Ti Two

Brisbane, QLD, Australia

Yes to look at Miss Andrea you would think it is a bit delicate, but it just isn't!! She likes the sun!! I use a chicken manure based pellet fertiliser, we do recommend foliar feeding but I must admit I don't do it. Some people do, others don't bother.

As for the rain.... RUB IT IN.....Lol.... we are in a terrible drought here and any drop of rain right now is precious!! Hawaii is the perfect place to grow cordy's... you will never have probs... with that much rain you will have wonderful humidity that they just thrive off. I would be happy to get half of that rainfall every year. Oh I wish... you now have me green with envy!! : )

As for the lava... you are just killing me here... you have it so lucky over there.... warm temps, unreal rainfall and wonderful minerals just sitting there in the soil already... does it get much better than that!! Seriously you are in the prime spot that is why your cords are so happy, I would be too if I was in their position in your garden!!

The problem you may find with the ones growing under the trees are that they are probably competing with the trees. No amount of fertiliser is going to help that. Are you able to build up your garden beds in that area, lift everything up and add lots of organic material and they should settle back in, it won't eliminate the problem of the trees competing for the water so you will need to make sure this area is kept moist. Alternativly move them to a better position....

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

With the above message, there is no reason for my Miss Andrea to still be on this earth. She gets a lot of water and is in almost deep shade. Go figure.

Good morning all.


Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Any raised bed near a tree becomes particleboard in a matter of months!!!!

Brisbane, QLD, Australia

Hey Hap.... Miss Andrea will live in those conditions, it will just have less colour and the leaves will be thiner and softer.... from what we found the one in full sun has a really thick almost waxy leaf. Really tough, compared to the one in shade.

Brisbane, QLD, Australia


Brisbane, QLD, Australia

Hey Carol.... did you get the chance to see Troy yet? I almost forgot...

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

Miss Andrea's color did not really show in my pic. She really has a lot of pink. Not bad for not knowing anything. hehe


Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

CM...Particleboard is like pieces of sawdust that are compressed into boads, and then covered with vinyl for cheap furniture... In our humidity it just crumbles apart...but that is what the ground is like. DH had to cut out some bamboo culms with a chainsaw!!!!!

Troy didn't return my call...will call again on Monday

Brisbane, QLD, Australia

Wow, so you r ground goes like that because of the rainfall? I wish I had those problems... : )
No worries, I can't wait to hear...
Talk to you soon : )

Brisbane, QLD, Australia

Is anyone still around it has gone pretty dead in here....

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

I just sent a stalk of Miss Andrea to Dutch, she should receive it in a couple of days.


Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

CM...the ground gets like that because there is almost NO soil and the bamboo roots and tree roots glom onto it.

Yes...haven't been chatty. Getting ready to go to NZ...getting 12 acres and a greenhouse in order is a 24/7 job!!

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

Wish I was close enough to greenhouse sit for you. :-)

Have a safe trip.

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Me too, Alice!!!! ME TOO!!!!

Brisbane, QLD, Australia

Oh wow ok, have a lovely trip Carol. Sounds like you have a lot on your plate right now. I wish I was closer too.... : )

Here is a new Cordyline here, Jason's Luck. It is an awesome big kahili. Reminds me of those red and green apple lolly pops I use to see as a kid.

Thumbnail by CordylineMad
Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Really beautiful!!!!

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