Spring/Summer/now Fall Projects.....cont'd......

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

OK! Here in MD (Crab Country)--any crabs we eat are loaded with Old Bay and salt. So--if you saved all the shells from your crab feast--I doubt if you could use them as is.....
Maybe boiling them down to get rid of all the salt and spices and THEN proceeding with the smashing and grinding may be OK. Any thoughts on this??????

I eat very few eggs--but any ones I do eat--i save the egg shells--wash them and dry them and crunch them up. Then--when my container is full--I might use a processor to turn them into granular. I DO mix these in where I plant tomatoes--as they are calcium. NO tinges of having lived in the sea--but still calcium.
I should contact my local Denny's......Get enough egg shellls to last me a lifetime.....Like people that get coffee grounds from Starbucks......

Would shrimp shells be good? I have a Seafood place close-by. They also cater....I have seen them shell shrimps by the box-full and throwing all the shells in the sink. Maybe I could get a bunch of shrimp shells from them? Of course--I would first cook them all down with celery and lemon and onion, etc....to make Shrimp Broth for use in soups or a Shrimp Bisque....YUMMMY!

How about the tons and tons of Oyster shells that get discarded? MAN! They pave driveways with these if you live near the water......I have an angel made out of an Oyster shell. VERY basic and VERY pretty!

SO much bounty around here in MD--and people just do not have a clue how to recycle anything.....It is all TRASH!

Look who's talking.........Gita


The vast majority of the crab shells go to the pickers for canning. They are not seasoned. Find the picking house.

The same is true of shrimp picked for canning, washed and quick frozen for the big box fish markets. Ask at the docks where the picking house is.

Chicken grits at the feed stores are very often clam and oyster shells ground in various sizes. All farm feed stores should have this product.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Joyanna's Crocus Lawn project is coming along! In case you missed it, please check out the "Crocus Luncheon" thread on this forum... we're having a planting party! Like most MAG events, it'll be mostly about food & friends... :-)

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Bumping this up so we can post on it instead of the "summer projects" thread LOL.

I'm crossing my fingers that the rain moves back *out* of the forecast for Saturday... or we'll be partying inside drinking cocoa, and I'll have waaay too many crocus bulbs to plant the following week LOL.

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Critter, This thread has wandered all over the place and has not maintained the flow of a projects thread. It would be better to start another one, and hopefully people will stay on topic.

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

It would be better to start another one, and hopefully people will stay on topic

I started a new thread: Fall/Winter Projects :)

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