It's Boojums Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!

Raleigh, NC

you're kidding! Darn. I grew World Without End here and didn't like it much. it never looked like that photo, that's for sure.

Boojum, do you know the names of the irises in the last photo? they are so adorably sweet and petite.

Winnsboro, TX

Hey Skwinter becareful sending me and hubby a invitation to come visit for awhile. We have wanted to come to Las Vegas in December for several years . As I'm sure you know they have the PRC National Rodeo every year around the 1st of December. George and I both have rode and competed in all kinds of events and this is just something we have on our bucket list. Also included on the bucket list is the Calgary Stampede, Pendelton Round Up in Oregon, and Cheyenne Rodeo in Wyoming. We know that even if we could afford the tickets their woudn't be any rooms to be found in the hotels. I've been to Las Vegas many many years ago and I loved it but come home broke just like everyone else. (grin) I enjoyed watching the pirates fight and the big ship sink. I loved the light shows and just about everything else but was grateful that I didn't have to live in all that hussle and bussle.

Of course I have a bunch of gardens on MY bucket list. I want to go to Oregon to see Cooley's, Dee's, and a couple of others. Shoot, I'd love to go to all the big Iris and Daylily Hybridizers Gardens. I'd like to take a tour of Victoria's Water Gardens also.

Getting my head out of the clouds and back down to earth, I will have to settle for enjoying all the gardens and photos I can see and visit here in cyber space. LOL. But dreaming about doing things and going places is always so much fun.

Hope and Pray Everyone is having a Glorious Sunday,
Happy Gardening, Marian

Raleigh, NC

I did that iris garden tour in 2007. Believe you me, that's something else, we should all make these trips. gardens are great for the soul. Schreiners alone took me two days and I wasn't done. I had the most fun, I think, at Mid America Garden.

editted to add - but Snowpeak is where I learned the most, and I had just as much fun with Dee!

This message was edited Nov 1, 2009 10:45 AM

Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

Bonjon, did you mean the yellow ones?

Raleigh, NC

yellow ones, and blue ones.

Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

Yellow are tall historics called Flavescens.
The blue are siberian River Dance (Schafer/Sacks).

Raleigh, NC

thought that looked like River Dance, but I'm not good at IDing sibs.

Winnsboro, TX

They both are beautiful. I have something that looks very much like Flavescens. But would love to come up with some sibs that look like River Dance. LOL I've just got my feet wet trying a couple of J.Iris and now I want to try a couple of Siberians too. I'm crossing my fingers that everything I've planted here this year will flourish and do well even though I've been told some of the plants don't like the heat here in Texas. I'm going to do everything in my power to keep them alive and multiplying. (grin) Yelp, you can say I have zone denial. LOL

Happy Gardening everyone, Marian

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