CLOSED: Seed Junkie Chit Chat - Newbies Welcome 8/29/09

I had one sitting on a dead stalk that once was a daylily bloom a couple days ago. Don't laugh at my grass. It's out there in that patch where I'm planning to cover with cardboard. Beautiful little thing.

Thumbnail by mekos
Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

I love dragonflys! They seem to want to buzz around my peppers when I'm in the garden watering and trying to look in the leaves for those blasted hornworms . . . Pretty little guys (the dragonflies, that is!). Although, I gotta give the 'ol hornworms some credit - they are surviving in this heat and they are definitely masters of disguise. Sometimes I can look at the same leaf 3 or 4 times until all of a sudden there it is!! Knowing it's been there the whole dang time, especially when they're big around as my pinky - lol. Definitely didn't just appear right before my eyes . . . .

I don't know Loca, you been drinking those Mojitos?

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

Oh gals I have had dragon flies out the rear this year . absolutley gorgeous. I love watching them got from stalk to stalk and they get down on the cattails at the pond.

This message was edited Aug 30, 2009 2:45 PM

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Yessiree!! Cue made me a big 'ol frozen version last night when I was out watering in this heat - lol. Maybe the dragonflies like mijitos?

They hang out all around my ponds too. I love them. I had a huge one that was jet black a few days ago and I took his picture and was looking for it when I accidentally clicked the button and sent that picture earlier. Wasn't going to show off all my weeds. Here is my guardian Cue.OH, I found it, I'll show my guardian next. This is the black one.

Thumbnail by mekos

Here is the guardian of my small pond.

Thumbnail by mekos
Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

I lurve my Dragonflies... there is an old saying/belief that Dragonflies are the messengers of our ancestors.. their job to keep watch over us. if this be the case.. then i got aloooot of ancestors lookin out for me :) and they do a heck of a job keeping the mosquitoes in check lol

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

So pretty Jan, I love dragon Flies

I think mine are on a diet. With 2 ponds next to my house, I got a lot of mosquitoes.
Edited to say...
My ancestors must be trying to tell me something, I have bunches of them too.
OR, they could be well fed and have a happy home, with more than enough to eat.?!?

This message was edited Aug 30, 2009 3:07 PM

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

lol... encourage em Jan... give em lots of places to perch..

Great idea Cue. I do love seeing them. They let me get real close, you can see the black one stayed as I moved all around and took several pictures real close. My hummers are the same way. They hum all around me and right at my head.

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

dragonflies breed in ponds... the nymphs eat mosquito larvae. if yo have fish int he pond, chances are dragonflies will not lay eggs there as nymphs are a favorite type of fish food, also, they wont breed in ponds that are shaded.. the larvae need sunlight to grow since they are cold blooded... however, i have no such pond here (not counting the swail which always has standing water) and Dragonflies are numerous in my yard. Hopefully the many bamboo perches i provided them will encourage them to stay

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

Mekos, that dragonfly is really beautiful!

Hey, Flowers, have you posted your photos yet? It is hard to keep up with people and their different threads.

You must live in northern Indiana because I live in 5B.

Here's one of my guys. Just saying hi.

Thumbnail by

One of my ponds is in full sun and one I just put a canopy over to help the plants have a little shade. The shaded one has the bigger plants and greener and so many MORE blooms of the water lilies. The one in full sun gets so much heat the water hyacinths are tiny and the shaded pond has water hyacinths huge.(of course the hyacinths don't bloom because not enough of sun)- go figure.
This is Hummer, he watches all the things eating holes in my vines and he tells me about it. He is also watching my lotus parrots beak vines. I have 3 out there. Along with my cobra lilies. They need more shade so I have my shade loving stuff out there.

Thumbnail by mekos

Seray, that is beautiful.

Thanks Mekos! The vine on the left is that your parrots beak vine. It looks similar to my Hawaiian Sunset vine. Is it tropical? Hummer's a cutie. :)

Middleton, TN(Zone 7a)

ooh ooh I have a dragonfly pic

Thumbnail by MechelleT
Montrose, AR(Zone 8a)

I just wanted to share a pleasant surprise I just found ... I thought all summer this was a yellow brug that a friend of mine gave me... ha look at this bud... I cant wait till they open up.. im so excited.....We dug it up from one of her friends houses..

Thumbnail by huneybunch_2000
Montrose, AR(Zone 8a)

Ha I think she is gonna be pink... smiles.... Here is a piece I broke off her yellow one... Now Im the proud owner of two different color brugs... What a special day it is... Both the ladies I got this from passed away this year.. So im proud to have them both...

Thumbnail by huneybunch_2000

That is one of them Seray. It is tropical.
Cute Mechelle. Those boogers get around. LOL
We must have got enough rain and moisture for them to multiply great this year. I seem to have more than usual. Mine sit on the water (as it flows back into the pond )sometimes, getting a drink, and falls in the water. It's so cute watching them. I laugh at the site.
Here are some of the petunias in this auction.

Thumbnail by mekos

Hunny, I think you posted as I was writing. Yours are a treasure. That bud looks like we all are gonna be envious of you. Can't wait to see it bloomed out.

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

This is the start of our patio and the flower beds.

Thumbnail by flowerfantasy
Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

Here is another one.

Thumbnail by flowerfantasy
Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

Wow! So nice! Where did you get the wood? It looks like you are going to have a brick walk. Is that what your patio is going to be also?

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

One with the shrubs and just stuck in a few caldiums for color.

Thumbnail by flowerfantasy
Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

It is just above the beds of flowers.

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

Ok This one is looking up from the bottom and it shows the whole thing. The patio area is behind me.

Thumbnail by flowerfantasy
Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

This is my fountain that I have had for 10 years that wasn't ever up and going and now it is.

Thumbnail by flowerfantasy

Flower, that is a great job. I love the colors of caladiums. You got to show pictures when you finish. That makes me tired just looking at all the work you have done.Love it.
OH, I love the fountain!

This message was edited Aug 30, 2009 8:03 PM

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

This one is the fountain working with some caldiums and coleus around it.

I have several more but it is taking forever to load them tonight for some reason so I'll not load anymore tonight.

Thumbnail by flowerfantasy
Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

Yeah DH has put a lot of hours in trying to get it just this far and still take care of the other things going on

thanks mekos.

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

Your garden and patio are going to be amazing! So much work! Even a fountain! You have a great DH! By the way, I am sorry but I can't tell what your fountain is from this angle. Maybe others are smarter than I am.

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

It is 3 tiered and just looks like an old stump carved out with 2 birds ,a trutle and snail on it. DH has talked and talked trying to get me to put it up and I told him when I get a spot that I like and where I want it, it will go up. So now it is up and going. LOL

Yea he is a wonderful guy. I couldn't have found anyone any better for sure.
Thanks venice

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Looking great flower! Thanks for sharing!

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

Here in this one you can see just a bit more of where the patio is going to be.

Thumbnail by flowerfantasy
Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

Thanks loca. I am really proud of what we have gotten done so far. Lots of hard work for 2 old people. LOL

That is a lot of work for anyone, but sure is nice and when it's finished and you can enjoy it, you will be glad you did it. It really is going to be beautiful. I'm so happy for you. Do you have all the plants or seed you need to furnish it the way you want? Do you need any more?

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

Well right now I think I have everything,but won't know till we get the side beds done and I start putting stuff in them. There are going to be some triangles that come off each side where the fountain sets and I am putting roses in that, the side beds will run along side of the patio and will have couple shrubs there and ferns most likely.

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