Ti Two

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

We came here from:

Kristy, this looks to me like the Katrijin you posted. What do you think?

Thumbnail by ardesia
Brisbane, QLD, Australia

Did I post a Katrijin??? I don't remember doing that...lol. But yes you are right, this is Katrijin!!

Brisbane, QLD, Australia

Carol, we too have one called Bolero... it also has another name... can't think of it off the top of my head.... I should be able to find a pic.... nothing like Crinkle Cut though.

Yes there have been a few problems with Miss Andrea... we have just done a test recently that we will be putting out into our magazine about the conditions it prefers.... it was very interesting to see,the outcome was not what I expected. The red and bronze one I think you are talking about is Rainbow Red. Same family as Miss Andrea done through tissue culture.

I can't find a Bolero right now but here is Rainbow Red...

Thumbnail by CordylineMad
Brisbane, QLD, Australia

Here is a regular shot of Crinkle Cut... as I said the other one was quite extrordinary.

Thumbnail by CordylineMad
Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

Can you share the name of the person on Kauai who is importing Ti's? I tried to order some from Australia a while ago and learned the grower no longer exports plants because the government no longer subsidizes the inspection fees. Perhaps ther are other growers who do export.

Brisbane, QLD, Australia

Yeah his name is Ollie... you will find him on the ICS Forum. He is paying for all of the costs involved to get them over there. I do believe it is a very costly exercise... he won't have any plants for a while as he hasn't had them that long. The lady who is exporting them for him is about to sell her property where all her parent stock is so he is wanting to organise another shipment before she sells.

Brisbane, QLD, Australia

I don't think Ollie has a nursery or anything, he is just a very keen collector and hobbyist. Who were you trying to get stuf from ardesia? Was it wood that you were trying to get? Yes the inspection fees are high but he was happy to pay them for the chance to obtain a heap of new ti's.

el arish, FNQ, Australia

Hi Kristy, How are you? Small world lol. My Rainbow Red looks like my Gold Stripe are they the same? Helen Curran maybe interested as I just sent her two down for The Tropical Plant Society of Sydney's auction. She has started a cord thread on the Aussie forum as well.
Regards, Ann Cains

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Wow....what a cool thing Ollie is doing!!! Tell him to call me!!!

Well, the red and the bronze sports on Miss Andrea are ones I cut off Miss Andreas' trunk!!! So not a Tissue Culture. VERY slow growers, slower than Miss A. I have a lot of success growing her...shade with bright indirect light. Lots of water. Sunday I will take photos. I will be gone tomorrow.

Brisbane, QLD, Australia

Hi Ann, how are you? I am good. Geez we had such a great time up seeing all you north Queensland members. Again, thank you for having us visit!! Look like we might be doing it again next year now... : ) We came back with so much knowledge, plants and loads of photos... of course. Yes I do believe that particular plant does have a few names as many of the Cordylines do. The name we (the Society) go by is Rainbow Red. So yes that is the same plant.

Oh ok, thanks for letting me know about Helen.... she contacted us about getting onto our ICS forum, she wanted to know how to register. We didn't have the registration set up at that time but when I went to email her it bounced back to me for some reason. So if you are speaking with her could you possibly let her know that the registration is now available. I will have to go and check out this thread you're talking about.... more the merrier I say!!!


Brisbane, QLD, Australia

Oh Carol, that sounds really interesting, can't wait to see the pics?

Email me across your phone number and I will pass it onto Ollie. I need to get onto him really soon, so I will wait till I have your number.


Brisbane, QLD, Australia

Hi Ann,

I can't seem to find this thread or forum you said Helen has created.... can you give me a heads up? What is the Aussie forum?? Didn' find it....


Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Hold that thought... My red sport looks painted red...pretty unusual...but I am gone tomorrow from early in the morning....have to wait til Sunday...

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

Here's the thread Kristy:

FYI, if you look at the top of this page you will see a tab for "Communities". There are hundreds here on DG including international forums which are the top column on the right at present.

Edited to add - after you hit "Communities" you have to hit "Disscussion forums" then the list will come up.

This message was edited Oct 24, 2009 6:56 AM

Brisbane, QLD, Australia

Thank you, I got it now!!

We have a cordyline meeting today, it was such a good day!! I got a red variegated Petiolaris. I love it, Petiolaris is my favourite of the native cordylines but this one with the red variegations is just mind blowing!! So excited : )

Brisbane, QLD, Australia

Hi Carol,

I'm just checking in to find out about those Miss Andrea sports.... can't wait to see them, talk to you soon....

Kristy : )

Brisbane, QLD, Australia

Here is a newie from our weekend meeting...
It's called Gold Compacta. It's a mini....

Thumbnail by CordylineMad
Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

It is a good thing I have a new laptop on order; all these pretty Ti's have me drooling all over this one. :-)

Brisbane, QLD, Australia

Lol ardesia.... : )

Mérida, Yucatán, Mexico(Zone 11)

Oh, I love the colors on that one. We have a lot of them here but not a lot of variety that I've seen, mostly the reds. How do you keep them from getting leggy? I haven't planted any even though I love some of them because they become so leggy so quickly. Can you chop the head off and the stalk produces another one? Or branches out?

Brisbane, QLD, Australia

Here is another reasonably new one, it is called Chocolate Willi's Gold.

Thumbnail by CordylineMad
Brisbane, QLD, Australia

extranjera, yes just cut the tops of they they will re-shoot. Then the cane you have cut off you can cut them up and pot them up for even more plants to put back in the garden or share with your friends. Make sure you plant them the right wayup!! Cut them back to about a foot from the ground. By cutting them it will encourage them to grow multiple heads which can make a wonderful display. I try to have a few heads on my plants so I can cut one one year and still have something there and then I can cut the next one the following year, that way the one you cut the previous year has already started growing.

I wish I had the problem of mine growing too quickly!!

Brisbane, QLD, Australia

also extranjera, check out www.cordyline.org for further info....

Brisbane, QLD, Australia

This is Son Of.... stunning colour!!

Thumbnail by CordylineMad
el arish, FNQ, Australia

Kristy, Sorry I haven't been around on this thread. We are putting ceilings up and wiring so my house is a tip with all the fuinture in the living room. I will return with photos and comments when we are a little less hectic!!! Ann

Brisbane, QLD, Australia

Oh Ann you poor thing, I don't envy you. Take your time, I'll see you soon...

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Is your Chocolate a seedling of WG?

Brisbane, QLD, Australia

Yes I do believe so Carol, there is a very complicated story in behind that plant, but from memory... yes.

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

OK...finally got the pics and the rain let up enough to take the photos. Yech..it has been wet!!!

So this is the red sport. I love it because it is red/orange/pink ...you can see the pattern of Miss Andrea...the color is TRUE.

Thumbnail by AlohaHoya
Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

and this is the bronze sport...next to a normal Miss Andrea...

Thumbnail by AlohaHoya
Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

And another favorite of mine, Manui'a'

Thumbnail by AlohaHoya
Mérida, Yucatán, Mexico(Zone 11)

Cordyline, thanks for the link, that's a great site.

Brisbane, QLD, Australia

thanks extranjera, you're very welcome.... I have a lot more I need to add to it too. I have around another 600 photos I need to add, but I just haven't had the time.... I need more hours in a day.

Brisbane, QLD, Australia

Hello Carol,

your Manuia looks different to ours.... who told you that was Manuia? As I have seen other Hawaiian Manuias before and theirs was the same as ours.... Here is what ours look like. I am starting work with a man over there who is also trying to catologue all the differnt cultivars.... so this will help bridge the gap and hopefully the confusion with the right names. I would like to track all the cultivars with all their names from all over the world and I hope for everyone to use the same name. It would be so much easier that way.

Thumbnail by CordylineMad
Brisbane, QLD, Australia

Hi again Carol, I passed your photos around to a few people and everyone agrees that these sports you have been lucky enough to get are the same ones that were produced through tissue culture. It was explained to me that tissue culture is simply damaging the tissue cells to produce something new. That this is what kind of happens with a sport but it has obviosly occured in nature. If it has occured in tissue culture it is every bit possible that it can occure in nature. I have never seen this this occure in with this plant before and to have it happen twice you are extremely lucky... I'd like to rub shoulders with you!! So the bright red one is called Pink Champion, while the bronze coloured one is called Rainbow Red.

Talk to you soon...

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

Wouldn't you think different growing conditions would produce slightly different colorations on TI's? It can happen with so many other plants. I know the Ti's I have gotten from Carol are never quite as bright here as they are in her garden. I attribute it to the difference in the soil (no lava here) and the sun exposure. All but the common hot pick ones need a bit of shade in my area.

Brisbane, QLD, Australia

Yes you are absolutly right ardesia, there are many factors that contribute to colouration. Soil is a definate one and growing conditions with light and protection is the other big factor. Then you can go into fertilizing, watering, pH levels etc.. the list goes on and on.

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

When you name a Cordyline, do you register it somewhere?

Actually, the Miss Andrea sports are not uncommon, and the first one to have them here grower by the name of Troy Shiginaga. Troy brought the Miss Andrea Ti into the islands. Troy has since propagated the sports and they are true to the mother (plant) sport and so he has named them after his two daughters: Princess Leisha and Princess ? (I need to ask him). Since they first sported for him and he has sold them with those names, I feel I will keep his names on mine. Mine were not from himbut from my own stock.

BTW...in that terrible book by Brown identifying Cordylines he mentions Roy Shiginaga and many of the photos were taken in his nursery. Roy remembers the visit: Brown never took notes, took lots of pictures and was not really interested when told the names. Go figger. Roy is Troy's father.

To pin down and homogenize all of the names of Ti is a very ambitious project!!! To me it would be like trying to herd cats. Every uncle and his sister around here have certain Ti and many of them differ just slightly...but slightly enough to make them NOT what their neighbor has. Wild crosses pop up all over the place. I do know that some have as many as 4 names...according to some folks who collect them.

I find that between sun and shade a Ti can vary slightly. Whether fertilized at the roots or with foliar they can differ as to size of leaves and intensity of color. I was told to grow Wili'i's Gold in the shade...but it grows better for me in full sun for part of the day.

Isn't it funny how one plant can be so variable?

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Kristy...you are too right. That is NOT manui'a...wrong Ti. I think the one I shot was Kauai Rose or something like that.

Brisbane, QLD, Australia

Oh you are so right Carol, plants can differ greatly, you will definatly get much beter colour from your Willis Gold if it's getting some sun through the day. When you find out the other name of Troy's daughter, please let me know, I'll keep your photos and lable them as what he named them. I have heard of that name before but I am not sure where.... So he obviously has a great interest in Ti's? Could you please pass my email onto him for me, I think it would be great if I could have a chat with him.

The book you are talking about, do you mean Dr Frank Brown? I do know there are a lot of errors in that book and hardly any are named, it is a great shame. Sadly in the earlier days some people were not interested in names and they just wanted all the pretty colours, the names didn't matter to them. This has now caused a very big problem. Although his book has a lots of errors in it, there is still a lot of very good information in it. This is something we (the Society) would like to do in the future... a series of books containing all the right information and continue them as new things come along.

As far as trying to track all the cordylines and their history I know is going to be a massive sized job. We have already started and we'll take baby steps in doing it. The longer it is put off the bigger the job becomes. Obviously there will be cords we will never find the origin of but all we can do is speak with everyone we can and find out as much as we can. We feel it is our duty to do it and most importantly get it right. The last thing we need is another publication with incorrect information. As we are the only organisation worldwide who concerntrates on just cordylines, who better to do it. Obviously not every new seedling needs a name, it has to be different enough from what is already available, more or less it needs to be name worthy. As far as plants go with multiple names, I know.....we would like to track them back to their first original name given and keep that as the "common name" used.

As for a register, there currently isn't one, but again something the club has wanted to do for years.... I will be setting one up on the web site very soon.... obvioulsy this is going to make things a lot easier too and help with plants been given multiple names, it will also assist in keping track of all named varieties.

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