Is it just me - or is winter coming early?

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

stop it hurts to laugh ROFLMAO

Woodway, TX(Zone 8a)

docgipe, (are you a chiropractor?) it's a good thing you're rolling all over the ground laughing because not everybody considers poor grammar, spelling and punctuation a hoot. I'm glad you had a chance to show off your comedy skills writing the would-be parody of a poorly written sentence. That's hackneyed, but if you enjoy it have away. Evidently you amuse some readers. Maybe you could do this on a regular basis.
It's not "wholeier then thouh" (to use your side-splitting humor) to speak and write according to the commonly accepted rules of grammar. It just makes a person more easily understood and more credible. I'll repeat, I'd take pronouncements about copyright law more seriously from someone who spells "copyright" correctly than someone who doesn't.
If a college offered your "Copyrite 101" class I doubt it would attract a lot of students.


I must have triggered a bad connection. I've been taught by a lot of college professors that could not tie their shoe strings...but they knew all about the business they were never personally experienced within. I got my piece of paper just like everyone else that put in eight years of learning. I tried all along the way to never let my education get in the road of my learning. My eighteen years of formal education in so far as I am aware never earned me a dime above average pay.

In private business I quickly learned I could hire slightly above minimum wage fine people to worry with the spelling and the grammer. I let them do it while my partner and I showed others how to make a decent above average living. When they made a few errors we gave them a bonus when the business improved. Hundreds of people national and internationals paid to attend our school, buy our how to videos and learn our trade secrets. Millions read our articles in the leading national magazines. We found that we could give a man a fish and he would be in the lineup every morning. If we taught him to fish he could fish the rest of his life and feed his family.

I don't recall that we bothered to teach spelling or grammer. Why....well to put it bluntly it has absolutely nothing to do with a thing called real learning or success.

We just chased a pretty good example of poor personal qualities out of Washington back where he came from. He really did not speak very well. With all of his problems he still became number one in our country and one of the leaders of the world. I'm told he raised millions of bucks his first month and a half out of office to build a library. I find that utterly amazing. He somehow gets some of his personal things done. I don't feel qualified to ask any interesting questions. I just watch. I would have a great deal more respect for the guy if he would have done a better job in Washington. Earning the respect to keep his good works in place and growing seemed to be difficult to achieve.

I sold my share in the school to my partner. It is growing and the students continue to leave the sweat shops of the world to build and maintain their own businesses. Five or six of the students have Texas addresses. We paid no attention to SAT's, level of formal education, speaking skills or the ability to spell. All but a very few thank us for our leadership in customer service and caring after seminar training.

Someone may have kicked your cat so you feel a need to kick mine.
I forgive you. My cat's faster than your missed two times in a row. My cat is not even getting a kick out of this.

Ozone, AR(Zone 6a)

Oh dear, I have to put in a good word for people like me. I had college too. Also had a stroke several years back. Lost a lot of functions, Could'nt walk right,could'nt drive, would get lost in familar places. I've fought and regained everything except i can't spell worth a durn any more and can really make a mess of a sentance. But i still manage to get my point across. I refuse to quit communicating. The only thing that bothers me is i can't go near a scrabble board anymore.

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

well tell me your thinking when you read the following sentence

"can u tell me wht my sochal sacraty is?" or how about
"Zacly wat deed et sez two me? Et sezs et ain't trew"


I think you would learn text messaging very quickly. LOL I did not do to well with two years of Latin but we all learned Pig Latin in seventh grade. That was more fun and we could communicate with honors to the best in the business being an automatic peer function.

Woodway, TX(Zone 8a)

" automatic peer function" is an unusual phrase. Have you told us if you have a doctorate, and if so in what field?

Marinette, WI(Zone 4b)

OK, we are way off the subject here.
Lets get back to the subject. ^_^

Thumbnail by kassy_51
Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

those were not text messages, thats what kids wrote on applications for employment, needless to say they did NOT get hired! Makes you wonder why you even bother sending children to school....yep hooked on phonics worked for them didn't it.
when the words "social security" are in front of you and you are simply asked to copy the line down, and that's what you write, why did you bother coming in to apply fr the job?

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

DP, your argument would hold a lot more sway had you not chosen to preface it with, "I don't want to be rude,"

Unfortunately, that is exactly what your statement was...rude. It is considered really poor form to correct a person's grammar or spelling in a public venue, when you were not hired to do so. Poor grammar and mis-spellings can indeed grate on one's more educated ear or eye, but common courtesy demands one refrain from causing embarrassment to another simply to appease one's own sense of correctness.

Perhaps had you started your opinion with "I find it difficult..." others would have accepted it as a social failing on your part and been polite enough to let it slide past un-noted.

Bottom line, this is a forum for Beginner Gardeners to ask questions, vilifying the grammatical abilities of those posters is hardly conducive to attracting posters to the site.

Cando, so sorry for your medical problems. You have made great strides in your recovery....good on you for your perseverance and determination, and apologies for any embarrassment caused you here.

This message was edited Sep 11, 2009 2:59 PM

Marinette, WI(Zone 4b)

a picture of that same tree from the north.

Thumbnail by kassy_51
Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

did you find me a picture of regular old grass yet Kassy?

Marinette, WI(Zone 4b)

Sorry trina, that is at work and I'm not back to work yet.
Will try to remember to take my camera to work with me tomorrow night, so I can get a picture of the grass they seeded there

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

Here ya go Trina

Thumbnail by themoonhowl
Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

thanks Moon. Nope definately don't have anything in my yard that resembles its ok to kill it all then

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

I wouldn't necessarily kill what is in your yard based on this grass. It is a mix of centipede and St Augustine grasses and they do not grow in your zone. The grasses for your area would be Ryegrass,Buffalo,Fescue,Bluegrass and Bentgrass.

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

well i got wheat, crabgrass, poke weed, thistle, and some other weed that gets over 6 feet tall, wild morning glory, and volunteer mulberries everywhere

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

Those could die, no questions asked....grin

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

my thoughts exacty...and there are a few other things I am ot sure what are, but they can go too

Marinette, WI(Zone 4b)

I have blue eyed grass ^_^

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

And everyone knows about it.....LOL

Marinette, WI(Zone 4b)

:-p Jean............LOL

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)


Marinette, WI(Zone 4b)


Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

DP, you are absolutely correct in that I also was rude in my correction of you here on this forum. For that you have my sincerest apology.

As you abhor the improper use of language and grammar, so do I abhor taking a derisive and rude path of commentary when it was neither necessary nor served a purpose. If any of my language here has offended anyone, I can do no less than offer my apology.


Woodway, TX(Zone 8a)

Moon/Jean, let's be friends, OK? I'm sure there are a lot of things we agree upon and things we would enjoy talking about if we knew one another. On to more pleasant topics, right?


Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

Works for me DP...lot more to be accomplished through cooperation than, is winter coming earlier, or are we reverting to more normal weather patterns? I seem to remember as a child it being much colder at Hallowe'en than in recent memory.


My education was in Elementary Education and a second major for the Exceptional Child. I taught seven and a half years.

My business activity was to send my nurse wife off to work. I would then go into my workshop studio and play with nude German and French girls all day. On occasion I would have Canadian, Italian and American Indian gals shed their clothes for my pleasure. Sometimes we got out the video camera and recorded their personal beauty for others to enjoy. I would clean them with my special ointments and help them with their skin tone and color maintenance that all ladies love. We have dealt with broken fingers and major surgery to correct improper work of other docs. They really responded when we cleaned and gave them new hair patterns and gold wire earrings with real pearls. Some as you know had pierced ears. We often tested and very carefully did eye corrective surgery. In all cases their mothers approved of our business. Most often the girls could stay for a week or more. We rejected no race, color or creed. Sexual orientation was never an issue.

I was a full time professional teaching artist in the field of Antique Doll Restoration. We published articles for leading magazines. How to video and supplies mail order was another department. Our school conveyed the right to use the term Dollologist to the students that did post graduate work of a high standard. I am now fully retired having sold the business to my partner who runs the seminars from her home studio in Virgina Beach, Va. The company name is G & M Doll Restoration Seminars. There is a web site. Our students are found in Germany, France, Italy, Mexico, Austrailia, Canada and most of our states. My wife and I were founders of the International Doll Doctor's Association an organization with a full color newsletter of, by and for the membership. I make no referrals and do not accept any work from new customers. On occasion I may help a mother who's kid has a minor accident. This has to be a mother who supported me when I was earning my living.

This is how I became docgipe or just plain doc.

Bella Vista, AR(Zone 6b)

What has happened to this forum? I don't think I recognize it anymore.


Nothing has happend! It's in evolution as a fine demonstration of what the Wall Street Journal had to say about all forums and the players that reside within them.

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

hey doc...I saw about the daughter doesn't want hers up on the shelves any do I store them so they don't get damaged...porcelain dolls get expensive you know

Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom

I'm in the UK and we had a REALLy late summer; the south of England had nice weather - the North (where I am) had rain, rain and more rain - London was having a heat wave and people in the North were flooding. We have had about 3 weeks of gorgeous weather this for us winter is coming early - I think it will be a cold one - we've had fairly mild winters for the last couple of years; we are due an extra cold one.

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

same here dipsydoodle

Leicester, NC(Zone 8a)

Interesting, A battle of wits and I have to be an unarmed person lol

Marinette, WI(Zone 4b)

LOL flowers

Tallahassee, FL

OK!!!! Let's get back to plants and weather!
I am in Zone 8B Tallahassee Fl. Moved here 3 years ago from Zone 10 where I lived for 34 years.
I have never seen weather go up and down and all around! I am having fun! When we moved here I thought it never rained in Tallahassee until I was told we were in a drought. :-0
Then the next year I figured we will never get any tropical storms up here and we got Fay!
Last year it was winter until the end of April! I am trying to figure out what is considered normal up here?
I thought my pain in the butt Chinaberry trees were dying when their leaves started falling about 2 weeks ago.
It is still HOT though. 87-90 during the day. It is 92 right now! But this Tues. night and Wed. night we will be getting down to 51 YIPPEEEE!!
I pray we get snow this year. It is over due!
Thanks for letting me run my mouth!

Newnan, GA(Zone 7b)

Finally starting to cool off here just south of Atlanta. Temps this week supposed to be in the mid 70s during the day, mid 50s at night. First sign of fall is seeing yellow, maple-leaf-shaped sweet gum tree leaves all over my deck. Crape Myrtle leaves starting to turn red. Plant growth slowing down. Long shadows in the morning and late afternoon. Love the cool weather but hate to see the growing season end. :-(

Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom

We are apparently having an "Indian Summer" at the minute. It's warm but not that warm. The night times are cold though,

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

it's cold here this am...we went from 80 on sunday to 40 now...brrrrrr....I hate winter!

Wichita, KS(Zone 6a)

It's been very chilly in the mornings and at night here in Kansas. I'm so glad that the flies are going away!

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