Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

If you can then you might just want to sign up here as it getting near time for the annual FALL FreNZY PIGGY SWAP. : )

This thread is to start colelcting names for this years participants and as a reminder for folks to go ahead and start collecting and gettign their wishes and wants and have's list ready for the mad .. dash.. scramble to the piggy trough of seeds. Lot s of fun, lots, of oinking, spourting and trying to squiggle and wiggle to the feed trough goes on. : )

Old seeds, bought seed, gathered seed, seed left over from trades, this the time to clean out your boxe sand drawers and fridges of seed and fill it back up with other things you would like. Exotic to the most common of seed is welcome.

This is an annual event that has been going on for several years. Last year we had 45 participant piggies and extra disaster communities that received seed from this event. It is hoped that this year will be even more fun and exciting than last year.

Like all the other swaps, this one too will be limite din number of regular participants, so you wil want to get your name listed, and closer to startign date, one of the regular Piggies will dmail you will remind you when we get ready to start feasting and snorting.

Now if you are a storm or natural disaster survior , the Piggy Swap sends out a special invitation too you to sign up and allow the rgular Piggys to become seed fairies and help you rebuild yours gardens. Storm and Disaster Surviors only need put their name down and oink away for all the seed s they want when we start.

here are some links to oen of last years threads, so thos e new to the Piggy Swap can get a taste of how the swap works and soem of the fun we had last year and a special link to GRAMPAP ( Jan Recchio ) special Dg article of the traveling seeds and oen years piggy swap.

Wanna meet some of the piggies, com eon over to the Cottage gardening forum. The seed swaping journey goes on from year to year as we learn to sprout , grow and care for the seeds.

So post your name if you want to get in on the fun and action. : )

Thumbnail by starlight1153
(Kim) Philadelphi, PA(Zone 6a)

Oink : ) count me in!
I have a lot of seeds!

(jax) Dundalk, MD(Zone 7a)

oink! I missed signing up last year..........but this year I intend to jump right in!! Got plans ta jump over a few fences too! Goal fer this year.....collect, collect, collect!

OK, I'm going to try to figure this out and I'm in ,if it's still ok. Thanks everyone.
OINK - oink

This message was edited Sep 7, 2009 8:54 PM

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

Oink. Ooooinkk! I've been practicing and saving seeds too! Please sign me up.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)


I'm waving my little curly tail in the air to get picked lol

I've been snorting in the mud from today's rain just a watchin some of my seeds getting ready and planting violets and pansies from last years swap into a couple of baskets on the front porch for this fall.

Move over little piggies I'm getting my snout in there and making room for more little piggies to snort their way in come on you little piggies just give us an OINK OINK and get up to that trough!

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Please sign me up for the piggy swap.
Waiting anxiously to see how things are.

Springfield, IL(Zone 5b)


I've been saving seeds in anticipation!


...but I myabe one of the dizzy ones that just back out quietly if life gets in the way.


I'll stick around for ride for a bit to see...oinky, oinky.


Piggy April

North West, OH(Zone 5b)

I'm here!

Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)


I can't believe it is that time again!!!!!!!!!!!!! Count me in. I still have some pots of 'seedlings' left from last year still to plant!

I have been gathering seeds for the swap and noticed today that pink milkweed pods just bust open, so I'll gather some tomorrow for the swap. I have really enjoyed all our new plants this summer thanks to DGer's ^_^


Orrville, OH(Zone 5b)

I'd love to join in the fun again. This has to be the best seed swap anywhere on the web. My kitchen table is covered with containers of seeds I've been collecting and I'd love to offer them up to the trough.


Buckley, WA(Zone 7b)

Count me in! It was so much fun last year. Oink Oink!!!

South West, LA(Zone 9a)

Oink oink! Sign me up!

New Braunfels, TX(Zone 8b)

Woohoo! I'm in again, too! I have lots more seeds to offer this year, thanks to y'alls generosity and some great plant swaps I went to also. You should see all the bowls of drying seeds sitting on the counter in my kitchen! WHAT FUN!


GA, GA(Zone 7b)

I'd like to oink again too! :)

Thanks Star!

Middleton, TN(Zone 7a)

Oink on oinkers! Count Me in! I'm new to this, but love to have fun ;-)

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

HOLY COW.... is it that time of the year already??

count me in... though i will have more to offer than i will ask for.

thanks for the DM perennially....


Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I'm here! I may not be doing much swapping this year, but you know i like to follow along wthi the chat threads!

Southborough, MA(Zone 6a)

I'd like to get in this year.


(Chris) Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

I think this is a good place for me! I was doing wintersowing this past winter and got into a seed swap..was only able to send about 25 packets and that's what I expected back. OH NO.. I got over 75 packets back and needless to say, between that, the Salvia swap and the Newbie Seeds thread (about 30-40 packets from it), I have some left over :) Plus I've been visiting the local parks and getting seeds from there too.. and at a local festival, a lady had hibiscus seeds for sale from her garden for $1 for what looks to be 20 or 30 seeds of 2 varieties.. It'll just be a matter of figuring out what box that the seeds are in, since I'm still not unpacked from my move to Iowa from Okla :)

But.. oink! Please put my name on the list :)

(Zone 7a)

sorry - can't do this swap - but I'll be keeping my ears out for happy oinks heard across the land

This message was edited Sep 8, 2009 4:47 PM

Vashon, WA(Zone 8a)

Yup, I'm in. I can't wait ! I hope you all will be pleased by this year's assortment.

Iola, TX(Zone 8b)

Yes, I would love to join again this year... I had so much fun last time..

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

If you have room I would love to join. Sounds like fun. Count me in.


Parkersburg, WV

oink oink, can I join too.

's-Gravenhage, Netherlands(Zone 8b)

As I will soon leave for a trip around the world that will last several months, I'm afraid I cannot participate this time. But would love to do the next one!

Will sure miss the oinking!

Western, WI(Zone 4a)

Count me in also. Loved the seeds that I recd. in the last swap.


Polkton, NC(Zone 7b)


Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

I'm in, wouldn't miss it!

(Zone 7a)

I'm In this one. Still trying to figure out what to do but I'm in! :-)

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Kim .... just start saving your seeds. cleaning, bagging and tagging them.
then, when Star is ready to begin [you will have plenty of notice] list what you have to offer, list what you are looking for... then the Frenzy begins.... it gets fast and furious, but it's a blast.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

For the newbies. After we get all the names and ther e will be scraggler s comin gin too, then we will set the date the actual feed frenzy starts. LOL

Tis give severybody tiem to start getting their packets made and their wish lists and wants list and don't want lists done too.

Aunt_A don't worry abotu life getting in the way. We have had folsk join and when life got to busy they just stoppe d their oinking and sent their seed s in and when we was doen they got their box o seed s they oinked. We a very easy group. Havign fun and sharing, learning forming ne w friendships is the main thing. Ther e no rule that says ya have to start in from start to finish .

Montrose, AR(Zone 8a)

I would like to participate..Im a hog fan(razorbacks) oink oink...

Baytown, TX(Zone 9b)

I don't have many seeds but would love to join. I has been a year already? oink oink snortttttttttttt lol

Trenton, MI(Zone 5b)

Wowoink, I had so much fun last year and got sooooo many fantastic seeds that I was thinking I wouldn't join this year. But what the oinkheck, I'll join, offer what I have, receive a few Oink seeds and have a ton of fun!!!!

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

I'm in! I've been saving seeds like crazy just for this!

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

I would love to join in..... need some seed collecting advice though....still have some packets of seeds to share, but I need to learn how to collect from some of the new plants I have.


Hornell, NY(Zone 5a)

Okay - I've got tons of seeds, especially sunflowers. Just let me know what to do, or where to send all this stuff.


Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

Just hold your hogs a bit, lycodad. You don't get off nearly as easy as that. When star puts up the thread, we'll all be posting how many packs of whatever we have, and then we'll all be oinking at eachother for what we want and keeping track of who wants what from us. Then we make an envelope for everyone who wants stuff from us, and eventually we'll be sending everything to star, who will, bless her heart, be sorting everything out and sending us our packages.

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