Ti Two

Brisbane, QLD, Australia

I have aleady shown you the Rainbow Red, here is a photos of Pink Champion.. this is a very good one...

Thumbnail by CordylineMad
Brisbane, QLD, Australia

and another....

Thumbnail by CordylineMad
Brisbane, QLD, Australia

This Pink Champion is everywhere here in Australia, Rainbow Red is very readily available but not as popular as Pink Champion, although Rainbow Red has been around longer than Pink Champion.

This message was edited Oct 27, 2009 8:34 PM

Brisbane, QLD, Australia

I think this is Kauai Rosebud...

Thumbnail by CordylineMad
Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Yep...that looks like it!!!!

I will pass your info on to Troy.

Brisbane, QLD, Australia

Thanks Carol, that would be great!! : )

Brisbane, QLD, Australia

This message was edited Oct 27, 2009 8:35 PM

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

This is one of Troy's, I got it on eBay a couple of years ago. He called it Keeley's Gold. I think Keeley is his other daughter's name.

Thumbnail by ardesia
Brisbane, QLD, Australia

WOW ardesia, that is a little riper!! Does anyone know how much work Troy has done with Cordylines?

This message was edited Oct 27, 2009 9:53 PM

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Troy has a good collection! He was out of it for a while, and then saw how popular it was getting, he took it up again. I kept bugging him to do them! He introduced Miss Andrea to Hi. He is not the world's best communicator and can't type so is reluctant to communicate over the computer His wife does all the auctions and computer stuff. He would be flattered, tho'. He probably hasn't all the names listed nor pictures of them....but... There was *is? a fellow who is right lucky with crossing them he has a number of too. I will call him in the morning. We are starting the blooming season now, so I am interested in doing some crosses. Hope I live long enough to see them!!!

Brisbane, QLD, Australia

Good on you for bugging him Carol : ) Would his wife be happy in communacting with me then, he sounds like has contributed in the history of cordylines and I would be honored to have the chance to communicate with him in some kind of way. Do you have any pics of his cords at all?? I have just shown that Keeley's Gold to the executive and there is high interest in just that plant!

Who is this other fellow you talk of? Good on you Carol.... the more the merrier I always say. : ) Oh and stop talking like that too!!

Have you heard of a fellow by the name of Don Libbey? He has been doing a whole lot of work in Hawaii identifying and documenting all the differnt cultivars....

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Have not heard of him at all. Let me go up and visit Troy...best idea. May not be until Friday afternoon. I can take photos...chum him up...

Brisbane, QLD, Australia

Hmmm ok, I can't think of what island he is on off the top of my head. Oh wow, you're a gem Carol... I can't wait now!! I was thinking I might have to resort to snail mail..... I can't imagine having to do that but if that is what I need to do I would.

Please do take lots of pics.... and chum away!! : )
If you're going to help me out I might have to come up with something nice for you too!!

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

Keeley's Gold has been a very slow grower for me but it has been outdoors, without protection, for quite a few years now and since I am in a marginal zone, that is a great thing. We do not get much in the way of freezes but we do get close a lot and that can really set plants back. This one has not ever los it's leaves.

Thanks Carol my friend, you were the one who first mentioned Troy here on DG years ago adn I jumped right on it.

Brisbane, QLD, Australia

Any ideas on where it came from? Sport, seedling etc...

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

I will find out, Kristi....

Xai Xai, Mozambique

my, what an interesting thread! i had no idea there were so many different Ti's, i have one Ti, its reddish color, no idea which one though. i got some helpful info here, so thanks!

Brisbane, QLD, Australia

This is Angela... bred by Tony Lawless.

Thumbnail by CordylineMad
Brisbane, QLD, Australia

Aurora Australis.... lovely big plant!

Thumbnail by CordylineMad
Brisbane, QLD, Australia

Aussie Flag, this plant has a PBR. bred by Robyn Ganley.

Thumbnail by CordylineMad
Brisbane, QLD, Australia

This is a really hard one to grow well but the colours are just beautiful, it's called Chocolate & Strawberry.

Thumbnail by CordylineMad
Xai Xai, Mozambique

they are all beautiful!

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Beautiful, kristy....what is PBR?

Brisbane, QLD, Australia

Hmmmm, I don't know what it stands for exactly but it is when the plant is registered and the grower who has bred it is the only one who is allowed to reproduce it and sell it. It costs a heap of money to do. I have just been told that it can also include any sports that come off that plant too.

noonamah, Australia

It stands for Plant Breeder's Rights.

Brisbane, QLD, Australia

Thanks tropicbreeze..... that would be it!! : )

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)


Just surfing around Dave's and found this interesting thread and some familiar names.

One is Miss Andrea. I planted something labeled Miss Andrea in 2005 and it has done well. Is this the right one?


Thumbnail by Happy_1
Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

There is also a Dr. Brown lurking in the area next to Missy. Is it Dr. Brown named after the famous or infamous Dr. Brown? This is a baby pic.

Thumbnail by Happy_1
Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

This is Missy yesterday.

Thumbnail by Happy_1

I think that Missy needs a trim and I'd love a cutting. Trade you a piece of my 'Bronze Baby'....

Thumbnail by
Brisbane, QLD, Australia

Hi Hap,

Yes that is Miss Andrea you have there. The second one also looks like Dr Brown, the leaves are generally a bit more broarder but that is probbaly due to imaturity and yes it is named after Dr Frank Brown, if that is who you were talking of.

As for Missy, I have never seen or heard of Missy and if you know any info on Missy I would love to know. It looks very close to Miss Andrea..... Where did you get it and is there much difference keeping in mind you can get different colouring in different light and positions. I'd love to hear what you think... : )


Brisbane, QLD, Australia

Also Hap.... go and check out www.cordyline.org

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)


I just condensed Miss Andrea to Missy. Same plant. Sorry for the confusion. I will check that link.



Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

Just was on the Cord site. I had no idea what beauty and variety there was. Thank you for this introduction.


Brisbane, QLD, Australia

Oh ok...lol. No probs Hap.... You had me thinking or confused...or both. : )
You're welcome, seems many people don't realise, they are truly beautiful plants and the possabilities seem endless.

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

See that the org. is in Aust., Miss Andrea is in pretty much shade and doing OK for my limited standards. But Dr. B. 2' away is not doing that well for he's getting very tall and leggy and does not have the vibrant colors that's on the site. Think that he should move?


Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

FEW Ti need shade... I think Dr. B would like the sun...

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

Ah, that's why he looks so bad. Thanks


Brisbane, QLD, Australia

If you are in the right zones definatly place your cordy's in a posotion getting some sunlight, they need sun to show their best colours.

We did a test here is Aust recently with Miss Andrea, and it was the one in the sun with little water that was the greatest looking plant over the plants in shade with lots of water and little water. It was good and strong and far superior to the others.

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Interesting!!! I was just wondering about that as I looked out to fairly deep shade and wondered why Miss A was so pathetic. We have another place with a mess of them in alot of sunlight and that is where I have gotten my two sports!!!

What NPK do you use on your Cordys? Foliarly?

With 160" of rain a year (way over 350cms) growthing them dry would be hard. But under tall narrow palms they get little water and lots of sun. YAY.

They really don't seem to need much soil, either!!! I am jammed a log in a crack in the lava...thrown maybe 3" of dirt on it.... that Cordy is there for the duration. Heck...the roots are probably in China!!! Most of mine grow that way and are really happy~!!!

The bed I have trouble with is one where all the surrounding trees have helped themselves of any nutrients and I foliar feed like crazy but they are not buying it!!! they are really unhappy!!!


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