Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Genna.. pop ove r to the cottage gardenign forum and look for the piggy logo or click on the last link in the first post for the one numbered 1033667 and ask anybody there . Just let them knwo what kinda plant ya got. Some very experienced seed gatherers and if they don't knwo they knwo wher e to find th einformation fo rya and they be glad to help. : )

Cool Al. Sunflowers are on my want list this year. : )

Hornell, NY(Zone 5a)

Sorry, so I'm still a newbie at this. Maybe I'll have to sit back and watch this time.


Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

I'm sure you'll catch on quick. Very easy to oink - especially when surrounded by piglets!

Orrville, OH(Zone 5b)

We really need some newbies, Al. I plan to send a box of seeds but I'll only receive an envelope back. You wouldn't want starlight to get stuck with the extras, would you? You can treat this like a normal seed swap if you like, just send in your seeds and postage by the cut-off day and get back whatever the host has to give. Of course if you do that you miss all the fun of the feeding frenzy, but that's your choice.


Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Al, and anyone else new to this, don't worry- the chat threads are a great place to get quick responses and all the guidance you'll need. Great way to get quick tutorials on any seed you're wanting to harvest, and lots of sharing on how we contend with all the various issues of seed collecting, seed sorting, storage, shipping, starting, growing, etc. Its great fun, hope to have ya along for the ride!

Ocean Springs, MS

Oink! I think I'll try this! thanks, julie

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Thanks for the info! I don't have a lot of plants - but I have a few.... and I really want to be able to collect some seed so I can participate again! I LOVE having new plants..... I had a lot that germinated, but unfortunately I lost a lot because right after I put them in the ground in May we had an incredible HOT June...above normal temps sure didn't help the new plants get established...... but thankfully I had a few survive and hope to try more next Spring.


Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

Please count me in ^_^

(Hi everyone . . .!)

count me in :)



Orlando, FL

count me oink oink in i have oink oink a lot oink oink of seeds oink oink

Baytown, TX(Zone 9b)

oink oink squeal (my hello to everyone) I had so much fun last year even though I may not have a lot or get back a lot I am excited to be here OINKing loudly.

Get ready Julie and anyone who has not been here, Nit only is this fun, but the people are wonderful. I had a blast last year. And they are all so generous.

So dig in your piggy toes and hold tight with your pigs feet and we will have an oinking good time. And squeal when our seeds get to us. It is so exciting.

I am happy to be here again.
Piggy kisses for everyone *snort-snort*

Beaumont, TX(Zone 9a)

Ok, I'm sticking my snout in the trough.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

blondie.. ya crackign me up. : )

Welcoem back regulars and big piggy hellos to newbies joing aboard.

AJ.. now ya know ya gott a get your snout and feet and whole body in . Ya gott a get down and dirty now. hahahahahah

Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

Hey you all. I am going to follow along, and if I can help out I will. I greatly enjoyed last year's Piggy Seed Swap Frenzy. I will probably not participate, except to tease you all!
Seriously, my health is still poor, and I never did get the chance to plant half the things I wanted to.
I don't have the kind of season's you do back east. By the time I get the seed, it should have been in the ground for two months already.
Don't let that stop the rest of you from having fun, and letting me tag along while you do it.
BTW, whoever gave me those Pocket Melons. Thank you very much! I might get to taste one if my dog, Spirit lets me get one to taste. As soon as they are almost ripe the goat dog harvests them and eats them. And he hasn't shared! LOL!
Don't be shy if this is your first time participating in the seed swap. It's lots of fun, and the folks on this thread are knowledgeable, and sometimes you can really learn a lot!
What was best for me was the open arms, and the friendships I've made on this thread. More grows as a result of this swap than just seeds!
Let the oinking begin! : 0 )

Kannapolis, NC

SUUUUUIEEEEE! Here I am, waddling up to the trough! How long do we have to finish gathering seeds? And can anyone tell me how to collect dahlia seeds? I've tried pulling them when they're green and they don't seem to dry well. I've pulled some really brown ones today and found nothing resembling seeds. These are Dahlia Unwin's Dwarf, BTW.

Will there be a thread for listing what we have? Or does that come later? I've forgotten from last year. Sorry.

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

Welcome Angie. You sure have learned to squeal and waddle quickly! Glad you're joining us oinkers at the trough. I just put some organza bags around some seed pods on the corydalis lutea, in case I don't see you in Asheville. Also collected some corydalis ochroleuca seeds earlier. Hope these have a little bit of shelf life.
Yes, there will be a thread for listing what we have, whenever starlight puts one up. Seems to me we started later last year. And plenty more time for collecting seeds. I would let seeds dry on the plant to be more sure they'll be viable. You can put organza bags around the flower head/seed head before it completely dries, to make it easier to catch the seeds before they fall. Sorry I don't know anything about dahlia seeds.

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Hemophobic, you've got plenty of time to be gathering and preparing your seeds. For guidance on specifics, join us over in the chat thread here:

...where we discuss Q&A on things just like collecting Dahlia seeds. And speaking of Dahlia seeds, I remove the head when all the petals have dried and fallen away, then lay the heads on paper plates indoors to dry. Its best to collect them during dry weather, as sometimes the heads retain water and the seed will rot.

There will be a thread for us to post our lists, where we just post once, and edit as we add things or other Piggies speak for things. When the list thread goes up, links will be posted on all the threads so everyone will be alerted.

Brownstown, IN(Zone 5b)

Hey all oink!!
Lea d-mailed me and I am going for it. Kind of nervous but have followed along for 2 years now and it is time I nudge my way into the feeding trough. I know you all will guide me and all the other trembling piggies through this.
Thanks Lea for the mail

Kannapolis, NC

Gemini: Thanks for the tip on Dahlias. I do want to save some of those Unwin's Dwarf seeds, specifically a little test to see if the seeds will come true to color, e.g., white from white, yellow from yellow, etc. The UD seeds I bought were mixed and I have red, yellow, a bicolor yellow, and white. Here's the bicolor:

I think it's gorgeous.


Thumbnail by Hemophobic
DeRidder, LA(Zone 9a)

Oink ;)
I'm in for another round of seed swapping.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

That is very pretty,grunt grunt

Middleton, TN(Zone 7a)

Here's a chance to win some seeds and/ or bulbs this week that might come in handy ;-)

Lewisburg, KY(Zone 6b)

Would like to participate again!

Winterville, GA(Zone 8a)

Oh, yes, I'm in! Can't wait to get started. I've been preparing my seed packets in anticipation of this annual hogfest!

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

Hey star, I think you'd better start counting your piggies if you don't want to be completely overwhelmed. (Sorry, don't mean to be a party poop.)

Brownstown, IN(Zone 5b)

Star if you are on overload I will bow out, since I am not an "old piggy".
Let me know and I will just read along otherwise I will continue to oink.

What I meant to say is I am not an original piggy. LOL

This message was edited Sep 9, 2009 10:08 AM

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

im in shyly

if too many i dont have to be in either

This message was edited Sep 9, 2009 10:12 AM

Edmond, OK(Zone 7a)

i would love to oink with you all as well - but i don't have much to collect since we moved (couldn't bring it all along). :-( but it is SO much fun oinkin' with y'all. count me in - i'll organize what i have. yay!!

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

Anyone feeling shy... don't! I joined in last year as a complete newbie and had a blast. Everyone is so great! This year I've been pulling out seed packets, looking for what the seed looks like, and dissecting all sorts of dried up seed heads. It's been so fun figuring out where each type of plant hides it's seeds, or how they shoot them away when they're ready. I've even got my 8 yr old interested in each new type of seed head. Now, I've got more to share this year than last by far!

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

Same here, kl. Though many mysteries remain, I've found and identified lots more seeds this year than last, and will have much more for the swap than last year, when I didn't know about the swap in advance. I'm having a great time collecting seeds, though some of my neighbors must think I'm weird, as I've had many questions from passers-by about what are all those little organza bags for, that I have all around on dried flower heads and seedpods. Sometimes there are just funny little smiles and I wonder if I'm the nutty neighborhood garden lady that they think is maybe losing it.

(Zone 7a)

That's ok... I guess I'll be the Nutty neighborhood garden lady too. My kids say I'm embarrassing. I pulled over on the side of the road to pick some Imaptiens pallida I saw growing in the shade! ha ha ha!

(Chris) Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

I've been going to the local park and collecting some seeds there, but my problem is I'm new enough at seed gathering that I don't always know 1. where the seed is, 2. if it's ready to gather and 3. whether the seeds are sterile or not!
Heck, sometimes I don't even know what the plant is that I'm getting the seeds from (see plant id thread ROFL)

My kids say I'm going to be arrested and they refuse to bail me out for stealing flower seeds ..I say, I'm not stealing..I'm leaving them the plant, aren't I?? I'm just passing on the bounty :)

So far, I've gotten Black Eyed Susan, Coreopsis, Vetch Blue, some type of white daisy, and my as-of-right-now Mystery Plant :)
The salvia's still blooming, so I'm waiting to go back for it LOL!!!

yep, I'm officially the nutty garden lady in my neck of the woods! I carry little baggies and my pruning shears in my car year round LOL

(And you think you are a nut????) I traded my car for a truck so I could keep a shovel and bucket with me all the time.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I know Starlight doesn't like to have anybody miss out, but setting a limit on participants might be a good idea... more participants than we had last year might mean swap threads that are impossible for participants to keep track of... and last year, as it was, I think it was weeks before she got her bedroom (main seed sorting area) back!

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

Glad there are some folks who will still consider me sane. Mekos, I don't consider myself a nut at all, but maybe you are! (just kidding. I certainly understand).
Critter, there are already a lot more people than last year, which is why I wanted to warn star.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Don't worry folks. I watching the number s too right now while the puter is working. Everybody is in and nobody is out so far. I got two bedrooms emptie d out this year and have already got bunche s of boxes tape d to gether for evrybody and making evrybodys card s as I go.

I kne w if I did it this year, that I would take the regula r piggie s and a bunch fo the newbie s too. That why I starting this up a bit earlier so folsk will all have their see dlists ready as much as can be and have all their see dpackets all done and ready for the most part.

The number of people is not the big thing, the big thing that take s the most time is looking up seed.

Seed comes in that I not familar with and I have no ide a if it a perennial or an annual. Then I have hundreds of seed packets to try and figrue out what they are.

So I don't midn the peopel I dont' midn all the seeds, but the biggest help this year would be if people could put common and if they have scientific name and if it a perennial , annual or bi annual on the labels.

Oh and if I have an idea of wish lists ahead of time, cuz soem folks say I onyl want perennial seed back. If I get the wish lists agead of time, then I can have those lists all organized and can put on folks card s as I go. Then when I get to the very end, I cna just play 52 pick up with the sed packets into the pot s of the last of the leftovers. LOL

We are just now hitting abotu as many folsk as last year and I will go abotu another 10-15 people and then will probably clos e it to ne w folks unless ya a regular piggy.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Oh and one other thing I just remmebred.

All seed packets with an English name on them even if t hey come from China. Now soem of you newbies may be wondering why I asking this. Well for two reasons, one that it hard for me to figrue ouit what ya sent and secondly is so that I don't do somethign stuipid liek I did last year.

Nwo the regular piggie s wil remmebr this incident, but for you newbies, here what I did.

"OK, folks I have a problem. I ummmmmmmmmmmmm kinda made a big goof. I sittign here workign on the veggie seeds and made a startling discovery. I had packages of PAQUET and another and another and another and...

Now why am I mentioning them at all since I have so many???????


Some of you folks asked me for the Paquet tomatoe seeds. Some of ya even asked me what they was like because ya couldn't find them on the internet when ya googled and I couldn't help ya at the time, but added em to yoru trough.

You could google til the cows come home and you would never find em because...

I am hiding my head under the keyboard as I type this cuz my face is as red as these tomatoe seeds gonna turn once they planted. leave it to me to pull the all time dumb and dummer thing.

I grabbed the package s that said PAQUET on them to dump into a big pile and start seperating. Well, what did my eyes spot as I went to rip the corner of the package???????

PAQUET means PACKET in french. LOL

Under neath is what the cultivar names are.

So I need to know which PAQUET/PACKET of these tomatoe seeds do you want.

I have
Ultra Sweet VFT
Vendor VFT
Florida 47R VFF
Scarlet red VFF
Hy-Beef 9904 VFT

Ok, now does anybody wanna top my "oh-oh what did I do " for the day. hehehehehhe"

So newbies. heheheheheh ya all have nothign to be afraid of. hahahahahah : )

Thumbnail by starlight1153
(Chris) Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

wow.. Star..I'm in awe of you!!

I'd love to come help ..too bad I'm so FAR away (Secretly relieved!!! ROFL)

ME..I take any seed that's sent to me.. that's what is so fun!!

oh..and shovel's in the trunk of the car..but I haven't used it so far!! LOL

Edited to add---------------------ROFL!!!!!!!
thank you Star, that little story made my day!!!

This message was edited Sep 9, 2009 12:59 PM

North West, OH(Zone 5b)

For those of you asking about how and where to collect seeds and what exactly you're looking for here are a couple of great sites to guide you along on almost any plant you can think of.

There is also the seed saving forum here on DG where you can find some great help.

And of course there's all the lil piggies here as well.

North West, OH(Zone 5b)

Maybe I'm speaking out of turn but I don't feel you should have to research ANY seeds Star. I feel that by joining in this great adventure it is our own responsibility to look at the lists, pick out what we want, and oink at the provider. By the same token the person offering the seeds should be responsible for marking who they're promised to. If all I want is orange perennials or shade plants it should be up to me to look through the lists for orange perennials or shade plants. I think you are being extremely generous with your time and energy by being the go-between for 2 million seeds - shouldn't we all do our own small part by keeping track of what we want ourselves?

(Slinking away now in case I spoke up when it wasn't my place.)

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