Ladyg out of commission : (

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

As some of you may have read, last Friday I had a fall walking down the outside steps to the patio, it was raining and the steps became slippy. I broke my left wrist. I am in a cast right now.
Stormy asked on another thread if DH will be taking me to work.
I'll be taking some time off work. It will be very difficult to answer the phone and make appointments on the computer. And with the privacy issues using speaker mode is out of the question.
I have an appointment with the Orthopod tomorrow at 11:00 so will have to see what he has to say. From what my DD says (she was a outpatient surgery nurse for this type of thing) I'll be off work for sometime. I may go in later as the wrist starts to feel better. But I'll have to see. Depending on how long it will take to heal I may file for partial disability.
It will help offset my high medical insurance premiums I pay each month. My insurance company must love me, they are paying out more each month then they are collecting.
The cost of my monthly Zometa IV for the cancer is $3,000+ so this month they will be hit big time. Wednesday I have a monogram scheduled and a visit with my Oncologist.
Then there was the emergency room visit and x-rays last Friday.
And the ER Doc asked if I was afraid of needles Ha Ha!

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Chris, You are the best one handed typist I have ever seen. The upside to your predicament is that we'll probably be seeing a lot more of you for the next few weeks! Hooray! You'll also have more time to research and share more yummy cookie recipes.

Hope you get good news at the Orthopod tomorrow. Good health insurance is a blessing. So sorry that you've had to use it so much.

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Chris: I hope you heal up fast. FWIW, you can get an inexpensive headset that would allow you to type while on the phone, while still protecting privacy concerns. (I have a pricey one I got for work a while ago, and adore, but since your need is only temporary there is not reason to go that route.) I'm not pushing you towards returning to work; just wanted you to be aware of the option.

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Thanks Happy, I had talked to my boss several years ago about a headset, he keeps making excuses and the company we have our phones with have a high price tag.
I guess it has to be his idea. : 0

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

ladyg~~~again, my sympathies~~~ it's really not that hard to fall ; these days, we're all in a hurry so much.
and like somebody said above, you are one heck of a one handed typist, better watch tat or your partial disabilit ywill be denied LOL. how about your one-handed watering, and raking skills? one handed deadheading would be no problem, but I'm afraid you won't get to do much of that!

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Chris, sorry to hear about your wrist :( Not a pleasant ordeal to be sure but it could be worse - at least it happened at a time of year when things are winding down and with the temperatures dipping you'll be warm and comfy inside :) And I wouldn't worry about the insurance company, I rarely file a claim but when I do I never feel guilty after all the money they've received from me. The dogs have knocked me off my feet more than once recently and I didn't think anything about it until the vet told me to be careful - she had one dog owner who recently had the same thing happen and she broke her arm. I'm being a little more cautious now when they're out in the field playing!

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

I did get some onehanded laundry done yesterday. A ran the swiffer vac. Cooking and doing dishes are out, at least the cooking that requires 2 hands.
Deb, funny you should mention the dogs, that was the first thing my boss said, "Did you trip over the dogs?" They were no where near me, it was raining and they don't like being out in the rain.

I usually clean out my flower beds this time of year, guess that will have to wait. And don't laugh, but I tried to put a garden glove on just so I wouldn't get the cast dirty. Couldn't do it, darn! I just have to do clean gardening.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Poor, Chris. I'm so sorry. My cousin Pat fell off a stepladder years ago and broke both her wrists. She's a hairdresser so needless to say she was off work for a long time. Her wrists are fine now.

I think there should be a Universal Law that says when you already have enough on your plate, nothing else bad is allowed to happen.

One reason why I'm switching to a smaller dog breed is because I'm getting to the point where I'm afraid a 65 lb one will pull me over and I'll get hurt. Not to mention what it does to my back. I was taking Jello out one morning and Joyce (aka Grandma) pulled into the driveway. She was usually good on the leash but Grandma was too much temptation. She took off like a rocket and would have pulled me over if I hadn't let go of the leash but my back was wrenched and was killing me for days.

I shouldn't tell you this, but an extra large size in a rubber dishwashing glove might work or if that doesn't, the rubber gloves in the paint department used for paint stripping. The latter would be bigger because they would include men's sizes. The black chemical resistant ones are really large and wouldn't tear as easily.

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Hart, you will just love you little pint size bundle. Little dogs think they are all Bull Mastafs (sp?).
Good tips on the gloves, I'm sure my Dr. will thank you for your suggestion, NOT. as I am to take it easy on the hand. No surgery, he want's it to heal in the cast.
If it was my doninate hand and 20 years younger he would encourage the surgery.

Hello from Penny & MaryChris !

Thumbnail by ladygardener1
Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Too often it IS when we have too much on our plate, that another thing bad comes along! Rushing, pressure, distractedness... But eventually things get better.
You have an over-elbow cast or a short one?

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Sally what is p.o. ing me about this is nothing ever happened to me till CA in 05 and now everything is happening, until then I really have lead a charmed life.
The cast is a short one, when I go back to the Dr. next Tuesday he might shorten it up at the hand so I can have a better grip and use of the hand.

Thumbnail by ladygardener1
Shenandoah Valley, VA

Penny and Mary Chris crack me up. They look like ZZ Top dogs, or grumpy old men. LOL Tell them I said hello back and give them a smooch for me.

If you're like me, even if your hand is out of commission you still forget and stick your bad hand in the dirt and get it yucky. At least with a glove on it will stay clean. I hope you will do as the doctor says and take it easy on that paw.

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

lol, they DO look like ZZ Top, how funny!!!!

Hope you heal up quick, Chris.

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

They surely look like fierce critters! Their attitude says "We mean business".

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Doctor next Tues, Doctor next Wed...not sounding like a much fun week. I think I'd be p.o.ed too. I don't know whether to hope for nice weather, to make your errands more pleasant, or mildly bad weather so you won't have additional temptation to be in the garden.

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Sally the appointments are accumulating, just got back from my Dr, Oncologist visit, tumor marker #s are on the rise, were down to 47 then 55 then 58 now 77. So off for another CT scan and fully body bone scan Oct 23rd.

Stay healthy everyone, getting sick is a pain in the you-know-where!!

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Here is a cute one of Penny. This is what she does when I'm out in the back yard, it is not fenced in like the side yard, so they are confined to the deck and side.
And for those that don't know
Penny has only one eye.

Thumbnail by ladygardener1
Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Lady, sorry you've got bad news. It's always something. Just when you don't want to slow down and deal with it. Like right before the holidays. Ugh..... How did Penny lose her eye?

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

I don't know the whole story as she was not my baby at the time. What
I was told she was playing with a bigger dog, and the eye was lacerated and could not be saved, the vet had to remove it.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Our vet used to have an office cat, One-eyed Willy. He'd greet people etc. Made an impression on the kids! He retired to the techs house. Hope you never have to know this, but there are now pet opthalmologists. Just as expensive as, no probably more than, you're thinking.
But I don't see fencing--what keeps her on the deck? Please don't say good training, I will take another hit to my pet discipline (lack thereof) ego LOL

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Sally, pet opthalmologists, I can see that (sorry for the pun) treating cataracts, and eye problems, but how about orthodontics, we have a vet in the next town that does braces, my DD worked for him and so did my groomer. He is not my vet.

They just stay up there, guess the deck is too high for them. MaryChris did push Penny off one time, that was a scarry moment for me., and MaryChris did jump off after a Pug she didn't like came into the yard.
I keep a close eye on them when they are out. And we have gates that lead out off the deck. Our UPS man asked the same ?, Penny is his favorate since she is such a good guard dog lol.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Wow, pet orthodontics!! That tops it! Glad the guy has found his niche. Glad your D made some $$ off it too LOL If people can afford it and want it, what the hey.

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Seeing is believing.

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)


Glad your D made some $$ off it too
thats money with a $ or maybe ¢¢ lol

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Never knew they had doggie braces. Thought I'd seen everything....including....

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Gosh, Chris. I'm so sorry you have even more to deal with. Praying this will soon switch to good news.

Poor little Penny. Doesn't sound like the one eye has slowed down her rambunctiousness, though.

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

hart, Thanks, I am a firm believer that a positive attitude is the best medicine along with good Doctors and health care providers that care.

Penny is quit the girl, and she has to put up with "Miss Trouble".

Shenandoah Valley, VA

I think you're absolutely right. A positive outlook is probably the most important weapon in your arsenal, followed by good doctors and nurses.

I certainly have seen what a difference that has made for my mom vs my father. Mom has had her share of depression with her stroke recovery but she's essentially a positive person who fights hard to recover and looks to the future. Daddy was so profoundly depressed and he just gave up.

So Mary Chris is the stirrer upper and Penny is the bark of reason? LOL

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Penny came first, she was also debarked when I got her. We put up the fence and it was nice just to let her outside on her own. Penny is afraid of men, I think there was a man there when she lost her eye. It may have been his dog that caused the damage, don't know the whole story.
When MC came on the sceen, she taught Penny to squeeze out through the fence, so we had to secure it more. Taught her to chase, run and "bark" at everyone that goes by. Jump up on the couch and bark out the window at the mailman, (had to move the couch, tore curtins). Dig in the cat litter box for kitty tootie rolls UGH! Anything bad starts with MC and Penny follows, I love them both but they can be a hand full sometimes.
Dutch, who we had before Penny was so quiet, I think he barked only once all the years we had him, and thats was due to me stepping on his toe. pic of Dutch

Thumbnail by ladygardener1
Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

He's a cutie.

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Update...Went to Cast Clinic on Thursday, was expecting to walk out with a removable splint..... wrist is not healed enough so I am back in a cast for 3 weeks. They reduced the angle if my hand a bit so the cast is a bit straighter, and it has been feeling ouchy since they did that.
Lucky we are going down to visit DD for Thanksgiving, it will take my mind off things and I'll probably get some TLC.
I also expect Cookie and Holiday bread baking will be out of the question. Which is the best part of the holidays for me. DH said he will do cookies but that's not the same. Ok, can I have a cookie with my W'h'ine.

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

OH No!!!! Well, I guess we can still talk recipes. Sorry to hear about the new cast, but glad that you will be getting TLC. I personnaly think you should make DH do the cookies, if only so you can post your observations of his (LOL) processes here. Cookies and whine sounds good to me.

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

I'll be sure to post some recipes, Stormy. Should I resurrect the old thread? Maybe it would be better if I just link the old with a new. Just don't want to repeat any. (I'm thinking out loud here)

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

I think you should do a new thread linking the old one, so new posters can see the old recipes. Lot's of good ones in there!!

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

I think that is the best way to do it. Might work on that this weekend. I have a Pecan bar that I can do one handed. That can start off the new thread and would be a good recipe for Thanksgiving too.

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)


Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Stormy, here you go!

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Everyone wish me luck today. I go to the cast clinic at 12:30 today to see if I am healed up enough to get this $%^@*%$^ cast off!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Wishin and hopin and thinkin and prayin...plannin and dreamin~~~that cast will go 'way, and lady'll be happy today!

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

OH yeah, Cookies here she comes!!!!!

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