Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

geez, I only pointed her to the thread and told her it was ending soon. I really wasn't sitting here biting my fingernails. And she did thank me. You're welcome, frausnow.
And I know all too well about those dell guys and their computers. I had to take apart and put back together my computer with their instructions on the very first day I got it. Six hours sounds about right.

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Wow frausnow, I had to take mine to a repair shop when I had a really bad virus last month and he wiped my hard drive. What a mess I had. I still haven't gotten it all straightened out.l

I am sorry Perennial, I didn't mean to suggest that. I just thought it was very nice of you to think of someone else. Not too many people do that any more.Jeanette

Baytown, TX(Zone 9b)

Jeanette you are so right about very nice of Perennial to think of someone else because Not too many people do that any more. I almost dmailed 9kittymom to tell her frausnow wanted some gloves but I was not sure how many but hold a spot open.

frausnow I am sorry about the mess but glad you got in the co-op in time. I would hate missing out on such savings myself. I ordered 8 pair.

I love how people here look out for each other.

I am learning how to find seeds on some plants and will have a few more different types than I thought. Just a little hint I am bagging wild pointsetta seeds now. Never knew how to find them before. I will have around 25 bags of 25 seeds each. :o) I am catching on to being slop chugging, mud wallowing, squealing, loudly oinking fat and sassy piggy. Do I hear the calling for fresh slop for dinner bell. ROTFLMBO In this case it means Rolling On The Floor Laughing My Bacon Off. :@)

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Not too many people do that any more

all i can say is... I beg to differ. I find the folks on Daves to be the most thoughtful and kind-hearted.

JoAnn.... glad to hear the PC is back up and running.... owning 3 Dells myself... i have to say that their tech support is one of the best i've even encountered.... one time a guy sat on the phone with me for 4 hrs while we wiped the HD clean and did a reinstall. I dont think i'll ever buy another brand.

Well -- I cant wait to get home... I've pilfered all the seeds up here [Wisc] that i can, and now i have to attend to my flower beds at home... .hopefully most seeds are getting ready.

Anyone looking for Digitalis Husker Red? if not, i wont harvest them.

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

tcs, is that digitalis husker red or penstemon husker red? If it's a digitalis I don't know about, I'm interested. If it's penstemon, I have a few packs packaged up for folks, but not a whole lot.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

PM... it's actually BOTH.

The foliage is a really nice reddish/burgundy color ... it's the first thing that stands out in the spring, and again in the Fall.

I find i am always photographing it.

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

oh, okay. I get it. Thanks.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

I know everybody hungry and could eat like pigs, btu w e onyl have a coupel mroe weeks to go. I chomping at the gate too. LOL

If we can though, sicne I got dial up and want to stil be able to coem to this thrad to post the opening notices and linsk for when we start. Gettign hard for me to load this one with dial up and half power. Let's try if possible to do most of our chatting here. : )
Everybody come on over ther e and we cna wallow around together here for abit before the feedign frenzy starts. hehehehehehe

Baytown, TX(Zone 9b)

I believe it was meant with the exceptions to DG's being exceptional to the crowds that do that. Not to many out there past our family here stop to help.

I love it here.

Lewisburg, KY(Zone 6b)

I know I signed up somewhere but can't find me, lol. And I hope I'm still in! Star you are one of a kind. I was a newbie last year, ( a very green one I might add, lol). All of you that participated were so helpful and kind, and I laughed soooo much. I enjoyed.. and I thank you. So much friendliness and many smiles. It just warms your insides!!!

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Mamawk. Yep you are signed up. Got yoru name on the list. No worries. : )

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

I know we are all working like crazy on our seeds and lists, but could you tell me a thread to go to to see what we need to do and when? Like when do we post our seed lists, how do we say what we want, can we add to our lists, or do we add new lists? I have read a lot of them, but haven't figured these things out yet. Thanks, a lot, mama you can't get any greener than I am. If we run out of a certain seed how do we note it so people know not to ask for it?

Maybe I haven't found the right threads to read?

Everyone that posts says they are a newbie. Aren't there any oldies going to be in it? We are going to need heeeeeeeeeeellllllllp!!!!!! LOL, Pleese?


Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

Jeanette, we are here:

and star has just posted more of an explantation toward the end of the thread. There are plenty of returning piggies here, as well as newbies.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Jnette... I'll send you a Dmail trying to explain the best i can. Once a thread gets past about 200 posts, Star has a rough time seeing them as she is on Dial-up... so we try not to keep posing to threads once they go over 200. We are doing most the chatter on the CG Piggy Swap Threads... which PM just added the link for...


Ocean Springs, MS

If anyone is interested, my children and I just cleaned all our pumpkin and gourd seeds from the ones we carved. I'll have
turks turban gourd seeds
pink pumpkin seeds
wart pumpkin seeds
white pumpkin seeds
variegated big pumpkin seeds
Lots of them to share!
love, julie

Eagle Point, OR(Zone 8a)

I would like to sign up if it's not too late.


Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Patti... Go to this years thread and post on it. Please. Thsi oen close d now, but ya in, : )

This little piggy is backing out the door; I'm overwhelmed.

Thanks and have an oinking good time!

Ocean Springs, MS

I'm backing out too! I can barely take care of things at home. Too much turmoil. love, julie

(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

It sounds like fun but I'm completely confused! I originally asked to be a part of the Piggy Swap but I'm afraid I will have to back out as well. I was trying to keep up on the posts to get info about the rules/game plan but I got lost in the chatter and the 12 pages of threads. Thanks for being open to newbies! Good luck all

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

You know, you don't have to get into this mega-oinkfest part of the swap... You can just send Starlight a bunch of seeds and tell her what sorts of things you like (or don't like), and she'll sort out a return package for you.

If you just happen to see one or two things on people's lists that you'd like, post on the swap thread to ask for them, and they'll be earmarked for your return packet. But you don't have to make any specific requests.

It's not necessary to keep up with every new offering or try to ask for the max 100 packets in this phase of the swap. In fact, I think you can even skip posting your haves/wants and just send in seeds (basically participate in only phase 3 of the swap as Star outlined initially)... you'll end up with a great assortment of seeds!

And please don't be put off by the oinks etc... that's a carry-over from the initial cottage garden swap, which got a little crazy at the end with the number of seeds people were posting... we started saying how we were making little seed piggies of ourselves, and the name just stuck to the swap.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

I recall my first seed swap, I did not have much to offer and had no idea what i was doing.... I just made a list of things i was looking for....

IE; Drought tolerant, attracts bees, bird and butterflies
Purples, blues, reds... things like that... and the gal that did the swap found me all sorts of great seeds.

Usually -- a lot of what i have left over, when i send my box to Star -- I toss in a lot of extra seeds... that way she can divvy them up to others, especially the storm survivors and or new gardeners.

so -- you dont have to drop out, but you dont have to be 'in the mix' so to speak either.


Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Echoign what Critter and Tsc. Have said. We have folsk in that have never been on pute r before and folks that are all new too. Ya just take your time and do what ya can.

Ya basically looking for seeds and ask thos e folsk for the seed. they send ya dmail or post that they have for you and they do the same for you. It just the same as if you wer e askign and ofering for see d her e on seed threads. Onyl differenc eis instea d each person makign one post per cultivar we post lost at once.

Ya cna giv eit a try and if ya get lost we all her e to help. : )

(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

ok well...HELP I am looking for perennials for zone 5 that is drought tolerant, attracts hummingbirds and butterflies.

I have a list of seeds at home and I cannot remember everything that I have but I do have Wisteria in small quanities (5 seeds).

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Diamond... come on over to thread #3 ... post what you are looking for... I'm zone 5 and the type i look for is the same you are looking for... i'm sure i'd have something for you.

Oh, that is sweet. Thanks. I wasn't put off by the oinks; thought that was too funny. I love a good, clean joke.

Just got lost in all the confusion and am running back and forth in my daily life so much plus we got tons of fall rain and the seeds that I wanted to send are not dry.

Maybe next year I'll have time to sort out this new (to me) swap.

If life slows down or I catch a moment, maybe I'll jump in at the end to see if there are any leftovers and if anyone wants the little bit of fresh seed that I did collect this year.

Plus, I have started collecting seed instead of planting seed. I'm going to try to winter sow and see how that works for me this year.

Thanks again and have fun! Oinky, oink, oink. Hee hee.

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