the red & I have about 5 plants from splitting the original gift.
The white is not doing as well, it was better when I first moved here but I lifted & divided it - the ones I gave Mum have not flowered & only one of the two I kept has flowered, it is putting out more buds but they are smaller flowers.
It still smell heavenly, the red has no scent at all.
I am wondering after reading the article in DG a while back if I planted the white too deep.
It may need a new spot as they (supposedly) don't like competition or any overhanging foliage & it is getting crowded where it lives.
I think come autumn I will bite the bullet & try shifting the smaller of the two white ones ...
just have to research a bit more to choose the optimum position & then wait & see.

Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)

Teresa - I need to qualify what I wrote LoL. I don't have 24 different varieties - I have 24 plants. I have up to 3-4 of the same variety - I have maybe 16 different varieties all together.

I have not tried moving any of peonies except for one tree peony that I planted in a spot where it got hidden. I think it is dead - but I am keeping the "stick" in place in case it decides to come back. I did dig up a herbaceous one this fall to give away - I hope that it will bloom for her. Good luck with finding a good spot for your white one. Since you lifted and divided it recently, it may just need time to adjust.

Christchurch, New Zealand

it has been a few years since I disturbed the white peony, the reds were shifted more recently & are doing well - and they forgot to read the book on where they should thrive as one of my best one is under the witch hazel & loving it.
I ducked into the Warehouse & they have peonies in the orphans section marked down to $20.00...
am tempted by the pretty pink one, lot of money for a plant though.
There were some aquilegias alongside for $1.50, that is more my price range, and they were pretty colours.

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