Dirty little secrets of the MA

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

LOL We all do stuff like that.

Terri, I have my areas that I let go, but then I rush around like crazy to fix them. My garage on the other hand, and my car are complete disasters, no matter how much work I give them. Every week I have to force myself to clean up my sitting space in the den.

My planting/work area in the garden is always a mess too.

I do have to keep putting stuff back where it belongs, or I will never find it.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Ahhh, Stormy!
You just hit on the dilemma of WHY our homes stay cluttered--at least I know that this is my problem....I confess.....

Every day--there is something out of place--or it needs to be put back somewhere--or it belongs in the basement or the Laundry Room, the bedroom, etc.....We all know this!
What do I do? I will take it half-way to wherever it needs to be--and then put it on the first horizontal surface I come to.
Then it sits there for weeks! I walk past it every day, and say--"I need to take that to ..........". But it still sits there.....

I have a split level home--so the stairs are the most common places I put things---"until I go that way--then I will take it "there"....Things can sit for, literally, months in those spots--and I walk past them 10x a day. But--they still sit there.....

I just, today, I put away a box that my sister gave me for Cristmas. containing something I will, probably, never wear.
Black velvet, Pantaloon slacks--one size too big for me.
BUT--she keeps buying me clothes on sale at great places like "Annie Says"....I seldom have ever worn anything she gives me. I beg her to not buy me clothes.....Our tastes are different.....Yet--she does. Lost cause!

My kitchen table is a lost cause too. I live there.....My TV is there---It holds all my magazines and bills and medical mailings and yaddda...yaddda...yadda. I dice and chop and work on things there--so I caan watch TV while doing something "worthwhile". Today it was de-fatting the cooled meat stock I made over the last 2 days (and had in the fridge so i can remove the fat) and doling it out among 14 1qt, freezer baggies.
Now and then, I rearrange the stuff on the table--go through some of it-file away the monthly paid bills--or such--and I feel SO accomplished! But it has not solved the problem.

When I go into someone's house--and it looks like it has been "staged" to sell--I cannot understand how people can live in such a "sterile" environment? NOTHING is out of place! There are NO knick-knacks and mo mail and keys and "stuff" anywhere. WHERE do they keep it all??????
To be honest--I feel very uncomfortable in homes like that! I do not know where i am allowed to sit or what i am allowed to do?????

If you come here--I will say--"There's the fridge--help yourself!". Beer's downstairs.
Push a bunch of stuff aside and say--"I hope you don't mind if we eat at the kitchen table"----
If you want to put your feet up on my coffee table--it is OK. Now--I know most people would never do this.

You get the idea---"Mi Casa--Su Casa"! Please be comfortable! Feel at home!

Life's too short to worry about the "little things".....

Have any of you read Erma Bombeck's "If I Had My Life to Live Over"? What a lady she was! What a writer!!! How perceptive of all things life gives us.....

Maybe I should attach it here------It suits the occasion. I have it in My Documents....



I would have gone to bed when I was sick instead of pretending the earth would go into a holding pattern if I weren't there for the day.
I would have burned the pink candle sculpted like a rose before it melted in storage.
I would have talked less and listened more.
I would have invited friends over to dinner even if the carpet was stained, or the sofa faded
I would have eaten the popcorn in the 'good' living room and worried much less about the dirt when someone wanted to light a fire in the fireplace.
I would have taken the time to listen to my grandfather ramble about his youth.
I would have shared more of the responsibility carried by my husband.
I would never have insisted the car windows be rolled up on a summer day because my hair had just been teased and sprayed.
I would have sat on the lawn! With my grass stains.
I would have cried and laughed less while watching television and more while watching life.
I would never have bought anything just because it was practical, wouldn't show soil, or was guaranteed to last a lifetime.
Instead of wishing away nine months of pregnancy, I'd have cherished every moment and realized that the wonderment growing inside me was the only chance in life to assist God in a miracle.
When my kids kissed me impetuously, I would never have said, "Later. Now go get washed up for dinner." There would have been more "I love you's"; more "I'm sorry's."
But mostly, given another shot at life, I would seize every minute...look at it and really see it.. live it and never give it back.

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Gita, I have always enjoyed that writing by Bombeck and it's nice to be reminded of it.
Everybody spends their time differently. I don't do any crafts or hobbies. I used to. I stopped doing them as I am very compulsive with whatever I do. When I used to knit and sew, I would not stop until the item was complete. If I was knitting, I would take it with me wherever I went. So in order to have more balance in my life, I gave them up. I used to never sit idle handed. I was always doing something. It took me years to learn to just relax. I still don't do much of that, but at least, now I do some.
I do spend a lot of time doing research for both business and pleasure. I let papers pile up, but then attack the pile with a vengence and get rid of it.
About the clutter, my years of waitressing when I was in school, taught me to never walk anywhere empty handed. I pick up something in the house wherever I go, so something is always moving on to it's next destination. Yes, they go from one floor to the next on their way to their final destination. But I never let them sit more than a day or two before moving them onto the next stop.

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Grossmutti, I hadn't checked this thread in awhile and missed the chance to welcome you to DG and the MA forum!

Gita, I like your philosophy ---"Mi Casa--Su Casa"!

I'm not a huge clean freak but I do get disgusted from time to time when things just get away from me. We had a cleaning lady for years and it was so easy to just forget about everything because she was great! It's been a couple of years since she had to give it up and even though we soon had a replacement, she left us last summer to start a full time job. It's all on me now and even though Rick said we could manage and do it ourselves, I'm not so sure "they can be retrained "! LOL It's been fairly easy to keep up with it so far but as soon as the gardening season hits you know where my priorities will be :) I'll never have a sparkling clean house, especially in the spring and summer, but at least I know there's always non-gardening months to catch up!

Stormy, I've tried "never walking anywhere empty handed". I'll pick something up to take it to the bedroom or office with the intention to bring something back with me that I need and then I forget what that "something" was! LOL

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Ric thinks I trying to kill him I stack things on the steps to carry up later when I'm going up there.

cambridge md, MD(Zone 7a)

We all have the same obsesssion "lets keep it we might need it" gardeners have a tendency to do that. I have shelves of fabris in my basement , never mind the fabric that are on rolls (I uses to have an uphostery and drapery store). I have drawers full of yarn. I have decided that as soon as the roads are cleared I am going to have a major indoor yard sale selling all the fabris that I will never use and all the yarn that I dont seem to be able to part with.... Yesterday I cleaned my computer desk and of course had to do the bills . It took me the whole day between filing sorting the file cabinet and taking all of last year paid bills and review everything that sorting also all the stuff that was downloaded printed and all that mine and some of my husband , his went into the shredder. He usualy look at it once or twice and forget that it even exist .... I still have papers that I am agonizing about I have to make decisions and that might take time... now i also have a cone of yarn on my desk since Idecided to make some bedroom slippers. It seems that everything migrates from the breakfast table to my computer. My husband does not leave things laying around because I refuse to pick up after him and make a federal case of it when he does. I don't want any more cleaning work than necessary. I hate house work , and I cant afford a maid therefore no mess for me to pick up.. My kitchen is extremely small so 4 things on the counter will be considered clutter ,so be it I have to put things somewhere ...I just cant' have dishes laying around that is all. I can always make room for some muffins... or freshly baked bread.... my big kitchen LOL

Thumbnail by orchidfancy
cambridge md, MD(Zone 7a)

We all have the same obsesssion "lets keep it we might need it" gardeners have a tendency to do that. I have shelves of fabrics in my basement , never mind the fabric that are on rolls (I uses to have an uphostery and drapery store). I have drawers full of yarn. I have decided that as soon as the roads are cleared I am going to have a major indoor yard sale selling all the fabrics that I will never use and all the yarn that I don't seem to be able to part with.... Yesterday I cleaned my computer desk and of course had to do the bills . It took me the whole day between filing ,sorting the file cabinet and taking all of last year paid bills and review everything that laying around on my desk. pictures , receipts, disks? sorting also all the stuff that was downloaded printed some of it mine and some of my husband , his went into the shredder. He usualy look at it once or twice and forget that it even exist .... I still have papers that I am agonizing about I have to make decisions and that might take time... now I also have a cone of yarn on my desk since I decided to make some bedroom slippers. It seems that everything migrates from the breakfast table to my computer. My husband does not leave things laying around because I refuse to pick up after him and make a federal case of it when he does. I don't want any more cleaning work than necessary. I hate house work , and I cant afford a maid therefore no mess for me to pick up.. My kitchen is extremely small so 4 things on the counter will be considered clutter ,so be it I have to put things somewhere ...I just cant' have dishes laying around that is all. I can always make room for some muffins... or freshly baked bread.... my big kitchen LOL

Thumbnail by orchidfancy
Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Orchid, I have one of those small kitchens too. How I envy people their lovely big kitchens! I've never had the nerve to consider those cabinets with the glass doors. When one of my cabinets opens, all sorts of things leap out. They are stuffed to the gills. I have about a quarter of the cabinet space that homes today are built with. Counter space is at a premium too. When I have to knead dough, I have to bring out a commercial baker's board, set it up on the dining room table and work. It is as big as some people's kitchen tables. The next time I use it, I'll have to take a photo of it.

The "retrainee" is upstairs now cleaning up the pots that I left soaking and making fresh coffee.

Holly, How is it that these guys can maneuver all through rough terrain in the woods carrying rifles at dusk, but one little pile of stuff on the steps is a life threatening obstacle?

RCN, I find more of that room to room forgetfulness all of the time. It's just more of that post menopausal brain syndrome. I have a friend who is always putting her cream in the microwave and her coffee in the fridge.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


Before you sell all that yarn and fabric for pennies--you could donate it to your local senior center. They hold all kinds of classes and you know seniors--they knit and crochet like crazy.
Another place would be a retirement home, or assisted living place of some sort. I think they have activity centers and crafts.

As for your upholstery fabrics--have you though of making nice throw pillows out of them and selling them?
Joann fabrics sells all kinds of foam you can use for the innards.....

See? Even for other people--I am an endless recycler....:o)


cambridge md, MD(Zone 7a)

Most of the fabrics that I have are designer fabrics, since 90% of my business was antique . Trust me I don't need another pillow in my house. As far as getting foam for my pillows I don't use it because it packs quickly and degenerate in time . I prefer using down and feather mixed it last longer. You can put the pillow inserts in the dryer in order to take all the dust out, it is a lot healthier.and they fluff up very nicely. I still use some of the remnants to make christmas stockings for a store and also some designer pillows. The fabric that is on rolls I can sell and use for other upholstery projects I get those once in a while. the rest of the fabrics are in too large quantitees to give to retirement centers . I gave them all my sample books and they loved that about 300 of them when I closed my store. As far as the yarn. I have very little acrylic which is what most of the retirement home seem to like . Most of what I have is wool, alpaca, cotton, and mohair.

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Orchid, There are crazy people like me who would stop at your garage sale and buy two of those hugh rolls of designer upholstery fabric. You just never know when that urge to spruce things up is going to strike. In the meanwhile, those rolls that used to live in your basement wil be all wrapped up living in mine.

I have a good friend who knits with all natural fibres and she lives by that threads magazine and a few others. She sends all over the world for her yarns. The more challenging the project, the more she wants to do it. I have brought her fabrics and yarns from wherever I've traveled. She loves to make very high styled items that few would wear. Yours truly is the recipient of all of the beautiful outlandish items. She makes them with me in mind, as she says no one else she knows will wear them.

cambridge md, MD(Zone 7a)

Stormila , lucky you. I knit things as gifts and for my friends. As far as the fabrics some I will keep for future plans maybe . but i am going to get rid of a lot because they are not my taste.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

I have about 35 baby hats knitted for new-borens out of different, soft yarns. The ones they put on heads of new babies.....Just did one more last night watching the Olympics Opening Ceremonies. It is a quick--one or two night project. These are pretty! Not just so-so!
One of these days--i will send them--or take them-- to our Mt. Washington Children's Hospital. They deal with a lot of Preemies. Some of my hats are pretty small--as I had no idea how big I should make them. Was, mentally, using a grapefruit as a size.....NOPE! I think most baby's heads are a lot bigger than that!

OH well--some must be small, medium, or large!

Here is some of them--from 2006. I have more by now......
I use the double-pointed needles--as in knitting socks--so there are no seems.

Thumbnail by Gitagal
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

A closer up of some.....

Thumbnail by Gitagal
Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Gita, Those are so cute.

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

Yay, I made some progress in the basement today. My BIL had been living with me for about 5 years, but bought a house right before Christmas. He had a lot of odds and ends stored in the crawl space that he hadn't gotten to yet. I drug it all out, carried about 20 boxes and bins upstairs, and loaded them in my car to take down to him the next time I head to Leesburg. Then I moved about 20 boxes of my Christmas decorations in there. Made quite a bit of space in the unfinished part of the basement - maybe I'll do my seed sowing down there this year instead of in the dining room. Then I actually CLEANED the finished part of the basement - vacuumed, mopped, dusted (and I can't believe I'm admitting this), cleaned up some old dog poop...

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

I do like big kitchens, but I'm also very comfy in my galley style kitchen. Once I'm set up there is not a lot of movement required. Heck, there isn't enough room for a lot of movement. LOL Ric

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Terri, I bet you feel great about getting that chore done.

cambridge md, MD(Zone 7a)

Gitagal: those babies hats are absolutly adorable . I make some hats too and booties that I give to St Anne in Washington d.c.It is a center for unwed mothers and babies waiting to be adopted or children that are there from Social services. I am sure that you have something like this in Baltimore . And I am sure that they would appreciate all those cuties. If you want some yarn let me know I will part with some for a good cause.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Gita those hats are adorable. I'm sure you will find a worthwhile charity to donate them to.
I've been working on the last of the stuff in the downstairs bedroom. That was an empty room the got filled up when we started the laundry room project. much of it has been put back into the laundry room, some things have been given away and some will go up into the attics. I now have an empty metal shelf. Not sure it it is going into the upstairs plant room or the garage but it will go soon. I have tried to designate areas for certain items so things don't get so spread around all over the house and I am designating a 1/2hour everyday to some type of household organization. Doesn't sound like much but I have been thinking that would be 3 1/2hr a week if I don't do it one day then I can double up the next and if I have a really busy week I can pick one day to do it all. If I do more than that great but I must do at least that. Holly

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Gita, If there is a Cancer center near you, you could make some adult size. You would be surprised how welcome some nice soft knit night caps would be for chemo patients that loose their hair. Your head really gets cold and you need something soft that will stay on at night and is comfortable.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

orchid- I think your quality yard sale will do very well- if you can spread the word just a bit. So many windows seems to be dressed with plain long panels --easy to make and would look so expensive in nice fabric.

Gita--I second/ third/ fourth--very cute. I think your sizing will be OK. Though a few bigger ones as gifts for needy full term babies would be nice too. And the adult caps too. Sounds nice to have a basket of caps to offer one to a new patient.

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Orchid, you can put a free ad in Craigslist about your yard sale.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Thank you all for the suggestions....
As I do not know about too many places i will donate these to--I still think the Mount Washington Children's Hospital will be my first choice....

Knitting aduly caps would take too much time.....I seldom pick this project up--only now that i am obsessed with the Olympics and don't wish to sot there twiddling my thumbs....

OK! Back to the TV! Pair skating is on.....one of my faves!


Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Ric and I have been taping the Olympics and watching as much of it as we can. Holly.

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

Hi Holly, I see you are still up. I've been sitting here watching the Olympics and catching up on all the threads I've been missing out on. Time flies when I get lost in DG. I think I've been sitting here for at least four hours...

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

So do I, I kind of work my way through the threads and then do something and then go back. I did get some time on my organization commitment. Not all at one time but I have made some headway.

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

I like your idea about doing 1/2 hour a day. Consistently plugging away at it is probably the best way to go. After my progress in the basement yesterday, I kept at it today by sorting thru all the old paint cans. I'm consolidating the leftovers into new quart and gallon cans to save for touch up. Will go to Home Depot tomorrow to get more cans - small project, but what a difference it makes. Really reduces the amount of space and looks so much tidier. Probably spent about 1 1/2 hours at it today, and putting the same amount of time into it tomorrow will finish it up.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Every time I went upstairs I carried something up. Tomorrow the Grans are comings so I don't know how far I will get but I can easily make it up the next day if I have, too. I have some organizing to do in my bedroom so I have found that when I go up at night I can just take one dresser drawer and go thru it or a shelf. So I can make up a little time there until that room is done anyway. LOL

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Little steps make a mile.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

aspen--good job!
My little steps involve getting rid of a kid book here, an old toy there--eventually a bag is filled for Salvation Army.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

I'm babysitting my daughters children today and I have a small rug that is to go back to her house and a box of old books. Might just check out another shelf, too. LOL

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

It all works. keep it up. The other secret is to make a rule that nothing can come into the house unless 3 things leave.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Yay me. I spent two hours yesterday in the bedroom vaccuuming everything that stood still, and under /on/around too. My vac has a HEPA filter so I feel cleaner the more I run it--Besides the obvious getting rid of dog hair dust bunnies . However, I hate how the vac smells stale and nasty after the first use or two of a new bag, and the junk starts to cook.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Toss something that smells good in there. A scented dryer sheet, some old potpourri

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Hey great idea- I'll change the bag and stuff a dryer sheet in the new bag before putting it on.
Some houses around here were built with the whole house vaccuum which always sounded kind of cool to me--having the exhaust side out in the garage. Oh, I guess in cold weather you'd be exhausting your warm air.

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

I never thought about that. Those systems are neat though.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

I have often wished I'd have installed one of those, probably would have cost less than our Rainbow, which by the way improved Holly's asthma. LOL Ric

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Poeple seem to be happy with them.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

I was trying to remember the last time I scrubbed the floors and conveniently could not remember when it was. This morning I was looking for a seed pack from the swap and found it where it fell in the corner and started to germinate. LOL So I spent the day on my prayer bones softening my cuticles for a much needed manicure, Yeah right! Since Holly left this morning with orders to be productive and saying she would be gone most of the day. I figured what the Hey and dragged out the Rainbow and got started. By the time she got home I'd vacuumed the floors, walls, woodwork, cabinets, upholstery and ceiling fans on my breaks from scrubbing and waxing. This works well, she's out of my way and her asthma is out of the dust, and when she gets home the house is much healthier for her. Those Rainbows may have a ridiculous price but I think her health has been well served by it. Ric

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