A new way to look at clems

Tokyo, Japan(Zone 10a)

Pirl, what a great link!


Jersey Shore, NJ(Zone 7a)

Jon, have you noticed any different cultivars available in Japan that are not available in the US?

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

As with many book sites, just make sure all books are from the same dealer to avoid excess shipping charges, Jon.

Tokyo, Japan(Zone 10a)

Pirl, thanks for the advice, good point!

Venu, That is a hard question for me as an MG novice. I will be getting next seasons catalogue in December,
by then I may have figured out which are available in the US. LOL


Jersey Shore, NJ(Zone 7a)

Jon, Actually, I was referring to cultivars of clems not MGs :) They are both addicting though, aren't they?

Tokyo, Japan(Zone 10a)

Addictive they certainly are! I'm growing clems in the part shade areas and MGs in the afternoon sun, with a big
push for next season, so busy building trellis for the clems. I have to choose varieties that will grow in my zone
which is a little marginal for some of them. I do have a preference for the darker shades of blue and purple
and would be most grateful for any advice.


Baton Rouge, LA

Jon, when I was getting started in clems this past spring, I received a lot of help from JeanneTX. She is growing in 8b... a warm 8b outside Houston. Her help was invaluable in getting started. Sharkey, who is also growing in a warm climate, and I are both having surprising success with the clems... both having added a significant number of plants to our gardens this year. You might check back through old threads by JeanneTX to see photos of some of the plants that are growing well for her and planting strategies that she has used.

While identifying the clems that might prove successful in our region, I prepared a list of cultivars that had been identified as good performers in hot climates by either ICS, ACS or active members here on DG. Of course, this list focuses more on older clems than the newer cultivars, as newer ones have not made it onto people's "lists" yet... but several DG members have written that they found this to be a helpful reference. Click here for the compiled list:


Tokyo, Japan(Zone 10a)

BG, Thanks that's so helpful!


Jersey Shore, NJ(Zone 7a)

What a great site you created Evey! If you want a photo for Durandii feel free to use the one in my journal if you like.

Baton Rouge, LA

Thanks! =)

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