Crocus Planting Luncheon!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Sorry, Miata, I don't know how I missed you! You'll have Dmail in a moment. :-)

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)


We had some family stuff come up suddenly, and I need to cancel tomorrow's gathering. I'm sorry...

I send Dmail to those who were planning to come but wanted to post here also.

It looks like we might have a window of good weather toward the end of next week & next weekend, so please let me know if there's a day in there (Nov 4th - 8th) that would be good for you... maybe we can put a new party date together.


Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)


With apologies for having had to twice delay it, here is the new party date:

Friday, November 6

If you're thinking of coming, please let me know if you think you'll be here for lunch, and we'll plan to order pizza when the sun goes down.


Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Critter, This musical dates is getting comical. I probably can come in the afternoon. I may meet her highness yet!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Hey, weird weather makes for slippery schedules... not sure I remember fall being this wet! I'm glad you might be able to make it. :-)


I spoke with Phil in Punxi. Woke him up as a mater of fact. He was a bit miffed. I sweet talked the best I know how for your Friday 6th. plans. He informed me not to bother again. This is his sleep time don't we all know. He did not even make you his jovial regular promise. Sorry I did the best I could.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Thanks, Doc!

They keep lowering the anticipated temperature for Friday, but the forecast is still for sunny skies... I'll make mulled cider, cocoa, and/or coffee to keep us warm. :-)

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Sound like you might get stuck with 1000's of Crocus bulbs to plant by yourself! What a bummer!
We are all now sliding in the "Winter Mode"......

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Actually, Gita, we've got half a dozen people coming over on Friday.


The party is a "GO!"

Hi Jill ...
Thinking about you and wishing I were close enough to help y'all in the garden today! Okay, so maybe I'd rather be in the house with Joyanna, ☺ but I'd sure love to be there! LOL Glad to see you have some help. Y'all drink a cup of mulled cider for me. I had some when I came to MI once, and it was quite yummy. :-)
Hugs&blessings to everyone

Crossville, TN

Lovely day her...I hope the Planter crew is having the same! Jo

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Whooo, boy! We had a fabulous afternoon with our crocus planting party. SallyG, Aspenhill, and Nutmegnana & her DH were here by noon. We visited a bit and had some butternut squash soup for lunch, then we donned our gloves and headed out to the front yard. I had marked off twenty squares for planting, using flags and white landscape "chalk." Crocus bulbs were separated by color, with one baggie of each type per square. We teamed up, one person digging and one planting. Stormyla joined us soon after we got started, and she jumped right in and started planting also. About an hour and a half later, we had planted 1500 crocus bulbs! :-)

Then we decided it was time for a break, so we came in and had mulled cider and snacks while we warmed up. We did make it back out, but I decided we'd done enough planting, so we just wandered around the yard for a bit. Miatablu dropped by when she got off work, so we had a chance to visit with her also. Joyanna hated to see everybody go! She was just a party girl today, lots of smiles all around (although she did take a brief nap while we were working).

The weather cooperated with blue skies, although the wind was pretty chilly, especially in the north-facing front yard... I think I'll try to finish my planting out there in the morning hours, when there's sunshine!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

It was a nice (chilly!) visit, and Joyanna is really a joy! Sweetest baby ever. (well since my own LOL the prejudice of the mommy) But when Jill says Joyanna is easy , believe it ! And of course the ever generous Jill, we all left with "parting gifts". Thanks for lunch and chat time!

Sounds wonderful! So glad the day went well. Hope extra baby hugs were given to Joyanna for all of us that couldn't attend. ^_^

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

ok guys, a 2 hour traffic jam not withstanding, I am finally home, 5 hours later!!! What a great time we had today. Loved seeing everyone & planting aaaaaaaaadventure girl's crocus garden. Meeting her highness was a royal pleasure!!!! Jill, Is she coming on the Longwood Christmas jaunt???

Oh And everyone, be sure to get Critter's Chutney recipe!!! It was the best!

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

Stormy, don't you just love traffic? So sorry it took so long to get home :-(

What a wonderful day at Critter's house we had. Joyanna was the hit of the party, and was a cutie pie in her warm pink outfit with the flower petal hood - leave it to a gardener to find an outfit like that!!! Little Joy seems to smile all the time. It was great seeing all of you, and hope we can get together for another adventure soon... Terri

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

THANK YOU all so much for coming yesterday! What a wonderful afternoon we had! I still can't believe we got HALF the crocus bulbs planted... wow, you folks work fast!

Ric, you were missed! Hope you put your feet up like you were supposed to so you feel better today. (BTW, Holly & Ric are having computer issues and will probably not be on much for another week or so.)

I'm glad Bobbie (Miata) was able to stop in after work, also... sorry she missed Sally & Holly.

Stormy, so sorry about the traffic... you had such a long drive as it was!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

oh man, stormy--all the traffic I missed (seemed to always be on the other side of the highway) must have been on YOUR side. SORRY!!!

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Nice to hear all had a great time. Any pictures????
Stormy, was there an accident, that's a long time in a jam. But I guess that is not unheard of in MD.
Was Ric ill? Hope he feels better, maybe it is puter withdrawl. Speedy recovery for Ric and the computer.

Adamstown, MD(Zone 6b)

Ron and I were so pleased to finally meet the charming Ms. Joyanna. Such a pleasant and happy little girl. And she clearly knows her mommy -- turns her head in whatever direction she hears Jill's voice. We also enjoyed your squash soup and the chance to meet up with a few other DG'ers. Sorry we missed Ric -- Ron always enjoys the chance to catch up with him! Hope he is feeling better soon. Wow -- half the bulbs planted is amazing. Fortunately today's weather is a bit warmer and I'm heading out now to work on my planting (and probably rake some leaves along the way . . .) Tomorrow sounds great, too!

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Lady, I never did see any reason for that jam. I'm just hoping it was unusual and not what everyone in the area is used to dealing with on a regular basis. I didn't leave Critter's until 6, but it was a Friday night. Oh well, It was a wonderful day regardless.

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Glad you all had a great time. Would have loved to have been there. Yes! pics, anyone? Can't wait to see all those crocuses blooming.

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

sounds like you guys had a nice day.. can't wait to see photos of that

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)


I finished planting Joyanna's crocus lawn at noon. All 3000 bulbs are in! My fingers are crossed for a spectacular spring display!

THANK YOU to all who helped plant, as well as to those who contributed to the Crocus Fund. Joyanna's a lucky girl, to be part of this community. :-)

Adamstown, MD(Zone 6b)

Congratulations! We'll also be hoping for a spectacular spring display and pictures of the little lady sitting in the midst of it!

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Wow! that is going to be some crocus display.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

The two species we planted (C. chrysanthus & C. siberii) bloom in succession (I think C chrysanthus is first), so that should make an extended display, also. And with a little luck, they will multiply for even bigger clumps in years to come! (We planted in clumps of 5, separated by color.)

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

So glad you were able to finish it Critter.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I'm so glad we got half the bulbs planted on Friday! Otherwise, I think I'd have been at it all week. Now I can turn my attention to other planting tasks. :-)

I didn't plant yesterday... spent a couple hours cleaning up beds instead... had to have a break! LOL

Brunswick, MD(Zone 6b)

Well I can't take any credit for helping plant, but I had a great visit after you guys did the dirty work. Didn't get to see Nutmegnana and her husband and I just missed Holly and Sally by about 15 minutes. When I pulled up I thought everyone might have gone out for pizza, all I saw was flags in the front lawn and garden utensils on the porch. But I had a nice little visit with Stormy, Aspenhill, Critter and of course Joyanna. Even got a little take home package just for showing up :) Glad you gotter done Critter!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Joyanna Marie will be baptized Sunday, November 22 during the 9 am service at our local church.

You would all be more than welcome. We're gathering at the house afterward for "Bagels & Coffee." I might manage to put out something more than just plain bagels. LOL

If by chance you're free and can join us, please let me know so I can send you directions to the church etc.


Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

It'll be wonderful day. No doubt you've let a lot of the church family in on your 'joy' ^_^

I had fun telling my mom about some of our interesting conversations on planting day. Aren't we a great intelligent bunch? !

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)


Falls Church, VA(Zone 7b)

Critter, I would love to see Joyanna and you again, but I know we will not be able to come on the 22nd. I want to see her before she walks, though, and pulls hair, and throws toys..... I will see if we can arrange a trip up that way.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Oh, my little angel would never throw toys! ROFL

It would be lovely to see you!

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)


Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Finally have the computer back and am online again. I had a great time at the crocus party and just loved seeing everyone. Great food, great friends a little gardening and a wonderful baby what a day!!

Adamstown, MD(Zone 6b)

Good to see you back, Holly. Hope you and Ric had a great vacation,too.

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Hip Hip Hooray!!

Odenton, MD(Zone 7b)

We missed you Holly and Ric!

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