Does anyone have any castor beans to trade or sell?

I went through a sudden "growth spurt" a few years ago, only in the wrong direction. My daughter and I went to the gym yesterday and spent an hour on the treadmill. Unfortunately, I seem to be at the age where it takes FOREVER for my body to burn anything.

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

on that one I have to say thank you to my parents they are both tiny people, so I am thankful for that

(jax) Dundalk, MD(Zone 7a)

please, please, please! I would love to have some, any color! would pay adoption fee, postage, whatever.

Send me a bubble envelope with at least 3 stamps inside and I will send you some green ones.

(jax) Dundalk, MD(Zone 7a)

thank you, thank is on the way!

Hanson, KY(Zone 6a)

Oh no no no bubba pleeese not the beans...pleeese don't shoot the moles need so much more than your wacko neighbor. I'll send you a big twisted stick to wack him with. Ha! Ha! (just kidding...kinda sorta)
Man your not lying about how expensive it is to have your land surveyed is... we paid right at $800.00 to have ours done...this was all of about 15min of actual leg work.
BTW The bubble envelope with the trade we discussed is finally in the mail.

Chris....yes please I would very much like some of your beans...just didn't want to sound too terribly greedy... they will very much be just don't know how much!
I'll dmail you so we can discuss what I might have you'd be interested in exchange.



I have plenty of green seeds. Will send them when I get your envelope!

Besides. I think it would have been more effective if I had ground the beans and put them in the beer he's so fond of drinking.

Hanson, KY(Zone 6a)

.....or you could of just cooked up a big pot of beans...castor beans that is and had a neighborly get together.

Since he called me a fat fu---- cu--, I don't think I want to share a meal with him. Its terribly hard just to share a conversation.

Arroyo City, TX(Zone 9b)

Oh Bubba but, they are poisonous...anybody calls me a fat f...n c... I'd share that meal with him honey and even serve him exlax brownies for dessert...;o)...I am a sweet pleasant woman who has had a past life she has put behind her but, please don't bring that past to the surface unless you want to play with

Hugs to you! Sorry about the unpleasant neighbor...


I didn't back down to him one bit, but when I came in the house I cried. And then I called the police. To this day I still try to kinda hide when I go outside.

Hanson, KY(Zone 6a)

Well miss jamie...I de clare, do you have a anger management problem? Hmmmmm?
You go get em girl! I got your back!

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

I have shiny things that take care of that kinda thing for good and a chipper shredder and I ain't afraid to uses em, besides blood meal and bone meal is good for the roses..LOL

You know. Come to think of it, there's a hog farm over around Laverne, Oklahoma which is just a few miles from here. According to a certain episode of Criminal Minds I watched, hogs will eat anything which gets rid of all the evidence! Be my luck, though, they would collect all the hog poop and find his dna or teeth or something in it. Oh well. He's been keeping a pretty low profile for quite a while. I have even wondered if he feeds those smelly dogs he's got pinned up next to the fence line for me to smell.

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

probably not, some people just amaze me

Well. I did hear him feed them yesterday afternoon. He hangs his arm over the fence and dumps the food into their bowls and I can hear the food hit the bowl.

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

dogs need to be able to run though

Arroyo City, TX(Zone 9b)

You know ladies...we don't need a hog farm...haven't any of you seen "Fried Green Tomatoes"...the secrets in the!

Jane - Baby girl ... I no long need anger management...that's when I got scarey... :o)!

Hanson, KY(Zone 6a)

Your a CRAAAAZZZZZY lady miss jamie!

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

true I never thought of that! LOL

Baytown, TX(Zone 9b)

I met a person who said he knew of people who would ruin a persons car by putting Limburger cheese in the radiator. haha Once the engine heats the smell doesn't ever come out of the interior or anywhere else. And the guy that told me said his friends sister got mad at her brother and put exlax in his coffee and he couldn't move off the pot for days. Wow those are both pretty bad things.

Being it was not anyone I know it really is funny. :o) I would hope I would never be mad enough to serve coffee with exlax. :o)

Back to caster beans I would love to find some red and green. All colors.

Bubba I would drive more stakes or better yet take him to small claims court and make him pay for the survey and the seedlings he destroyed. Hit him in his pocket he should stop.

To drive more stakes I would have to pay for another survey, since I can't find the original stakes. And to take him to court would take money also. I don't think it would do any good anyway. I don't think he even pays his bills. Went to pick up a piece of trash in my yard so I could mow a couple of years ago, and discovered it was his water bill. It was a cuttoff notice.

Baytown, TX(Zone 9b)

I hate to hear that. Maybe they will foreclose on him and he will have to move.

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

bubba wishing you the best on this issue, I do know if you take him to court over it, (if you get the right attorney) You can sock him with the attorney's fees and have his wages garnished, they learn real quick to leave your stuff alone, but in that case I had to go to the extreme of installing video surveilance equipment to prove it was my neighbor and his mean dogs and not just some stray or a coon, (Yes my attorney made it so he had to pay for that equipment as well!) Yeah when start taking 28% of a guys paycheck they stop!

Arroyo City, TX(Zone 9b)

Probably not paying his taxes either then! That's even better because the county will definitly throw him out where ever you are, especially, if OK is anything like TX.

That's the thing about hitting someone in the pocket. It's free to go to small claims court because he has to pay the costs back and you don't need a Lawyer but, you have to pay the fee up front to file and if he is a dead beat he'll never pay up. If he's loosing everything to start with, he has nothing else to loose. The Judge can say $1,000,000 if he ain't going to pay it it's up to you to collect it.

It's amazing how a jerk, is a jerk, is a jerk! They figure the whole world owes them and don't even pay what they owe. Always amazes me. Typical! Big hugs for putting up with it.



Arroyo City, TX(Zone 9b)

ooopppppsss mine posted after yours but, we were typing at the same time...I didn't realize you could do all!

Hanson, KY(Zone 6a)


I'm sure you already thought of this, but if you know approx. where the wooden stakes were.. most surveyors will also drive a steel pin down into the ground as well as the wooden stakes. I actually think it's a law that they do maybe if you scape the dirt back in those areas you will find your steel pin.

If that doesn't find them...if you have or know someone who has a metal detector you can locate them with that.

Next time he tries pulling up your stakes have your camcorder ready. It should hold up in small claims court.

Whatever you do, do not let him build a permanent structure...cause then judges have been known to make you either sell to this person the land that it sits on or buy their permanent structure. This I know to be fact.
Now tell fair is that?


Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

My son just called. He will be back from vacation this week. He says by next weekend he will get out and see if he can find any caster bean seeds in the canyon by his house. They grow wild there. These are large green leaves that start out red and as they mature they turn green. I'll post when he says he has them and has put them in the mail.

Marti001- from what I have read I think that variety is carmencita. I have some of those too.

Rainy_Jane - he didn't pull the stakes up, he buried them. I was so mad!!! It was the hottest time of summer here, and I discovered it when I was mowing the afternoon after he had run that d____ tractor! It was 3:00 in the afternoon which is a very hot time of day here. I was literally out on all 4's with a rock (it was the only thing I could find) trying to dig where I thought the stakes were. These WERE the metal stakes! The surveyor, when he surveyed, drove in metal stakes with red tops, then marked the stakes with flags. In the front yard where our property lines meet, he just kept mowing over that flag until it was gone. THEN. You see, he never mows the west side of his house between our houses, and he has these weeds that grow 5 feet tall. They have those little flower/seed heads that look like they might be marigolds but they are weeds. SO. These weeds are 5 feet tall, right? He goes and gets re-bar, cuts the re-bar in 1 to 2 foot pieces, sticks them in the ground so it makes it look like his property line is farther to the east, and ties those red rags men use when working with grease to the re-bar. Tries to make it look like I'M the one not mowing! Really stupid, considering he has a chain link fence, so anyone who was looking could see it was his yard the weeds were growing in!

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

shoot him then drag him inside your house, claim he was breaking in and scared you so you shot him

Baytown, TX(Zone 9b)

I vote for shooting him the deceitful thing. Argggggggggggggg what a terrible person taking up space and oxygen

Hanson, KY(Zone 6a)

I say we all meet up at bubba's and head on over to Mr Neighbors and show that good for nothing scumbag what some fired up ladies can do to his sorry good for nothing a@#.
Whose with me? Where's that Jamie girl?
Jamie if your bad headache cramp is feeling better...think you might wanta fix some hemlock stew to serve up to Mr Bad Attitude?


Arroyo City, TX(Zone 9b)

Yep Trina - You jump in your Car and head south through ky and pick up Jane...I'll start from this end and head north picking up Ilove on the way...he'll never know what hit him...

You guys are funny! Ha! ha! And believe me, the day I found he had buried my stakes I would have called each and every one of you! I told my deputy sheriff son it was a good thing he had taken his gun home before that day!!!! I was soooooo mad. But you know what did happen? I decided I was sick and tired of trying to ignore the a--hole and him STILL picking fights with me! He had parked his pickup in the middle of the alley. There is a law here in Woodward that prevents you from blocking the alley. So, I called my youngest son, who was dispatching at the police department, and turned the man in for blocking the alley. He was out in his front yard scalping his yard when the police officer arrived. The officer walked up to him and began talking to him. I couldn't figure out why, when the officer left, Job began mowing his lawn again instead of going to move his vehicle. I called my son. Well. Apparently, to give this young (and slightly airheaded) police officer some background Jordan began telling the officer about how Job had weed-eated my flowers twice. But see, that had happened the summer BEFORE. And the officer got it screwed up in his head, and that's what he chewed Job out for!!!! So then Job gets it in his head that I am calling the cops and making stuff up! Why do things always backfire on me?

Baytown, TX(Zone 9b)

I will be ready to be picked up and we can head out.

I know what you mean backfire. It happens to me too. It starts out right but then wham.

Keep us informed of what he is up to. I am sure we can come up with something. Something not posted on here. ;o) And we won't have to hurt him or his property. Might worry him for a while.

He's been laying low for quit a while.

Hanson, KY(Zone 6a)

bubba you know what they always say... and I'm a firm believer in this...what goes around comes his day's coming!


Enid, OK

I'm with ya rainy!! That is the way I usually look at things .. they will get theirs, it just isn't always soon enough.
I have quite a time with my neighbors too. They are a little more special than anyone else around here. We live in a small addition, maybe 50 houses out here total - only 5 on my street including me.
I have thought long and hard about writing my opinion of them in their lawns with roundup!!
Bubba - if you need me, you just holler - take me about an hour. The last person that used the "c" word on me won't be using that filthy word again any time soon!! I won't tell you the whole story because it is not very lady-like but the #$%@& deserved it!!

Oh, and bubba - here in OK do the castor beans get big enough that the provide a little shade?? They might work out great around my fire pit.

Well. My green ones are planted on my east property line. Jobs dogs are just on the other side. I was noticing this afternoon when I was looking at the seed pods that the dog pen seemed very shady where the plants were. If you plant them in full sun and water them at least every other day, they should get at least 12 to 15 feet high.

Enid, OK

Thanks - I think I will have to try those next year. I would really like to find the "red" ones. I don't know what they are called, but I really like the color.

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