Does anyone have any castor beans to trade or sell?

Hanson, KY(Zone 6a)

Does anyone have any castor beans they would be willing to share, sell or trade?
I have kept the moles at bay all summer by throwing a few seeds here and there but now that everythings dying for winter...the moles have moved back in.
My castor bean plants never produced any seeds for some strange reason.


Arroyo City, TX(Zone 9b)


Hi Honey! Sorry to hear about the Moles! They can be real booger boo's!

I have seeds that were kindly sent to me but, I cannot plant here (or at least they ask you not to) because they are a terrible weed here. I would be glad to send them on to you. There are only twelve seeds in the packet - if that will be enough. They are the green ones.

Let me know what you think.



Hanson, KY(Zone 6a)

How lucky you are to have them growing wild.
I would for sure love to get them. How was you wanting to do this?...postage, trade or sell?
Just let me know.

Thank-you Jamie!


I have 3 ziploc bags full of the green seeds. How much do you need?


This message was edited Oct 16, 2009 10:30 AM

Arroyo City, TX(Zone 9b)


They were gifted to me so I will gladly do the same. Postage will be on me. Then when someone else needs something just pass the postage on. How's that sound? Are you in the address exchange? I'll check and dmail you.



Arroyo City, TX(Zone 9b)

OOOPS! We past in cyberspace. Sounds like bubba1 has allot more to offer than I. Just let me know. They are probably fairly wild for her/him too and she is much more able to be generious than I for stepping in bubba1!



Oh. I didn't mean to keep you from sharing! I just thought she might want some more. Two of the ziploc bags are from last years trees. I am sure they are good though 'cause I keep them in my refrigerator. They don't grow wild here, but I did get lots of volunteers this spring. I was surprised. Last year was my first time for growing them. I also started growing them because of the moles. It does seem to help. I don't think they are entirely gone but once the plants get good sized the runs to seem to disappear. I plant them anywhere I can.

Hanson, KY(Zone 6a)

Jamie just sent u a dmail.

Hanson, KY(Zone 6a)

Sent you a dmail too.
I have a large area to cover and protect from these pesky little devils, so if at all possible would like to get a nice supply to plant.



When did you plant your seeds this spring? Got any idea what variety you had? The reason I ask is there does seem to be one kind in particular I have trouble getting seeds from. Its the zanzi palm. It has made seed pods but it started so late in the season I feel they won't be ready before we get our first freeze. Happened to me last year too. And someone else on the garden had this problem and I think she had giant zanzibar.


Hanson, KY(Zone 6a)

Will have to check this out. I purchased mine on ebay and can't remember the name...but will see if I can find the transaction to see for sure.

Wingate, MD(Zone 7b)

Does anyone have a picture of the seeds and plant? Someone gave me a few seeds which I planted. Grew a large plant with big leaves and now has clusters of green seed pods. I'm wondering what it is.


Arroyo City, TX(Zone 9b)

I don't know what these beans are but, I do know they came from Maine early freeze shouldn't keep you from getting seeds in KY if they have time to seed in'll keep our fingers crossed! I won't be able to get them off until the first of the week. Is that okay? I've been running since my last post and won't be getting into town until Monday probably. I'm in the middle of nowhere Texas...don't let the Town name fool you...the town is way down the! If the rain lets up in the next day I will see if I can grab you some wild seeds too. The pods are just dripping from the plants everywhere but, I have no idea if they still have seeds or not. I need to wait until it dries a bit to hike out and look. This way if you have a veriety perhaps one of them will seed for you next year.

I'll let you know for sure when I drop them in the mail and what to expect hun. I will also try to post a pic of the local wilds so you know what you are getting with them if I get seeds.

Got to go...cold front has moved in...70's tonight brrrrrrrrr! have to turn on the heat and get out the know...shut



Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Notice to All Moles and other rodentia!

Run for your lives!  The gardeners are out to git'ya!

Thumbnail by LazLo
Arroyo City, TX(Zone 9b)


I don't have a pic right now but, like I told Jane, I would be glad to take a pic of our wild ones here and send you a pic for a general idea. Did you check the plant files?

The color is wrong on the red and purple but, there are really good pic's of the general leaf and plant shapes etc. The beans I have look just like a brown baking bean. Will try to pic those too tomorrow. I can't tell you about the pods. I have only seen them from afar until I get out there and check them out. I'm sure the others can fill you in there though.



Arroyo City, TX(Zone 9b)


You are truly a silly goose!



Hanson, KY(Zone 6a)

Man look at those teeth!

Jamie...thanks so much!
Don't go to any extra trouble on my account, just whenever you get a chance to mail them will be wonderful and greatly appreciated.
You be careful if you go out for those rattlers.


Tampa, FL(Zone 10a)

I like the red ones....

Thumbnail by DaleTheGardener
Hanson, KY(Zone 6a)

They're every bit as pretty as some of the more expensive red foilage plants I've seen...the fact that the moles don't like them is just a delightful plus!

Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

In Calif, castor beans grow wild everywhere. Large green bushes that I've seen hit the 10 ft mark. I'll have to ask my son to collect some seeds and mail to me. Mary

Port Norris, NJ(Zone 7b)

Well I found this so informative. I too was gifted castor beans & had
no idea what they are for. Don't have a mole problem as there is a
feral cat colony living in the woods behind my house. In fact, only
saw 2 squirrels in the yard all summer.

Anybody interested in the castor beans I have (maroon) is welcome
to them.

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

oohooh Cris me too!!!

Hanson, KY(Zone 6a)

If ya get any extras you don't need please keep me in mind.

The castor beans have worked like a charm for me. I don't know how it actually works, but all I have to do when I notice a new run is to drop a couple seeds in their tunnel and their moving on.


Port Norris, NJ(Zone 7b)


Truly meant, would you like the ones I have? I will never plant them
and hate to see them not be appreciated.

Virginia Beach, VA(Zone 7b)

I accidently ordered Pink Carmencita Castor bean, was suppose
to be red. 19 seeds left if one person wants them, you can have them.
I will be getting the black castor bean in a trade, that's what i'll be
planting next year.

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

I'll take them zinniared

Virginia Beach, VA(Zone 7b)

Alright trinawitch you can have them.

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

they look neat around the pool and they keep the creepy neighbor on one side of us from looking at my daughter or the boys' GF when they are playing in the pool

HEY! I HAVE A CREEPY NEIGHBOR!!!! Have called him that ever since he moved in! Ha! ha!

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

this one likes to sit in his second story and watch me and amanda and her friends and my boys' GF's when they are in the backyard, if Our privacy fence was a foot taller he wouldn't be able to see anything, so the Castor beans can make up the difference

You go girl! I wish something like that would work in my case. MY creepy neighbor likes to start fights. He has weed-eated my seedlings along my sidewalk TWICE. And they were in MY YARD! There was no way he couldn't know what he was doing because HE has a fence! So, at Chris's suggestion, I went to the expense of have a survey done. This way he absolutely had no excuse. They drove stakes in the ground and put flags where the stakes were. The flags in the alley and the end of my property line there? He drove over them continually until they disappeared. Then, he went and got a tractor and buried the stakes in the ground. Then there was the day Jordan came home and caught him in my shrub roses with hand clippers! I could go on and on. But that day I discovered he had buried my stakes? Its a good thing I didn't own a gun! Seriously! You know how much those surveys cost? When you start messin' with my money I get terribly hot.

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

yeah, sounds like a complete (I was thinking something else), I have a very Nice blow dart gun, don't even have to leave your house, it's very accurate

Can I borrow it? I have found a new use for castor beans!

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

LOL I used dried peas through it once, nailed one of my boys right in the was hysterical!

I used the water sprayer in the kitchen. Totally shocked them! Water fight ensued.

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

oh yeah done that, it's just no fair all 5 are officially bigger than me now (amanda is still shorter but she now outweighs me

Both of my boys are bigger than me. My daughter is still shorter, but she was born 3 months premature so she really didn't get a fair start. I am only 5' 1/2".

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

I'm only 5' 3" and maybe 95 lbs.

Wish I only weighed 95 pounds! Do you eat? Ha! ha!

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

yes all day long non stop, but with 5 teenagers you don't get alot of time to sit still

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