CLOSED: Seed Junkie Chit Chat - Newbies Welcome 8/29/09

I've been holding these seeds for months because I didn't know what they were, Now I finally googled and saw what they were. They could have been planted all along. I got more trees than I can shake a stick at.(in pots) and outside.

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

But you have all that glorious land for trees, trees and more trees - LOL. Did I tell you my Hong Kong Orchid has sprouted? I'm pretty stoked about that seeing as my brugs are lagging . . .

Yea, my white and purple orchid trees are sprouted. You have got a green thumb. The first time I planted them nothing came up, then planted one more time and forgot them, and wah-lah.

Thumbnail by mekos
Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

yup.. just came in from getting my 3 new babies in the ground (courtesy of Mitt, i should add) they are now planted on 3 sides of the birdbath i have there! woot!!!! soo darn excited.. the goth garden is definitely beginning to take shape

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

mekos!!! received envie today!!! woot.. now just waiting in the cauldrons to come in at work so i can plant them and stick em on my front doorstep!!!

So glad you are happy, Cue.
Correction on the seed name previously given, I misspelled the name. (sorry about that) They were Largerstromeria Indica- red crape myrtle. ( I got alstromeria on the brain.)
Anyone else get seeds today?

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

I haven't checked the mail yet since I'm at work still :^(

I'm gonna move my Orchid Tree baby to a more part shade location I think tonight. It's been so hot here and the pot is in dappled sun. Ithink the crazy heat plus me keeping it very damp so as to not dry out did the trick. I only planted the one seed in case I messed it up I would have 2 more tries - lol.

It might cool down to under 100 by the weekend! I sure hope so since it's a 3 day weekend for me. Need to get some fall veggies planted and start the bed for the Irises. Poor babies are all in pots and what-have-you waiting for it to cool down - lol.

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

Oh I am up for the red crepe myrtle mekos. LOL Cue you will love the black irises I had some a few years back and they died out on me but they were gorgeous and I have found some called Black Superstition (Spelling) That I am bidding on.

What color did you get, or both? I got my purple first then later on I got some white, so now have both. I planted 3 of each, so all them came up. That picture was a week or so ago, they are bigger now. Here they are today.

Thumbnail by mekos

Flower, you are getting d-mail.

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)


Here is my little red brug.

Thumbnail by mekos

Wholly Moley Mekos!!!! What did you feed that thing?

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

My Orchid tree is the purple. Seeds arrived in the mail today - thanks mekos!

Loca, I'll send you a white tree so you will have a pair.
Seray, all my stuff just grows off like that- IF they sprout, they take off. I have my own secret weapon. Hehehe That baby is only a few weeks old. I planted it when I sent you those. That is how long, I don't remember exactly but 3-4 weeks maybe, or less.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Ok Jan but you can share your secret with us we wont tell anyone. Right girls???

OK, arejay-I'll whisper in your ears. No telling though.
Hey wait a minute. You are in the contest aren't you? I can't tell you.

St John's, Antigua and Barbuda(Zone 10a)

I need an address to send my seeds?

Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

It's OK, mekos! I'm not in the contest, so you can tell me! LOL!

Monticello, KY(Zone 6b)

HI Everyone. Sorry I've been kinda of quiet Mekos I lost my outside dog a week ago and still miss her so I've been on a cleaning spree to work through that. Today I've been moving a baker's rack from my living room to the front porch going to put plastic around it and make a little greenhouse out of it. Natually, moving it meant moving all my yarn and other junk so I could get it out but it's all straightened back up now just like going through the thread and yarn and organizing them and my corner of the living room is neat again for awhile. Haven't been to the PO and haven't got a clue when we will get to town though I think maybe tomorrow late cause he's running out of his junk food. HIs boss is trying to work him to death in the month or so they have remaining before heading back to FL.
Cue how long did that happy dance last? Now, if only you had a calla lily or two to go with them it would really be neat.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Im so sorry about your puppy Mindy stick with us we will cheer you up.

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Cool mekos - thanks. I'll take a pic of the little guy when his head gets all the way up. It's real cute!

Really sorry about your dog ,Mindy. I know how attached you get to the pets. They are part of the family. I lost one a while back and cried for a month or more. Really went into a depression. You take care. The bakers rack should do fine for a greenhouse, I found a rack at a flea market last year that was metal and had several racks and got it and covered it with plastic and put a grow light on the top shelf and it worked so good. It only cost me 2 dollars. Kept a lot of small plants and rooting babies there last winter.
OK Skellogg, we'll have to conspire. hahaha.
You tell me your secrets, and I'll tell you mine.
My sister just called me, she just got back home from a trip to Charlston, S.C. from a visit with my neice and brought me back a Century plant. Got to look that up to see what it is.

I'm sorry too MIndy. Mine are like kids.

Come over to the Brug sprout thread for a dose of silliness! LOL Time for the announcement.

Morning everyone. Hope everyone has a nice day.

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

Looks to be another beautiful day here but is chilly outside !
Morning All

Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

Good morning all!
Mindy, so sorry to hear about your dog, too. You're right, mekos. They are just like family. Although, I think my dogs are more spoiled that my kids were when they were growing up! Thanks for the bakers rack idea though. Had never thought about converting one to a mini greenhouse, and that's a great idea. I may have to go on the hunt for one now.
Mekos, you'll get cheated on the idea swapping, as I don't have very many, and especially not good ideas! LOL!

Montrose, AR(Zone 8a)

Good morning all my seed junkie friends... Beautiful sunrise here this morning with the temps down to about 55... wooohoooo to bad I had to get the kids up for school, would have been a nice morning to sit on the porch and watch the sunrise..

Montrose, AR(Zone 8a)

Here's a picture of the beautiful sky this morning..Sorry not good quality I took it with my phone..

Thumbnail by huneybunch_2000
Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

Oh, huney, it's beautiful! Sun's not quite up yet here, but it's a gorgeous day, about 50 degrees, and the best day yet for my MG's. Definately gotta plant more of those next year!

Hornell, NY(Zone 5a)

Morning All - Happy September the oneth!! Seems like summer's almost over, feels like it too, temps in the mid 40's here last night.
Wifey is back to school conferences this week, it's just me and the cat to feed for awhile.


Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Morning everyone! Off to the orthodontist with my oldest son then to work, so I'll check in later. Al, please send some of your fall weather my way . . .

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

I just heard that here it was got down to 45 degrees last night! Fall is here!

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

LOL venice it got down pretty chilly here to. Low 40s

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

Flower, I am not surprised because you are further north. It just seems like over night fall was here!

St John's, Antigua and Barbuda(Zone 10a)

Seray that blue is just lovely, where do I find the brug sprout thread?

Montrose, AR(Zone 8a)

ok seed junkies ... I dont know whether to be bitterly disappointed or to be overjoyed... I was given this plant to be a yellow brug..then after all summer of waiting I noticed the bud was opening to be pink, which was perfectly ok.... now look at this flower... This doesnt look like a brugs to me, but what is it??? blooms sorta look like a peony but its a lil late in the year for those??? Its covered in buds that will be open soon... no matter what it is .... Its a beauty... Any Ideas???

Thumbnail by huneybunch_2000
Montrose, AR(Zone 8a)

Heres another pic from the back of the flower

Montrose, AR(Zone 8a)

ooops no pic sorry

Thumbnail by huneybunch_2000
Montrose, AR(Zone 8a)

here is a picture of the buds on the bush..... Think it may be some type of hibiscus?

Thumbnail by huneybunch_2000

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