can anyone recommend a Clematis for mostly shade area? TX

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 7b)

We are planting a new area by our driveway, which only gets about 1-2 hours of mid day sun. Otherwise... all shade... I'd love to have a clematis that will bloom enough to justify taking up space.

Any recommendations?

Thumbnail by TXMel
Baton Rouge, LA

Here's a link to a list of cultivars that will perform well in Texas. If you look to the "Exposure" column, you will see which ones prefer shady locations. HTH! Evey =)

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

Wow, that is impressive spreadsheet you have there. Melanie...I love the John Paul II, it would look great in your shade, just enough lighter color to make it pop!

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 7b)

awwwww... i was eyeing the Josephine.... for TWO reasons!!! ;)

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

Yes, I noticed that one too!

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

well I found the right forum for this question then..can you take cuttings from a sweet autumn clematis and make them grow?

Thumbnail by trinawitch
Baton Rouge, LA

Trina, Sweet Autumn spreads quite readily. You can start it from cuttings or from seed. In fact, it's often suggested for planting if you hate your neighbors, as it will spontaneously pop up all over the place, in flowerbeds and sod... basically anywhere you don't want seedlings to appear!

Sebastopol, CA(Zone 9a)

That's true. I've been trying to get rid of one for a couple of years. It's too big to dig out, so I cut it down to nothing every time it shows any life, but it's right in the path of my gray water outlet, so it keeps getting rejuvenated.

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

I like it and I have a big ugly garage and privacy fence I want to cover...quickly if possible....I like the smell of it...and I know where to get ALOT of it for free so when the dogs tears through it as they sometimes do, I'm not crying because of how much I paid for it....but do you guys have a better suggestion to bring color scent and some "cover" to my problem areas then I am all ears! Being new to this I will take all the help I can get, I definately need something manageable

Sebastopol, CA(Zone 9a)

I certainly don't know of anything better for free.

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

well free isn't really the key factor, I just don't want to spend $100 on a plant that the first time my chow/huskey mix dog thinks its food eradicates it if you know what I mean....he's old and probably won't be around much longer they way he's been acting lately but the vet can't really find anything wrong

Thumbnail by trinawitch
Baton Rouge, LA

There was an episode of the Pet Whisperer that talked about dogs mirroring their environments. In the episode, they improved the environment and the dog's behavior improved. If that photo is where your dog has been spending a lot of time, maybe that's why he is declining with no visible physical reason. Another thing you might want to look at is the plants you already have. If your dog likes to eat plants and other things, it may be that you have a plant in your yard, or perhaps some chemical fertilizer or other agent, that he is ingesting that is causing problems for him. A yard cleanup would help you identify that as well, and would improve the overall garden environment for the new cuttings you will be putting out this spring. You mentioned you had teens... that could make a great weekend family project!

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

Since this is a thread asking about SHADE loving Clematis, the Sweet Autumn wouldn't apply, but I love it too. And glad to know you can start from cuttings.

Anyone have other suggestions about some varieties that would do well in shade for Texas?

Sorry cross posted Blissful.

This message was edited Sep 23, 2009 8:05 AM

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

been working on the cleaning it up, especially all thier bicycle parts that they leave EVERYWHERE!
To the right of the dog is a closed in bed I had just cleaned out so I can prepare it for spring for a memory garden for my grandfather....that way I can contain the prickly pair cactus....I go out everyday and do a little...haveing health issues I can only do so much at one time

As for his health I know why he's getting that way but no one believes me maybe you guys will

#1 he's almost 20 years old for starters...hubby doesn't think that's a good enough reason

#2 the kids no longer go out and play with him since this year they all decided to join sports and he's use to them coming out there every day after school and jumping on the trampoline with him or when its warm getting in the pool with the kids. But now none of them get home until almost 8 and then they eat do thier homework and go to bed.

so to me its no wonder the dog is suddenly acting strange The only company he gets anymore is I try to go put with him at least once a day, now if I could get him and the chihuahua to play nice (he thinks she's food) then I could spend more time outside with him, but we have to keep them seperated or he'll eat her first chance he gets

and here she is

Thumbnail by trinawitch
Toledo, OH(Zone 5b)

crabby and presumptuous don't you think Bliss.

Baton Rouge, LA

Diamond, actually, no. In Trina's followup post, it sounds like it really is a problem with the dog's environment... he is not getting the attention he did for a long time. Something changed in his environment, and his behavior changed as a result. How is offering a suggestion of what might be wrong with a beloved family pet being crabby?

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

wow chill ladies I've already been smacked by admin twice today...the environment is bad and I am trying to change it...the big black dog though bliss isn't the one eating the plants its the chihuahua..."Skipper" only gets in them when he's chasing a bird or a squirrel away..I am simply looking for some help in deciding what would be best to cover the ugly garage and fence, it is shaded part of the time over the garage...I thought the sweet autumn clematis would be good because it grows fast and I can get it for free. but I have to start it in the house so that it is big enough for Skiper to see it when I plant it cause then he tends to avoid it, and also so my 5 teenagers don't run over it with the mower.
Now from what I have read this wont work for the garage or the one end of the fence since they are in shade 80% of the time except in winter when the leaves fall off the trees.
I don't mind using several different vines to cover it and have lots of color so if you have any suggestions I would greatly appreciate it

Toledo, OH(Zone 5b)

Your comment was before the follow up post. If trina would not have said that's the case. It would have been very rude.

Baton Rouge, LA

I find your comments to be the ones that are presumptuous and rude, Diamond. Mine were intended as helpful; yours were not.

Rancho Santa Rita, TX(Zone 8a)

clematis texensis is
a Texas native plant

Two cu;tovars are
Princess Diana ( or
mebbe it is Lady Diana)
and another is Lady Bird

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

I have official been labeled a noxious weed!
My brand new Jackmanii Clematis

Thumbnail by trinawitch
Baton Rouge, LA

Baja, as texensis are more susceptible to mildew than many other clems, do you think they would be a good choice for a shady location? I'm not familiar with how much moisture y'all get in the Fort Worth area, but with the lake right there, I'm wondering if perhaps Melanie would have a high moisture content in her air. If so, a shady texensis might not be a good idea.

Toledo, OH(Zone 5b)

I need to say no more... All you have to do is read.

Appleton, WI

Trina, Sweet Autumn doesn't reseed badly in the cold areas. If you live in northern IL, you shouldn't have to worry too much.

Pearisburg, VA(Zone 7a)

Diamond, I agree with you completely. How rude to tell anyone to clean up their yard. THAT is presumptuous and rude - Bliss could have said anything other than to tell someone to clean up their yard and make a family project out of it. The lady was discussing her dog - are you also a vet? How much experience do you have with dogs? Then to add that she should get her teens to have a happy family weekend cleaning up her yard - oh how rude. If you want to address her question of clematis that is one thing but to tell a person to clean up their yard, or that could make the dog sick - I believe that would be up to 1 - her vet and 2 - her family. You have advice on every topic on DG. I only wish more of us could be so knowledgeable.

Edited to say: The sweet dog is 20 - that is a long life for this dog and I'm not a vet but age does work on the pets too. That is pretty old. And since you said you had health problems yourself you don't need to risk your health trying to clean up the yard but a call to your vet may be a good idea. You don't want to risk your health to clean up a yard.

This message was edited Sep 23, 2009 8:57 PM

Baton Rouge, LA

Edit: Mel, thanks for the voice of reason. =)

This message was edited Sep 23, 2009 8:07 PM

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 7b)

Oh, get over it already. (Those pointing fingers)

We do not have "moist" conditions I would say... here in FW... hot and dry every summer, actually. The area that this is going is next to a driveway which holds heat.

As far as reseeding... we've found that since we mulch so heavily to hold in moisture here (4-6") we don't have reseeding issues. This is both a blessing and a curse... (if you want seedlings...)

I'll consider a sweet autumn, but like the looks af a Josephine possibly... I am going to wait until spring I believe, but leave space for it now. Actually, after seeing someones layout of clematis... possibly Bliss... I am thinking of putting 2 maybe 3 on this fence now...!!

This message was edited Sep 23, 2009 7:09 PM

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

Sounds like a great idea Mel. I am lusting after the one you had previously for sun.
And can ask admin to close this thread I believe.

Pearisburg, VA(Zone 7a)

Lord knows she knows how to close a thread. That is exactly why Admin is sick of coops and other threads- because everyone complains to them. And the voice of reason isn't telling someone to clean up their yard. How rude.

This message was edited Sep 23, 2009 9:15 PM

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 7b)

Thanks Sheila... mom said... if you can't say anything nice.... don't... well, you know.

Thx, I had Ramona and Jackmanii before.

Somewhere I read something interesting about LIGHTER colors doing better in shade (or darker colors not doing as well) makes sense to me!!! I know my purple ones washed out in this TX heat!!!

Jersey Shore, NJ(Zone 7a)

Mel, if that area is dappled shade, there are many clems that could go there. I got one late this spring that I have in deep shade and it is doing very well so far. Like you, I use clems to dress up the privacy fence. The clem is Pink Flamingo that I got from either Garden Crossing or Khlems.

Trina, I know of a clem that would cover the Empire State Building in the blink of an eye, given the chance. Very similar blooms to SAC, but blooms about a month earlier than SAC. Virginiana.

Bliss, I planted out two of the Candidas in some yummy compost. They are taking off!!! They are also in a shady spot. Thank You!

Baton Rouge, LA

You're so welcome, Louise! You know, Mel, that's one you might want to consider... Candida. Arlene (pirl) has a photo of one that she planted in a shady location that really brightened up the spot. It seemed to be doing beautifully in shade for her. Pirl, if you're reading this, could you repost your Candida photo (the one under the tree)?

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

virginiana Huh? I will have to check on that.....I thought about a wisteria but thought it would be too heavy for the fence after a while....down one side of the fence I have planted several varities of roses and was also looking for something to plant there to help keep the weeds down in between them, but could be easily removed if I chose to add more roses there

Mullins, SC(Zone 8a)

Silver Moon is supposed to do very well in full to partial shade. I bought two from Donahue's for that very reason, my poor old garden shed needs a dress-up. They're still babies though so I haven't had them long enough yet to know how they're really going to do.

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

Silver Moon....I like the name at least

Sebastopol, CA(Zone 9a)

Mel, here's something else that might work well for you.

Sue took that picture on one of our shopping excursions. This c. montana 'Elizabeth' covers a gazebo used as a sales booth at Sonoma Horticultural Nursery, and as you can see from the trunks behind it, it's blooming beautifully under the shade of several redwood trees. It looks like a big pink cloud.

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

that was awesome zuzu

Northern California, United States(Zone 9a)

Oh I love that old thread, such a good memory day and lots of blooms & kitties!

Sebastopol, CA(Zone 9a)

I love all of our old threads, yours and mine, even if I do say so myself. LOL.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

BG: here's one of that Candida and it grows and glows happily in the shade. I guess it might do better in full sun but it's been happy here for many years and I'd buy another one but I wouldn't change the location for this one.

Zuzu: love that photo of Elizabeth. I had seen in photos how large it can get so I planted it at the base of a tree. Now I can dream of how lovely it will be when it grows up. It was another great one from Koi gardens.

Thumbnail by pirl

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