Compassion for Handicapped Gardeners # 7

SE/Gulf Coast Plains, AL(Zone 8b)

So good to have you back, Scraps. The new tech sounds like it will make things easier for you, too. *Kay

mulege, Mexico

Welcome back, Scraps.Missed you.

I agree about the sleep. I'm cleaning up a lot of dusty things and I am allergic to dust. I get tired and I get flu-like symptoms. There are also lots of mosquitoes since the hurricane and I get a flu-like reaction to their bites. I sleep well since it's cooler but I'm low energy and tireeasily. I usually have a few good hours in the morning and what doesn't get done then doesn'tget done.

Tony put a third coat of varnish on the bedroom floor yesterday so today i can get back to work on the walls and start moving things back in. I'm ready for that.

It's cooled down here so we're haing our fall weather which is cool and clean, except for the ocaasional hurricane.

Glad to have all of you here.

hugs to all,

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

Scraps,I didn't realize you needed to vacate the old house. That does much a different twist on moving the things. It sounds as tho you have a LOT of work to do in a fairly short time. Remember the thrift stores if a garage sale for all of it sounds like too much for you. Or just set up tables along the street/road with FREE signs on them and let people take what they want. That way you don't have to do a lot of cleaning up on items like for a rummage sale or thrift store. If you do a thrift store, please try to find one that is ministry backed and at least most if not all of the money stays in the local area instead of going all over the country/world. The one I work at does that.

Anyone who has allergies or even just reactions to dust(dust is an irratant to the respiratory system without allergies involved)should wear a mask of some kind. At least a bandana or strip of closely woven cloth over the mouth and nose to filter some of the particles out. Change that cloth/mask every few hours. The extra trouble is worth not having the flulike symptoms or whatever other problems you may have. For some of us the arthritis or fibro will flare up in response to irratants.

For those who use tubes or bottles of topical rub here is a money saving tip. When the tube/bottle seems empty, cut it open and you will find quite a bit that wouldn't come out. Over the course of a year you may save the price of a container or two.

GOD bless and keep each of you.

Ozone, AR(Zone 6a)

Scraps, WELCOME BACK! i surely missed you.
Sorry about all the stuff you still have to do. We bought a couple of different houses to be moved and fixed them up and sold them. Did'nt know if it was still profitable or not. It'd be a senseble way to get a new house for someone handy with carpentry work and not have mortgage payments the rest of your life.
It's sad work to go thru someones things who is close to you. Have done it a couple of times. My sympathies with you there too.
But you are in your new house!! You can talk to us everyday and we can talk back. Have we been naughty or nice? You know us!!! What do you think? LOL

Thanks for the tubes tip leaflady. I had an expensive salve for psorisis that could have used some cutting into.
Katie, It's nice to have you back too. Is everything back to normal now?

Spokane, WA(Zone 5b)

Glad to see you back online, scraps. You've been missed.

Sad day today, we had to put down our 13 year old Australian Shepard dog, Lonnie. She went so fast, really just went downhill this last week and got really bad last night. It was hardest on my youngest son, now 23, who's been this dog's boy since he was 11. But I'm proud of him; we took her to the vet together. The vet was great with all of us.

It was her time to go and she had a great life. Before we moved into town 4 years ago, we lived on 5 acres and Lonnie had goats, ducks and a donkey to herd. She loved it everyday... I'm not so sad for her, mostly just hard to say goodbye. She was a good dog.

Lena, MS(Zone 7b)

Hey you guys I feel so loved! That is a great feeling when you do not know which way is up. I am loving the new house so much. I had gotten so depressed and hated cleaning the old house because it still looked so bad even when you did all you could. The floors were uneven and the old floor covering was cracked and torn. It always looked bad even when clean. Now the floors here look clean when I go to the trouble to sweep and mop. That is rewarding to see after the pain of cleaning it. We saved and worked hard for this house and I want to take care of it really well. I know how much work went into it for sure.

I am so glad you guys missed me and I am glad to be back. Thanks for all the kind words. I do not have time right now to type a message to everyone but I will be back each night if possible. We discovered today that the satelite thingy goes out in bad weather. We also got one for tv too. We have never had cable here because we are so far out in the country so we finally spent the money and got a dish. We only had 3 channels before so it has been fun watching new stuff. If I get the remote that is.... Hubs seems to keep it alot. After he goes to bed I watch stuff I like such as the HGTV which is cool.
Katie, I am glad you are ok after the storm and I know what you mean about the allergies.

Leaflady,I think it is funny that you mentioned cutting open the tubes because I have several that way now, poor folks like me have been cutting the tubes open for years. My mom was the queen of tube cutting I think. I think we always had a tube of something cut open, toothpaste especially. She forbid us to open a new tube until it was all gone. I think all of us waste too much these days. But over the past few years we have tried so hard to save money that we learned we could do without alot of what we thought we had to have. Paper towels are like a luxury item here. It was an expense we could live without. But I did so much laundry that I am not sure about the actual savings. I love learning new ways to be frugal.

Have a great evening or night everyone. love and prayers, scraps

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Oh, Katie, when I read your post it scanned like this new varnish ... flu-like symptoms. I had to read it again for the other news. I know the rules on chemicals in the exact same brand and shade of make-up are stricter in Europe than they are in the US; emissions standards are stricter in California than the rest of the country so far. Wondering about Mexican varnish compared to US polyurethane or something. please be careful, Katie!

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

Planter, I'm so sorry to hear you had to part with your beloved companion. I've lived thru that and it is like giving up a child. I feel for your son too. Our almost 6 year old grandson has a blk. Lab/Rott cross that is so attached to him. I was told he tried to get on the school bus the first few days and met it in the afternoon.

I'm switching work days- today for tomorrow. I'm trying to get the house plants inside as we are do for a frost or freeze this weekend. I don't have many but would like to save what I do have. I'll just put the Elephant Ears and Brugmansia on the front porch for now. The EE bulbs were small and didn't get planted until very late so I feel they need all the 'in soil' time they can get. Even when the time comes to give them up for the winter I may try to just cut them off at ground level and put them in a dark room. I don't know for sure if that will work. Do any of you know? I have one blk one I need to dig as I didn't get it potted. There is so much grass in the brug. planter that I will just have to cut it off and lay newspaper or something like that over it and use pretty rocks/stones to hold it down and keep the cats out of the pot. I need to go get more done.

GOD bless and keep each of you.

mulege, Mexico

My dog Misty died in early Sept. She was my "baby" and we were very attached to each other. It is so hard to lose a pet when there is a strong bond. Misty was very smart and very alpha. She was the dog most apt to attack one of the other dogs but she was nurturing and protective of both small puppies and kittens.

Carrie, don't worry, I buy my varnish in California and I have Tony, my friend who works for me, apply at least every other coat. We also keep windows open and fans on.

With hurricanes and other ways that life interferes with my plans I do manage to get a little ahead here and there. I have to remind myself that I will probably never "finish" either the house or the garden so I might as well enjoy the process. The five dogs I still have do help to remind me of this. Every day is a new adventure for them.

I have gathered the materials to work on the bedroom walls early tomorrow. For today, I'm getting the kitchen in order, washing dust off of lots of plates and dishes - an endless job here in the desert.

We are having our perfect fall weather t-shirt and shorts weather with clear, sunny skies.


SE/Gulf Coast Plains, AL(Zone 8b)

Leaflady, elephant ears die back to the ground every winter here and return every spring bigger and stronger.. Winter temps get down into the 20's and 30's here for short periods. Only the black leaf varieties are tender in my experience. You can just let the foliage die back naturally. Then, put it in a closet or somewhere that doesn't freeze.

Sorry about the dog, Planti. We had an Australian sheperd living here for a couple of months. He survived being swept down river during a flood and it took us several months to find his owner. They seem to develop particularly strong attachments to a certain person. He was o,k. here. But, I've never seen a dog happier than he was when his owner showed up.

Katie,This is the best time of year here, too.. It is what makes enduring the summer heat worthwhile. *Kay*

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

Kudzu, my EEs are in pots this year and I'll just let them go thru the winter in them. In the spring I'll see how large they have become and decide whether to repot them or leave them in the current pots and just amend the soil as best I can. I've never heard of anyone being able to leave them out thru the winter here in central MO. We can get down to the low teens or even single digit temps at times. I have heard of a few people who leave canna rhizomes out if they are right against the house on the south side of the house. I did have one plant show up that I think may have survived the winter in an old soil filled washing machine tub. I was shocked to see it this summer. I do need to go pull or dig my few cannas tomorrow. We've had 4 1/2" of rain since sometime during last night and it's still raining lightly.

Katie, I don't how people who lose so much in tornados recover as well as they do. I think it would totally devastate me. My heart goes out to you.

GOD bless and keep each of you.

mulege, Mexico

I got the prep work done on my bedroom that was my goal for the day but half-way through I spilled about half a gallon of sealer all over the floor, the stepladder and parts of the walls. Meanwhile, the dogs had torn up a small chunk of the floor covering that was not well-pasted down. I got everything cleaned up, repaired, finished, etc with some help from Tony who cleaned the step ladder for me. I am now officially done for the day - except for the rest of the dogs' dinner. I'm also baking a gluten-free banana cake.

I am worried about a good friend who supports his wife, children, grandchildren (22 people in all) with his small grocery store. He lost most of his stock, coolers, freezers and shelving - and he was barely making ends meet already. His store is open again and I'm hoping things will get better but he's been very depressed. Many Americans who got flooded for the fourth time in five years will not be returning and that will decrease his customer base.

In the garden, I have cuttings of dragon ruit and other spis sprouting and good germination on adenium seeds.

The cake is done and so am I.


Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

Katie, I'm so glad you have Tony there to help you. It sounds as tho you really needed him today. Did the dogs cause the spill?

I do feel sorry for the grocery store man. I also understand why some are just giving up after losing everything for the 4th or 5 time.

GOD bless and keep each of you.

Lena, MS(Zone 7b)

Hello everyone, It has been raining here for a month it seems and just will not dry up. We need gravel on long driveway very badly. So send me some sunshine guys and girls. Pray that it will dry up enough to get a big gravel truck in here and get it done before winter sets in and we cannot get out. I spend enough time with hubs now since he is laid off from work. I do not need to be stuck here all winter with no way out.LOL. Anyway I emptied a box yesterday and hung some stuff on walls and put some things in their new place. Knick knacks that I could not part with yet. Anyway I got a little closer to getting unpacked. I should have give more stuff away. But I have tons of things my kids gave me for Mothers Day and Birthdays etc. that I do not want to get rid of for fear of hurting their feelings and because they are special. I just do not know where I am going to put all the stuff that is still in boxes in guest room . The house is full already. Moving is no fun when it comes to unpacking it all. I would love to have a minimalistic type house with no clutter but I have too much stuff I do not want to get rid of, Oh my, What a hassle. I also need that sunshine so I can get out in my new yard and work. Love and Prayers, Scraps

Katie, I will keep you and storekeeper in my prayers. I am sorry for all your community's bad luck with the storm. It is so hard to overcome a natural disaster of any kind. Big hugs.

Ozone, AR(Zone 6a)

Katie, Glad here too for you having Tony.
Has'nt there been research on your weather patterns and they are supposed to change in a couple of years for 10 or so years. Wish i could remember where i read all these things. but i read too much stuff to remember all my sources. Bet that banana cake was good. Really hope things pick up for your grocer.
Just curious, Are there any houses for sale down there?
Leaflady, we got about half the rain you got. I was thinking about you last night. We had a real thunder boomer. The animals and i went out on the porch and injoyed it, after i unpluggd the computer and TV. See where my priortys lie? LOL

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

I remember days of unplugging the monitor everytime a storm was predicted or arrived. Now I'm on wireless with a reciever on the living room chimney and all kinds of safely stuff connected to the powerstrips so I don't have to unplug anything anymore. I do turn the computer off when it isn't being used.

I suppose I should go over to the cando thread and post over there. I did a couple things this week.

Scraps, can you just leave somethings in boxes and 'trade places' between them and what you have out now every few months? That lets you have your cake and eat it too. lol

I have boxes of things like you talked about in the attic. No way I want to get rid of them, but I have no place to put them either. Maybe the children will take them back when I am gone for remembrences of days gone by. I'd like to think that but know it is unlikely. They will probably just shake their heads over the 'stuff' that I kept.

We got our first frost last night. That means I get to get those unripe squash into the house and finish picking apples and store them somewhere. I hope the frost didn't damage them. I just couldn't get too them before. If the apples are frost damaged I can still can or freeze them. Or leave a lot hanging on the tree for the birds to eat this winter.

GOD bless and keep each of you..

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Leaflady has a good idea, of rotating knickknacks. I, too, would love a minimalist type house - Crate & Barrel or Pottery Barn. Much more wheelchair friendly.

Ozone, AR(Zone 6a)

We lucked out and the frost did'nt get this far south. So still have some blooms to injoy and all houseplants are safely inside. I'm looking at my pink christmas cactus. It just started blooming today. Must be a holloween cactus. One of my red ones bloomed in August.Strange weather this year must have caused it.
I change my whatnots out with the holidays and seasons and still have too many. I just added to my problem by buying 2 small ceremic jack o lanterns for tea candles at walmarts for $1.00 each. Am going to Salvation Army next week and no doubt will find an angel i don't have.
Have a good night all.

Lena, MS(Zone 7b)

Leaflady that is a great idea. I just need to get it organized well so that I know where things are. I really need to give more away. I just have too much. I hate to dust so I do not need so much out. You sound like you are always cooking and canning so where do you get all that energy. I am always noticing you mention canning alot and that is hard work to me. My back hurts so bad regardless of the chore so maybe it is just me. I love the jams and jellies they are so much better than store bought. I admire that you do so much canning. If I were healed that is one thing I would enjoy doing again. Sewing is another. I took a short roadtrip today to see my neice's new baby girl and she was so sweet I almost wish for a newborn of my own. ALMOST.Trip made back hurt so neeed to go to bed early so goodnight all.scraps

mulege, Mexico

I've had a good day today. I think I'm getting over al the stress of travel, hurricane, loss of my dog, etc. I got one and a half big walls brown bagged - a major step forward in getting my bedroom done. It took two pain killers but it was worth it. It will be dry by tomorrow and I can put a set of shelves and a table in and maybe work on the curtains. My plants have been neglected so I may work on them, too. Or I may be so worn out from the workk today that I barely move. Time will tell.

Scraps, I'm glad you are finally in your house. It's been a lot of work for you and it's finally paying off. Enjoy.

By the way, I spilled the sealer while the dogs tore a small hole in the paper on the floor. Everything is cleaned up now and they had a lazy Sunday outside while I worked in the bedroom.. As a reward for letting me work unmolested, they got both chicken and fish for dinner.

Tony will be here tomorrow. He is a great help to me and , best of all, we really like each other. His third effort on my swan planter came out well. I think we'll paint it and give it to my friend with the grocery store to sell.

Cando, there are not many houses available here right now as so many were destroyed by the hurricane. Land is available. Check out for some great ideas about building shelter that is inexpensive and safe.

'night all,

Spokane, WA(Zone 5b)

Katie, what a cool link! I love it. Thanks for sharing it... Do you have a house like this?

mulege, Mexico

No. I bought a property that already had concrete block walls. I am considering getting bags and doing the outside of the house (like an overcoat) for insulation and to cover up the concrete bloack.

I am planning to visit them in November when I'm in the area and may do a four day workshop if all goes as planned. I got Khalili's book on ceramic house several years ago and I love it. He had such visions and was an inspiring teacher.

I think his bag houses would be perfect here (as well as in many other places).


Lena, MS(Zone 7b)

katie, I love the link also and will go back and read more. It sounds so awesome that it could be a way to have houses for homeless in places where supplies are scarce. That is very interesting. I noticed it said it should not be back breaking work that older ladies and children should be able to help. Yeah right, a shovel makes my back hurt looking at it.LOL. I wish I had seen that before we did it the hard way. cool link Thanks. have a great day on me tomorrow everyone. I laid in bed and read and listened to the rain so I am not in pain at the moment and would like to suggest everyone try it.
Love and Prayers, scraps

Ozone, AR(Zone 6a)

My puter is being contrary this last week and i cant get on the link but i'll keep trying. I never have trouble getting on DG but other sites drive this poor ole puter bonkers.
One of my problems is i keep saving sites on Favorites and every now and than i have to go back and delete half of them to have more memory. Maybe i need 10 more computers.
I do a lot of armchair traveling since i can't literally go all over the world anymore. Switzerland has the best webcams with the most beautiful towns.
Your day in bed sounds great, with all this rain. I've got the new book by Dan Brown, the Lost Symbol. I liked the Da Vinci Code.(as fiction) So i should like this one too.
Katie, i do love books written by inspired authors. I used to be an Isaac Asimov fan, Yet never read his science fiction books. But read his science books over and over.
Does anyone know if there is still a sun in the sky? LOL

SE/Gulf Coast Plains, AL(Zone 8b)

KatieBear, interesting link. I'm from the "Mother Earth News" generation so I like reading about that sort of thing.

Vickie, you like Asimov's best work in my opinion. His fiction had interesting concepts, but was a little dry. First and foremost, he was a good teacher.

Leaflady, by all means experiment with cold hardiness. You have friends down south that would be happy to replace any EE's or cannas you lose to cold. I've got more of both than I know what to do with.

Scraps, God bless rainy days. I would probably work myself into the ground without rainy days and Sundays. *Kay*

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

Oh, Kudzu, I would love to have more canna cultivars again. One year we had 14 cultivar. At that time my DH & I were actively volunteering at Powell Gardens, the botanical gardens of Kansas City, MO and they were growing lots of cultivars in the years just prior to it. So they had lots of extra rhizones left over to share with the volunteers and staff. I took at least one of each and you know how they multiply!! Then I got sick one fall & wasn't able to dig them and my DH wasn't able either. So we lost all of them. I had Wyoming, Oklahoma, President, Richard ?? , and so many I can't remember anymore.

I also love the different EEs. I am concerned about my poor little black leaf one as I had to lift it from the ground and pot it up and bring it inside. The green leafed ones lived in pots all summer.

My prayers are with Scraps, Katie, Kudzu, Cando, and all the rest of the family here. We all have disablilitys and challanges to deal with. May GOD bless and keep each of you.

mulege, Mexico

We are now watching Hurricane Rick which is predicted to hit La Paz next Thursday. Tony" son is in the university there. If it hits there we will probably get more rain.

However, for now our weather is beautiful. A little hotter than it's been but not intolerable.

Tony and I have gotten a lot done this week. My bedroom is almost all done with brownbagging. If I feel a burst of energy I'll work on it more tomorrow. It's great to be able to move stuff back in there.

Today was big in the kitchen. We are switching the places of two sets of shelves and this has involved moving everything that's in them, cleaning them an cleaning all the dirt, cockroaches, spiders, etc that have ben residin in and under and around them. Tony is very good about helping with the sweeping and vacumning, as well as building and rebuilding shelves and stuff as needed. This week his reward for hleping cheerfully with the dirty work has been that's he's spent qt least half of his work week doing concrete work with the molds I've been collecting. He likes doing it and he's good at it. We now have several nice pieces of garden art and lots of work done in the house.

I have lots of boxes of stuff that now need to be sorted and most everything is dusty so there's lots of washing to do. As I do this I sort out things to give away, find what appliances might not be working and wich are missing parts that I'll need to get in the Staes. I'm planning a trip next month so perhaps all this will all come together. Ha.

My house still looks the the hurricane hit it but much of the permanent work is now don so things can be cleaned up and put away where they belong. I feel like Scraps and I are plugging through this together.

I got a lot of fish and made a big bowl of fish salad to I have good food readily available. I still ave to cook for the dogs.

All in all, I am having a good day. Very little pain and I'm feeling ridiculously happy for no good reason.

Big hugs all around,

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

I'm glad you're having a good day! Ridiculously happy is a wonderful feeling, if I remember correctly.

Ozone, AR(Zone 6a)

Katie, Am glad you're having a happy day. I've been watching that hurrican moving northwards.(i injoy checking out world weather patterns everyday)Hope it'll fizzle out or go west.
Katie, I've got to ask you. How big are your roaches? When i took sociology. My prof. told me the roaches in South America were several inches long. He'd done some field work somewhere down there for a year.I truely hope your's are not that big.
I also take it the fish salad was not the tuna fish salad i like to make.LOL
Leaf, If i get some cannas, i'll share with you. First thing next spring i've got to get my iris dug and moved or i'll lose them all.
Since you volunteered at the botanical gardens, I've got to ask you if you've ever seen or heard of chocolate basil? I appreciate the prayers. Heaven knows i need them.
Carrie, When we hear of the possibility of snow here we all get excited, make sure we're stocked up on everything. Than if it's not gone in a couple of days, we spend the rest of the time griping about snow,ice etc.
Hope everyone has a painfree night and a happy tomorrow.

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

I'm watching snow on TV right now - makes me cold looking at it. (It's about 15-20 min south of me.) My DH (did I already say this?) has a theory based on the hurricane patterns that it will be a mild winter.

mulege, Mexico

Hurricane Rick has jumped up to a category 5, it's one of the worst in the history of this region. It is predicted to hit near La Paz which is south of us, but so was the one that hit us inearly September.

I bought two big boxes of frozen chicken legs and am cooking up a big pot of them for the dogs and me. And maybe the cockroaches who are between one and two inches long here, I'd guess. My friend Jon, who is from England, said he knew he was becoming aclimated to Mexicao the first time he smashed a cockroach with his bare foot.

My fish sald is made `from trigger fish which is very plentiful here. Some look down their noses at it but I like it - it's very firm and mild tasting. Like good tuna fish.

It's warmer here than iti's been the last couple of weeks. Still pleasant.

This morning I finished the last of the prep work on my bedroom, dislodging a nest of cockroaches in the process. One nice thing about the brownbagging is that it is sealing the concrete, making it harder for cockroaches, ants, scorpions and other unwelcome visitors to get in.


Lena, MS(Zone 7b)

Hello everyone, I am like Carrie about the ridiculously happy. Sounds good best I can remember. Katie, you sound much too cheerful to be going through a remodel job. You must be a trully cheerful person at heart. I am still unpacking things and dusting them and wondering where on earth I am going to put them. Then I decide to put it back in box because I do not want much clutter to dust. We think we have a buyer on the old house which will be moved off our property but the money will come in handy with the hubs still out of work and since he is not actively seeking work it will surely come in handy. I am going to have to light a fire under a certain hindend it seems to get him out and hunting work. He hunts but it is for critters he likes to eat. Well, Gotta run. Hope everyone has one of Katie's ridiculously happy days this week. Love and Prayers, Scraps

Ozone, AR(Zone 6a)

Can i get on my bandstand and gripe about my worthless son-in-law. He is working at the moment but that won't last much longer. He is without a doubt a lazy booger who just wants to sit around and watch Nascar and football and drink bigtime. He owes thousands in child support (He did'nt pay till his former wives went after him) and now most of his money goes for child support While my disabled DD supports him on medicaid. He hates to do anything for anyone else. Constantly nags my DD that she does'nt do anything around the house while he sits there and swills beer.
I bought a buffet and it was too heavy for me to carry in, so i asked him to carry it in for me. Two days later it was still in the car. I tried to bring it in but it was too heavy for me to even lift. I called him again. He said he'd bring it in during half time. The next day i called again, He did come up then but griped about how heavy it was and how it hurt his back. No he does'nt have back problems, it's all in his head. LOL
Now i'm slowly putting it together. My grand son offered to do it but he is working a bunch of hours right now.

OK i've done my griping and feel better. Thanks for listening.

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

Vickie, thank you for sharing this headache with us. Most of us have had someone in our lives like that and don't know who to go to for venting. I'm not being sarcastic here. This is a heartfelt thank you. Someday I may need to do the same thing.

I hope and pray your DD realizes that she needs to dump him and move on with her life. Perhaps without a man in it. If she can't seem to make a good choice, and many people don't seem to be able to including myself the first time, staying single is the best thing. That doesn't include having a livein either.

I'm trying Lyrica for the 3rd time. So far so good as far as how I feel and the pain relief. In fact it is strange to not have so much pain while taking fewer pain meds. But now I am gaining weight. Almost a # a day!! Maybe since I feel better I will exercise more and reverse this aweful gain.

GOD bless and keep you and yours.

mulege, Mexico

Finished brownbagging my bedroom yesterday. It took me almost a year due to pain, illness, puppies and you-name-it. Tony also helped me rearrange the kitchen this week into what I hape will be the permanent arrangement (at least until next time!) and I've taken everything off the shelves and out of the cupboards so I have lots of cleaning, washing and rearranging to do. I'm also testing to see what works and sorting out stuff to give away. It's getting close to Christmas and many people lost so much in the hurricane it's a good time to be gifting.

Hurricane Rick is now a tropical storm and is still well south of us so we may get lucky.

I feel as if I've been carrying the bedroom around for a year - whatever else I try to do the bedroom has been lurking, reminding me it wan't finished.

Doing a happy dance.

hugs, katie

Spokane, WA(Zone 5b)

Congrats Katie. You should celebrate!

Ozone, AR(Zone 6a)

Katie, go plant a flower and call it your bedroom flower.

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

Way to go, Katie. That is a huge accomplishment.

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Yaaaaaaay Katie! Give yourself a hug from me.

Lena, MS(Zone 7b)

Hello everyone,

Vickie, I wish we lived closer and I would help you or lend you the hubs to move it for you. He was so great today he helped me move about 25 shrubs from old house to new and he did all the work. I held stuff up straight and he put the dirt back around them. Since he is not working now it gives him something to do. Next I have to move some bulbs and I dread that because it is alot of backbreaking bending involved. I did not know I had so many things to move but when you go to digging holes you remember.LOL. yesterday we moved all his saws and tools off of the back porch and set up the patio furniture. It looks so much better. I repotted some mother-in-law tongues. Then set them around on porch and moved a hibiscus tree that is in a pot out there and today after working we took a break and enjoyed the porch for awhile.

Katie, Way to go girl. Isn't it a great feeling when you finish a dreaded chore like that. I get excited everytime I empty a box or finish a chore because I know I am a little closer to having things finished. We are starting to feel like it looks like a home now. I still have trouble remembering where I put stuff and have to hunt it's new location. But I can move around in the dark now without deadly collisions. The first week or so in the new house my toes took a beating from running into stuff at night. I hate to turn on the light and wake him up when I need to go to the restroom or can't sleep and get up. However, I have been so tired I am not waking up when I go to sleep. My problem is going to sleep.

Well have a good evening everyone. love and Prayers, scraps

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