can anyone recommend a Clematis for mostly shade area? TX

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 7b)

Thanks all... pirl.. that is what I was hoping to see! My area gets light, just not but 1-2 hrs SUN... I am anxious to get in there and try!!! That's half the fun! All it takes is time.... and $$$!

Newnan, GA(Zone 7b)

That Candida is beautiful. I just stole another picture. :-)


(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

I doubt mine gets even an hour of sun, if that.

Have fun, Judy.

There are four clematises in that magnolia tree but the others all get the sunshine. (not much)

W of Cleveland, OH(Zone 5a)

I put a Candida in another spot and it has just started to really grow in the past two weeks. It is doing VERY well and it probably gets only an hour/hour and half maybe of filtered afternoon sun. I'm really pleased. Mrs. Yuki is planted within 5 feet of it and has started to grow also....although not quite as much.

The one with the mold around it doesn't get any sun and isn't growing yet, but it got attacked by snails immediately after being planted, so I'm not too surprised. It has Reiman planted with it.

Since I have only one garden that gets full sun, I decided to take a chance on planting all except 2 clematis in the shade. I'll let you know next spring how that worked out for me. So far all are still living. I just figured that I have to work with what I have and see what happens.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

I have very few full sun spots for any of mine so whatever they give me is fine with me.

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