CLOSED: Seed Junkie Chit Chat - Newbies Welcome 8/29/09

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

We came from here:

for those needing directions for free seed:
Directions for free seed is here

for the rest of ya's! come on in.. pull up a chair.. Mojitos are to the left, Margaritas to the right!

This message was edited Aug 29, 2009 10:26 PM

Thumbnail by cue_chik
Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

ok.. i think everyone had too many frozen cocktails.. they all got lost on the way here ROTFL

I found ya. Planning Gilda's and my day trip. LOL

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

ROTFL... GOOD!!! I hope everyone is doing the same.. that way, we'll have some darn interesting pics to look at when Gilda 'writes home'!

Spooner, WI

I'm here! Been needing a good margarita! :)

This is the place ptilda. LOL

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Found you my seedy peeps! You can run but you can't hide . . .

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

now.. would we run from you, my 'Angelic twin'?????

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

I know you wouldn't my dear little sister - LOL.

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Aaargggghhh! I still need to water and it's still 108 degrees outside . . .

Good grief! Can't you talk to somebody about that heat. How can you stand it even at night! I can barely stand 90. Put some extra ice in her mojita Cue!

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

ok peeps, think Im gonna take my 'Gilda' idea and hit the hay.. sleep on it a bit...

Ya'll behave yourselves.. dont make me send LUCY to babysit!!!

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

LOL.. well.. I gave her the 'frozen'version.. cant get much more frosty than that.. even gave her a spoon!

Will that work Loca? :)

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

That hit the spot! Good lookin' out friends! Veggies are watered and I barely broke a sweat - lol. All the other plants are on their own tonight. I'm done watered out!

Monticello, KY(Zone 6b)

Good morning everyone. Nice foggy and cool out there makes me want to go back to bed and wait til it warms up. Fall's on it's way here.
Cue count me in on Gilda

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

I wanta play too please pretty please.

I got some pic I want to post for you all to see. It is what we have been doing for the past 5 months and finally got part of it done and we are so proud of it. It will have to wait til DH can set down here and load the pic from the camera cause I don't know how to download from his camera. Be patient and I'll try to get him to do it for me today. I want you opinions on it too. LOL

Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

Found the new thread, and please count me in on Gilda! I know just where to take her on a day trip. Yippee flower. We love pictures! Can't wait to see, and of course we will give opinions! We are very good at that as well.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

You can do it Flower remember you said you couldn't make a link....and now you can just plug the camera in to the cord or take the card out and put it in the slot on the computer where it fits. Then turn the camera on the computer will read it. Never mind I got carried away once again on a public forum....HMMM..I will dmail you.

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)


Today I will put up the 'Gilda' Thread. i will provide a link for you guys to view it but please.. DO NOT post in the thread as it is on reserve. those of you who wish to participate can either say so here (if you havent already) or send me Dmail.. but do not post ANYTHING in the Gilda thread yet. I'll also post the rules to the game in the thread along with the list of participants. remember, we are NOT going in order of the list.. but in a random order.. this way, where ever Gilda ends up is a surprise

posts should be made ONLY when Gilda has visited and you post her pic with her 'letter home'. i will not create a new thread, so it will be an ongoing one, so lets keep Gilda chatter in the Seed Junkie thread. When Gilda is ready to ship off for her 'Big Adventure' I will post her 'Bon Voyage' pic and her initial letter. everyone can follow the thread by clicking 'Watch Thread' at the top, that way, when a new post is made, everyone will be alerted!

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Ok Cant wait!!

Montrose, AR(Zone 8a)

I want to participate too please.... Trish

St John's, Antigua and Barbuda(Zone 10a)

I don't know who Gilda is but I am Sue, I am from UK but living in Antigua for 26 years, pretty darn hot here too, just received curry leaf tree seeds and need to sow before they spoil, they are already shooting in their little baggie. Never tried a Mojito but love Margerita's!

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

gotchya trish.. i'll put you on the list :)

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

Glad you could join us Sue!

HI Sue

Welcome Glad you found us. Pictures of Antigua we'd love to see. Can't see anyone's gardens from the travel brochures.

Cue: Will we be writing from Guild's point of view or telling about her visit from our point of view?

Example: Sherri's house is the pitts or

We were going out to eat but Gilda wanted to get her hair fixed. LOL

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Gilda said; I was at Cues long enough so that I needed some sun...It is great to be here Jan....
Hi Sue glad you came if you have pictures we are all eyes ....

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Sorry Cue...Gilda called this morning, Don't shoot the messenger. She also said" Do you know she is trying to grow things in the dark"

She called me too and said: Can you do something about LUCY?

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

ROTFL.. good thing lucy doesnt eat paper!

I think we should all tell the story from Gilda's POV.. like

'Sherri and I planned to have dinner, but I wanted to make sure i got a pedicure first.. never know who might be looking at your toes!"

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

Yea I know , but with his camera you have to do this and do that b4 you can download anything and also have to turn of the printer as it interferes and it won't download. Very strange camera LOL But will get them on here as soon as I can.

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

Which one of you gals is it that watches TRUE BLOOD? I was on ebay looking at books and they have the whole series of them for 38.00

Montrose, AR(Zone 8a)

TY Cue....It will be very interesting to see how far Gilda travels in her adventures...I see they are doing this with some dollar bills to...Tho I dont think many people stop to log in where it has actually been but I did... Anyway Great Idea... Thanks for adding me to the list

Thumbnail by huneybunch_2000
Middleton, TN(Zone 7a)

Count me in too, guys..

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

Flower.. I watch True Blood.. faithfully every Sunday.. and I got the entire 9 book series for my Birthday this July.. i am already nearing the end of book 5

Hey Cue, (just a thought) Have you thought about sending out 2-3 different Gildas (look the same-but just in case she were to get lost in mail) And one could go around here and one abroad to visit other countries at the same time and then it would go around a little faster and back. Just thought I'd run that by you to think about.

Montrose, AR(Zone 8a)

Sounds like a good idea to me....

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

LOL.. yes mekos.. I had thought about it! stillworking out some details.. will let ya know what all i come up with!

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

ok Seed junkies and Seed Newbies, if you love Dragonflies and Damselflies as much as i do (so beneficial to one garden by keeping down the buggy pests) .. i got a little experiment for you to try!!

let me tell you how this came about.

one day while I was chatting with my neighbor about property lines, I noticed on the two 4 ft bamboo stakes he had perched to mark off where his two Water oaks would be planted were two dragonflies. Everyday I walked outside from that day on, i noticed there would be a dragonfly perched on the tip of each one. This got me to thinking.

Dragonflies like perching on tall reeds in their natural habitat, and unless you own a boggy march, chances are, you dont have tall reeds anywhere in your backyard. I know I certainly dont.
so, I decided to try a little experiment. I had about 8 - 4 ft bamboo stakes (the kind ya get in Garden centers for about a $1). I took my stakes and randomly placed them in sunny spots in flower beds all the way around my garden. So that my Garden would have a place for its 'Guardians' to perch and watch over it. i wasnt sure this would work, but I decided to try.

it took less than 10 minutes before each stake had a gorgeous Dragonfly perched at its tip! Thats right.. almost immediately!!!! I had 8 'Guardians' overseeing my gardens, all because I gave them somewhere to rest and watch!!!

I encourage you all to give this a try! place them in random spots thru your beds. make sure the stakes are at least slightly taller than the plants.. or.. just poke one into the ground in the yard!!! I bet you will be blessed with your very own "Garden Guardians'!!!

Hey this would be fun also, lot of work for you cue, but fun for us. When Gilda is with us, we all take pictures of her adventures and e-mail you a copy and we keep a copy for us- when she gets all over the place and is ready to come home, we all get e-mail copies of where she has been to add to out pictures and we all have a copy of her album. BUT GILDA and her adventures are CUE's copywrite- she keeps all rights to it and when you get a book written, we all have the scrap book and were a part of it. You must write a book for the kids, this is too good to let get away.

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