ID from an eBay auction

The heck with Ebay doing anything. We can do something by sending messages to fraudulant sellers that we are on to them and let them know that their reputation is circulated in Daves.

I wonder if Dave will allow me to start a thread on Ebay sellers that are fraudulant, or send unacceptable plants. Not just irises, any plants. I think we need just one place where anyone can go to see who not to buy from.

There is strenght in numbers---us

Lebanon, OR

Well one thing that ticks me off, is the fact she links to a webpage which is number one NO NO with ebay I wrote a formal compliment to them with links and all 2 days ago, NOTHING well that just shows you what ebay is turning into


Philadelphia, PA

I asked the administrators to deny seller's claim that dave's had given permission for photo use. I also asked them to start a thread or preferably a forum on ebayers to avoid and ones to trust.
I will paste their response below, I do not agree, but don't have the time for thoughtful answer (going out of town). If I were a specialist in any one kind of plant, I would have seen the previous discussions. But since I read here and there in the forums I never saw the complaint until after I had probably wasted $150.
I looked but didn't find the info that would have saved me.
here's Terrys response:
"Your goal is arguably noble. And if we are advised of any photos posted here that are purloined for other purposes, we will pursue them vigorously. We can invoke eBay's VeRO process that creates sanctions against a seller if they are a chronic offender, or they refuse to immediately pull down a photo when we advise them of the infraction. We're happy to do this for our members because we don't want to see their hard work stolen and used without their permission--they shared it here freely for the benefit of other readers, and we want them to feel comfortable continuing to do that.

But, beyond that...well, let's look at this from another angle. Do we want to develop a reputation for being a site where disgruntled buyers come to post their complaints? That's not what vendors or members typically think of when they come here.

You might think the Garden Watchdog is a "complaint" site, but quite the opposite is true. The Watchdog has historically maintained an average of more than 70% positive comments. We encourage gardeners to share ALL their experiences--positive, and the occasional negative experience. We know that the vast majority of all purchases are positive (or people wouldn't continue buying ;o)

Setting up a forum (or even dedicated, let alone stickied threads) for members to grouse about specific eBay sellers would be contrary to the philosophy we've used to manage the site since it began in 2000. Speaking practically, encouraging complaints and allegations of wrongdoing would also be a recipe for a lawsuit, against us as well as the individuals involved.

Please let us know if we can be of assistance or answer any other questions.

Happy Gardening,

Raleigh, NC

Mainecoon - did I respond to you? Keith is delightful. been to his garden. he's incredibly nice, a sweetie. just telling you what Ray Schreiner told me, "Keith's not good about turning his computer on." sometimes it takes him a month to respond to mine, and I suspect it's Philip that makes it happen. ^_^

I just copied and pasted the message I received back from 208seeds4u2009 to Dave, explaining what she is doing. Let's hope Dave can do something together with Ebay about her.


Here is the message back from Terry:

If we know what photo(s) she has stolen, we can intervene. Obviously, we do not give anyone permission to use photos, as he/she has suggested. We are not the copyright holder, so it wouldn't be our place to grant the use of any member photos for commercial purposes, and as a rule we pass any such requests to the photographer/copyright holder to grant/deny the request. We can intervene when photos have been used from here without permission, but we need to know which one(s).

If anyone of you know which photo she has copied, give me a link to it and I will pass it on to Terry. Also if you know who it is copyrighted to.

Let's give Terry any photos that she has stolen from Daves. Just contact her with a link to it.


Shepherd, MT

I filed with IC3 on a seller on ebay 8 months had gone by they would not answer emails, the phone they gave was discconected, they took my money and no produce, 3 weeks after I filed I got my money back

Ebay does nothing I did file on ebay for allowing this fraud to happen on there site when to many people have called them, written them about sellers who are dishonest and rip people off.

Got up this morning and it is snowing hard not ready I still have iris to plant in pots

Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

Mainecoon we are getting a little snow here too and I have a handful of Iris to put in. Should I just pot them up with the weather getting so cold now. I figure your the expert in this country.

Boaz, KY

Mainecoon -- what is IC3?

Mainecoon and Pollyk On Sept 2, I contacted Dave about the stolen photo of Joan's Fashion Queen that the fraud208seeds4u2009 used to sell her irises.

I also wrote to her and this is what I received back from 208seeds4u2009 (also posted abve with my note to her)

"I talked to the owner of Daves garden about the photo. My aunt had sent me some photos for the ones i hadnt taken pictures of this year. I already removed it. So i would appreciate it if you wouldn't say things that you don't know anything about."

I pasted the above message from her, to Dave. I also included the link to her auction where the photo was, date posted on Dave, and the original owers name.

I received a message back from Dave today. Here is what it said:

This item has been removed at this point. Do let us know if you see any other ones.

So forget filing with Ebay or Paypal. It does no good since both collect fees on fradulant listings also. I see a few other you have listed that I will go after. Dave wants to know so lets inform him of sellers who steals photos from Daves website. Since he has no invested interest in these auctions, he is a better choice. These sellers will still sell what they don't have, but it may make them a bit more worried. It may even wake Ebay up since they have a reputation they don't want tarnished. It is really in their best interest also to banish fraudulant sellers. Ebay will only know if enough people complain and Dave have enough proof to confront Ebay with.


Anyone I went back to website. Interestingly, he no longer sells Radiant Apogee. The iris photo he used for that iris is renamed to the following. I copied and pasted from his website. This is what he calls it now. Mainecoon, you would know if there such iris with that name?

"ROMP (B. Blyth '89) Medium to Tall Bearded Iris, 24"- 36", blooms in Early to Mid to Late Season. It's not a re-bloomer but each plant seems to bloom at a slightly different time so if you have several plants it appears to be a re-bloomer. Standards lemon chiffon Yellow, Falls creamy chiffon Yellow with sunflower Yellow band, Lightly ruffled, medium sized flower.
Bloom Notes: on the Central Coast of California this Iris blooms in March-November.

I don't care where you live, I doubt this iris will bloom in March-November.

There is a big difference in the height he stated. A few inches either way is acceptable. But 12" is too much. He also gives and a wide berth to the blooming time. This tells me that he is not familiar with the iris.

He isn't selling Radiant Apogee anymore, just Romp.


This message was edited Oct 5, 2009 7:10 PM

Spicer, MN

I believe you may be on a 'witch' hunt, blomma. The Iris that is in question, is no big deal. The picture may not be exactly right but I don't believe he is a fraud. I've had two years of good service and lovely rhizomes that have bloomed as he has advertised.

Now, the country_gardener, or whatever, she is still calling herself is a complete fraud. She makes my blood boil because no one has been able to get her 'black-listed'! She is able to advertise anything she wants to 'peddle' and everyone of her pictures are wrong or stolen.
As you asked, I put her on my 'favorite watch' (burp) sellers and I also wrote her a very scathing message (I thought) telling her what a scab she is to take advantage of us Iris lovers! This is the real travesty! She is still on E-Bay today! We need to find someway to get her outlawed!

I'm sorry Lilly. I know I am not in your circle. I truly believe that Russ & Nancy, Awesomegems, are a good and competent sellers of Iris.


South Hamilton, MA

Romp is a Blyth iris, I think IB, but not if it grows to 36"

Lebanon, OR

Lily not Mainecon but this is straight from AIS regristery


(B. Blyth, R. 1988). Sdlg. U37-4. IB, 18-20" (46-51 cm), M-ML.
S. creamy apricot; F. apricot orange; vivid tangerine beard. Marmalade Skies X ((Catani x Tiger Rouge) x (Inscription x Centricity)). Tempo Two 1988/89.


and I will contact Dave about some of the ones used by a good friend that she had posted in Plant Files

Because of how ebay handles things this is why I do not sell on there anymore


Shepherd, MT

Awe shucks Blomma I thought you was going to tell me the iris was named after me LOL

Romp is an IB 1988- B. Blyth S . Apricot. F Apricot Orange. Vivid tangerine beards

If you have the email send it to Barry Blyth directly & let him know, just paste on the email

his address is or

He just might contact this seller.

There are some of the growers who do care that there pictures and irises are used for fraud. I contacted Schreiner's and told them about Country-Garden they just shrugged it off, when a big commercial garden does nothing to try to stop the fraud let them get the bad name, along with Country Garden.

IC3 is to report internet fraud Ebay is just as guilty for letting fraud go on, on there website and doing nothing to about it when they have been told by many people

perhaps if IC3 got alot of complaints on ebay for letting fraud go on they might listen

Rebloomnut go ahead and put in large each one in a large pot, if you have a 5 gallon barrel pot you can plant 4 to 5 in it at once for the winter and label each one, I planted some of mine last winter that way then planted them in the garden this yr

I sit mine on the the south side of house they go dormant but they do not freeze

Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

Thanks Mainecoon. I will do that. I have a barrel planter I can put them in.

Raleigh, NC

yes, folks. we know there are problems with ebay sellers. but let's do keep the witch hunts to a minimum, because I KNOW I've made mistakes. It's too easy to do!

meanwhile, Dee, you are still in my prayers for tomorrow for an easy breezy non-complicated surgery. Hope your spa day is going well.

editted - I thought the 6th was tomorrow! it's today you're in surgery! well, hang in there lady! praying twice as hard now! LOL

This message was edited Oct 6, 2009 3:49 PM

Shepherd, MT

Country-Garden & Seeds4u are the one's I am trying to get removed on ebay as those two truely rip people off

Here's a picture of Romp at Nola's iris I said the picture he used for Radiant Aplogee listing liked more like a spiced custard type picture, this is the color of the iris he did have pictured with Radiant Aplogee listing, he changed the name listing from Radiant to Romp but forget to remove the description for Radiant Aplogee and this was the only listing he had that was wrong.

South Hamilton, MA

Just for fun I went to the site that you listed & checked the dwarf irises. They are the Standard dwarf (SDB) and are correct.

Shepherd, MT

The site I used is Nola's iris which I googled the iris Romp and it brought me to Nola's iris, since there is no picture of Romp on DG's, I just put Romps picture on my posting so Blomma could see that the picture Awesomegems used for the listing of Radiant was indeed a picture of Romp but the listed in writing the description of Radiant Aplogee and he changed the listing iris name to Romp but did not erase Aplogees description.

I was refering to Blomma's posting about Romp after checking this I do not think this seller is trying to rip any body If Blomma wishes to continue on Radiant Aplogee/Romp its her choice, but looking at Nola's picture and Awesomegems picture which is not pirated by the way are the iris Romp

husker 11 I don't understand a seller who will get angry when a mistake is pointed out about the name of an iris he is selling. I would want to know. His reaction reminded me of the-country-garden regarding her iris Wearing Rubies. I sent a message to her in 2008 about that iris.

Evidently he discovered I was right since he changed it. Actually why should I care. I won't be buying from him.

Mainecoon, irisloverdee, and irisMA Thank you for the info on Romp. I'm glad someone checked to see that it was the only mistake he made. Since husker11 received true to named irises, I will drop it. I rather go on a "witch" hunt for those fraudulant sellers discussed above.

I went to the-country-garden formely known as the-iris-cottage site and checked to see if any of the iris photos are from taken from Plant Files. None were. Most are stolen from Schreiner and others.

Will check on the other fraudual seller 208seeds4u2009 site for stolen photos to report on.

It started to snow tonight but beat Mother Nature and shipped the last of 14 irises this afternoon (Wed) that I had listed. No more plant listings for this season.

Robertsville, MO(Zone 5b)

Both myself and tntigger, have seen unlawful use of photos from many this late season and reported them all to Dave's. I did not contact the person who they photos belonged to. I just took care it. There have been so many it would take me hours to contact the owners.

208seeds4u2009 had several of mine and tniggers, she emailed me on it. I spoke with her and told her that she should at least ask. She told me she Googled the pictures and did not know it was illegal. I do find that one hard to believe since the ones from Daves are clearly marked. She was understanding and removed them. As far as her iris, I do not know if they are correct. The only way to trust an Ebay seller is to try if you want the iris bad enough. Keep records of who you purchased them from. If they are not what they said they were then contact the seller and Ebay.

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Cat, 208seeds4u2009 is where midrashist got the iris BULBS instead of rhizomes. And she is refusing to refund. I don't think there's any question she is a fraud. Especially as you see the word rhizomes on her web site.

Look at the picture of the bulbs received posted on 9/27 at around 1 PM, and tell me that's not fraudulent.

I agree, just because someone posts a stolen picture, or a wrong picture, let's not shoot them down until we receive a response from them. Everyone is hard up now trying to make a buck off ebay to supplement incomes that have been lost, and maybe they are new to selling irises. But in this case, I feel the seller is fraudulent.

Robertsville, MO(Zone 5b)

pollyk, yes those are clearly bulbs. Did she send the photo to Ebay?

South Hamilton, MA

Bulbs labeled with TB names! Really fraud!

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Cat, yes, along with other documentation. I looked at her website, and she obviously is doing something new with it. Maybe going into a different type of plant sales. Hopefully one she will sell real plants at. Before it told all about how she was a single mother trying to support her family. Now that's all gone.

Here's the website

Lucy, I think in this case it really is fraud. Lots of times I think it's just people trying to make a quick buck, and just not informed about irises, but not in this case, I don't think.

I went to her website from your link and clicked on all the links. Down at the very bottom it reads "create a free website with" I clicked on it and I think I know what she is doing. She is building a website then getting photos here and there of irises that she knows will sell and just pasting them on to the template for buyers to choose from. The varieties she has photos of are beautiful. I have a few of them. I feel sorry for those who spend their hard earned money and expect to see a likeness of them blooming next season. Just another fraudulent way for her to make a quick buck. There is not even a link where you can contact her.

Edited to add that she has the link to the website she is building on her Ebay listing. Isn't that a NO NO?

She has photos of two I would love to have, 'Paris and Dawn', and 'Lovely Dawn'. I wonder where she got those photos from. Will check Plant Files.

This message was edited Oct 8, 2009 11:19 PM

Lebanon, OR

to link to your webpage is a big super no no I have filled several compliants about it to no avail, and so has irisfan.

Does no good at all to complain to them


Philadelphia, PA

Paypal is supposedly giving me back about half my money. Reason: "The listing accurately described the item you received."

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

That's not right, but I guess half is better than none. I'm so sorry that happened to you.

Kennett, MO

I believe the same seller may be Highland Seeds. I received what appears to be Dutch Iris Bulbs rather than the bearded iris she promised. Each bulb is labeled with the name of the bearded iris which is pictured in her ad.
She also contacted me off eBay and tried to get me to come to her website.
The thread "Iris Propagation" discusses her.
Her address is listed as:
Highland Seeds
1615 Shoshone Street
Boise, ID

Kennett, MO

I just spoke with a lady from Paypal and they are refunding my money. WOO HOO!!
Maybe if they have to shell out some funds, they will get more interested in this fraudulent seller.

Nashville, TN(Zone 7a)

I was bored last night and playing on ebay.

I see the-country-garden is still selling named iris. Looking at her purchases, in the past month she BOUGHT 12 mixed iris, 25 blue/white "landscaping" iris, and 50 two-toned purple iris.

So she has a new supply to sell.......

Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

Isn't that just sad how many more people she is going to cheat and how much money Ebay and Pay Pal will make off her sales. It is a money thing for all of them.

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

I looked up Highland Seeds and found their website. I believe it's the same company as Seeds4U. I can't link to it, as the address won't come up? But please google Highland Seeds, and it will show up.

What a rip-off! Stolen pictures, and it says iris bulbs. I don't think she even knows the difference between a bearded iris and a Japanese.

This person is horrible, and there should be something we could do to get her to stop. Just think of all the people she is ripping off. People will have such an awful expreience with her they will never try irises again.

South Hamilton, MA

The Blueberry Parfait which she lists ('2 bulbs') is Schreiner's 2009 $75 introduction.

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

And she's selling it for how much?

South Hamilton, MA

$9.99 I know that Schreiner's doesn't pay much attention to that sort of thing, but I would hate to have their name damaged.

South Hamilton, MA

We're off to OHIO for the weekend; will see if Champagne encore is still blooming.

Boise, ID(Zone 5b)

You might be interested to know that seeds4u signed up on Daves Garden.

seeds4u2009 signed up on Sep 23, 2009

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