ID from an eBay auction

Melfa, VA(Zone 8a)

TY!!! I never knew about that product...well I have heard of it but have never tried it!!
I have a few more things I need to add to my want list. I just started to look at the plants I am going to need under my tree islands...flowering crabs in one and my weeping cherry in another. With all of the carpet cleaning I have been doing for the last two days with a rented cleaner, I just try to get a few things in here when I take a break! ( I am hoping hubby will decide on dogwoods instead of the crabs ( I have both)...the crabs are his choice. Guess I should check to see if the dogwoods will grow there first! LOL!
I guess this sounds terrible, but if someone wanted several irises and could find something I needed at a good price or could trade for... I would be happy for that too. I really just can't find more places for irises, i already have ~ 75 that I am keeping and don't even know where I am going to put all of those! I may have to do some more narrowing of my keep list.
Guess I could add some of the fruit bearing plants on my plant list that I haven't even thought much aabout yet other than the wineberries I got...will need some grapes, blackberries and things to make preserves with. No strawberries though, love them but have never had much luck with those.

Pittsburgh, PA(Zone 6a)

Unfortunately I left feedback already, prior to reading this thread. According to her history she has been a seller since October of 2002. The rhizomes are already in the ground. I will see what I get in the spring and go from there.

Spicer, MN

Maincoon, I'm embarassed and yet I think you might get a smile about my dealings with hujiko 1075. The end of May I ordered 3 Iris from them. The price was good for the newer iris...Blushing Bashful, Scented Wonder, & Whispering Spirits. When I received them I couldn't believe it. I wrote this letter to them telling them they should be ashamed at what they sent me, etc. etc. She wrote back saying she would give me a refund and then she actually did. I wrote back 'thanking her' (How could I do that but was thinking she might actually be remorseful?) I told her what I was mostly
upset about was the bare rhizome with the dried up stem and the quarter size rhizome with 2 scraggly leaves. This was her response:
"Mam, Sometimes folks actually get lucky and get one of those rhizomes with an old stem without foliage. Those are the real stalks that just finished bearing blooms for this seaon...there's a good chance you will get blooms the first year from that particular one. I am no different from you all: I spend 100's of dollars every year for new iries. Most of the time I have to wait 2 years as weel to see blooms. "Trust me...It is hard to kill an iris or daylilly. I'm sorry you were disappointed and will give us another chance next year! Thanks, Joyce

I'm sure I will get a lot of & giggles from this one! I am still shaking my head but thankful for the refund and lesson.

South Hamilton, MA

That sounds like pure ignorance.

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Well, Mam, I'm glad you got a refund from that one, LOL. But like Lucy said it sounds like pure ignorance. Maybe someone should tell her the correct way to divide and ship. Maybe she's well meaning. Or maybe not...........

Lebanon, OR

I know that some of the scammer sellers will give alot of the buyers when they question the looks. We ALL KNOW that an iris rhizome should not be dried out looking and if there is little or no foliage in the future email and say you are returning it for a full refund of the iris and the postage.

I am a grower and yes there are iris that produce tiny rhizome even up here, and the difference between east and west iris is a big difference, will they grow and be healthy YES...I have received nice firm small iris and had them bloom the next year.

But I had an experience once a long time ago where the rhizome was not only tiny but you could tell by how soft it was and how dry the few roots were that it was OLD, very old, no foliage whatsoever and it was in a lunch bag in the box with the name on the bag. Well I emailed and they said oh that is how we ship them and I emailed both the seller, ebay and paypal and got every ounce of money back it was not the money but the principal. If I ever shipped something like that I would be drummed out of business as I should be.

A buyer has a right to a rhizome and roots NOT dried out, with foliage preferrable at least 2 leaves...


Hagerstown, MD(Zone 6a)

Amen Dee!

Pittsburgh, PA(Zone 6a)

I looked at the links provided by Mainecoon and then sent her a question stating I was confused about this iris as the picture she posted is the same as Schreiner's for a different iris. I will see what she says since I just purchased irises from her and see what she has to say.

South Hamilton, MA

I don't think it will help, as she is obviously not going to give you an honest answer.

Shepherd, MT

I did get a laugh Husker11 , it sure did kill those iris sending them in wraped in wet paper towels and crammed in a small plastic lined envelope, Imean they looked like slimmy cotton balls,a buyer has a right to not receive iris like this.

I had dealing with her husband, he was the one sending me the emails
he is the one that told me they were a big iris grower and shipped many irises.

I asked for a refund many times and I would get these answers, e before c except i never addressing the refund, so I got tired of trying to email them and filed on him.

Sometimes I think some sellers think some of there buyers do not know anything and like D said give alot of BS.

As The-Country-Garden goes she has given so many diiferent excusses to so many people about her irises and her grandmother.

The Holland one is new to me and very different then the one she gave me.

I see she pulled the Fashion Queen, the next day I reported it, the bidding history showed she had 19 of these to sell and had sold only one on August 11 and then the item pulled off ebay.

Lebanon, OR

too bad that ebay does not block her from ever selling on there, but all they care about is THEIR money.

I know of a ton of laws she has broken, and she lies thru her teeth, as long ago she told me was very elderly trying to make up for what SS did not pay, well trust me when you go and do alot of research she also or he has sold natural drugs etc...

I would not touch them with a 100 foot pole, because I would be scared of what I might get in return.


Greensboro, NC(Zone 7a)

I think I'll be giving whatever I receive away to a friend who just likes iris and doesn't care about getting a named variety or not--I love them too but as I'm not sure I'll be actually getting the bright orange I wanted I'm not even gonna bother with them.

Chattanooga, TN(Zone 7b)

sharon, thanks for the giggles!

i like to think there are more honest sellers than there are dishonest ones.

i have received not true to cultivar plants from reputable places, it does happen. reputable places stand behind what they sell and will either refund or replace - even if it's 1 year down the road.

Shepherd, MT

D - I love that story she told you, since I know her name, I did a people search she is only in mid 30's how did she get SS.

South Hamilton, MA

would bambozzle the gov't? She is trying everyone else. Wish she would switch to another plant.

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7a)

I would say there seem to be more good guys selling iris on eBay than bad--just going by the list of people here vs. the folks who aren't so good. I'll definitely know better next time and will try to keep this in mind for next season--don't be swayed by the pretty pictures alone:)

South Hamilton, MA

Especially if they are the wrong pretty pictures.

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7a)

I think I had drooled over Wearing Rubies enough that even I noticed something was off with that photo:lol:

Lebanon, OR

Too bad there is not a place for all the world to know that she is a very rotten egg.

I knew by the way she wrote that she was not an timer like way.


Nashville, TN(Zone 7a)

I just googled "bad ebay sellers" and found out ebay has a blog section where people are listing bad sellers. If you put the name of the seller in the title it seems to come up if anyone does a websearch. Might save a few people.......

You go on to the "Community" section (it's listed at the top of the page) on ebay and then "Blog."

I'd keep things very factual so it doesn't come back to bite you.......

Spicer, MN

This has probably been discussed before my joining DG but does anyone have the inside information on Nicholson's Woodland Iris Gardens? I first ordered from them in July '07. The Iris were 'nice', rating about a 7 out of 10, and 2 nice
Bonuses. Anyway, when 4 or 5 out of 14 bloomed the first year, two were visibly wrong even to this amateur. I wrote
her about this when I again ordered from them and she did 'replace' one (Pennant Fever) with a small rhizome. This year It bloomed into a pink IB. I couldn't find her catalog anywhere this year so wrote to her internet address asking if she would replace the wrong labeled Iris. (three more were mislabeled) She replied that
they were forced out of business because they were taken to court for some kind of infringement lawsuit...of course they were innocent. I wrote saying I felt very sorry to hear this and Best Wishes. (But I still want my refund!!!...just teasing) Does anyone have an update? I'll understand if it's none of my business.

Winston-Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

Glad i read this thread! Going to be extra careful on ebay now.

Glad I ordered from snowpeak though! Great irises and prices.

Hebron, KY


You mentioned that Hearthstone legacy has Irises that are true to name.

I bought Irises from them in 2007 when they had a website and were in the Garden Watchdog that year.

I had one of the Irises from them, bloom this year and it wasn't true to name. The others haven't bloomed yet and/or have died. I'm hoping the ones that haven't died yet, will bloom true to name, esp. 'Syncopation'!


Boaz, KY

Message to NeilTR -- I've just spent about 20 minutes on Ebay, trying to find a way to do what you suggest. There is no *blog* listed under Community. I poked around and found a place where people are talking about a variety of things, including bad sellers and buyers -- but no way to find out if anyone is already talking about the-country-garden, and no way to get into the conversation without replying to what someone has written on a different topic. What am I doing wrong?

Shepherd, MT

That is a first about Hearthstone, I have done business with them since 2004 and they have always bloomed true , so that is why I put them down.

IrisMA she tried selling toad lillies, day lillies, tigers and it was the same thing, people were getting ripped off by her . Ebay has changed the feedback, and taken away a sellers old negative feedback so it does not show , but when she first started , she racked up the negative feedback, buyers wet back and added to the feedback, did not get what they bid on . my Toad lilly is a plain old orange day lilly. etc,etc

so she has been at this for a few years

here's the link neilTR was refering to, I wonder if ebay will take her name off if the ones that use ebay, add her name to the list

Lebanon, OR

Seems from what I read it is just a few ripping one another. I know that two people one was me, contacted Ebay about her stealing our pictures and had the prove to back it up the original from our file the one on the webpage and the one she used. NOTHING. I feel Ebay is not about doing anything good for the seller and rewards the buyers. That is why I do not sell there anymore.


I noticed she is not selling right now under either name, and her store is not there.

I know that she broke the law about collecting and REPORTING sells tax for the state of CO!


Shepherd, MT

I was one of the first to contact ebay, then Mr Black contacted them and you D, they are
being good to this seller, the proof is and had been put right in ebays face, and still they will do nothing about her.

She is still selling probably will be untill all winter long like she did last winter

She is breaking Colo laws, the proper person just needs to be contacted

Lebanon, OR

So far Mainecon I have not found the right person, as reported her to the State of CO for tax frued...nothing that I know of or see has been done.

Yes, you were the first to let both Paul and myself know and I am thankful as I hate to see people get riped off when there are excellent sellers on Ebay. Many our DG members.

But since Ebay does nothing they have lost myself and numberous others, but then there are the new people that come on selling expensive items and they make Ebay continue to wor,


Shepherd, MT

M y brother lives in Colorado and I have him looking into it at the court house. it would fall under the Colo state annotations, you just have to find the right one I am like you, D . I don't like to see people get ripped off by either a dishonest seller or a dishonest buyer on ebay or any where. God will have the say in the end on these dishonest people.

I love it when ebay asks me to tell them how they are doing, I tell them, the system is not good, which has caused good sellers as yourself D , to stop listing, that when they do have a non paying bidder, they should be able to leave negative feedback.

I was told that they stopped a seller from leaving negative feedback because they were leaving negative feedback for the buyer in retaliation if that buyer left them a negative one, in just cause, but that should not have stopped a seller from leaving bad feedback when it is in just cause for a non paying bidder, and this should be reversed to allow such feedback to be left.

I also mentioned to them about shrill bidding, I have caught a few sellers who take out a new ebay ID just to bid on there own items to raise the price of a bid up to benefit themselves then once they outbid you they would retract there bid ,but ebay would not lower that bid price back down to where it was before the seller bid on there own item and raised it up

I no longer will sell on ebay, I have had to deal with non paying bidders, when it happened I would contact other sellers who I dealt with and tell them non payer block this person from bidding and it was vice versa when they got a non payer, this kind of thing does not happen any more amoun the good sellers.

Yes, ebay has ran many off, I have to admitt that. Bad sellers have ran many good buyers off, I know that all the sellers on ebay are not bad and do not stop from trying a different seller, but to some, one bad response to a bad seller, makes them come to believe all sellers are bad, or a sellers bad response with non paying bidders might believe all buyers are bad which is not the case . I have dealt with many wonderful people both buying from or selling to me and I have dealt with many bad people in both dealings.

Ebay has allowed this for the greed of money and I have told them that, clean up ebay
and get rid of the dishonest members who use it to do wrong. In a way it falls under internet fraud which is an offense and ebay is guilty of allowing it to happen on there site
but in this day money talkes & he who has the most money wins as they can buy any one off

D you are missed on ebay ,but compleatly understand ebay

I have told them about there fees, which caused me to stop selling, sellers who sell the least pay the highest fees and one who sell expensive item pay the lowest fees , say you sell $100 worth, your ebay fees are higher, and someone who sold $1000 there ebay fees are lower this is not right.

I have asked DG administration if they would consider something like ebay for there members, which they told me there is a marketplace, there was not much offered when I looked.

Hagerstown, MD(Zone 6a)

I listed on the marketplace for a while but I found I got better responses from posting a classified ad.

I'm so glad that some of the "bad" ebayers have been listed here as well as the "good" ones. It gives me more pictures to look at and more garden to get irises from.

Does anyone else have American Sweetheart? (outside of ebay) I lost out on it...


Lebanon, OR

Well many of you might remember a seller by the handle of turtle jim? Great seller by the way. He does not sell because of the numberous emails from Ebay of how we are doing. Both of us have written letters telling about the same Mainecon. They are totally about the money and care nothing about the little people that made them what they are today. This is one reason beside the economy that they laid employees off and their stock went down even before the economy...

My feelings anymore about them is they can keep their business all to themselves.


Lebanon, OR

She is selling under the other ID now....

I do not know how to do a shrill because I thought you could only have one ID because they could track by all the other infor you supply when you become a member...

Well you know how low I am on the knowledge food chain, but I like it being honest...along with the many GREAT sellers


Lebanon, OR

take a look at Spiced Tiger and wEaring Rubies...WRONG and that is just in the first 5 listings.


Shepherd, MT

That is the way I thought also, only one ID, but it is not so, I use to get FDC from one seller, he told me he had 2 ebay ID's one for buying and one for selling, I don't do business with him now either, it took me by surprise, that ebay allows some one to have 2 ID's I did a search on shrill bidding on ebay after I learned about it and sure enough there is a policy on it and to report it

Me, I only have one and that is all I need and want.

D . your not low, you are just honest and the honest one's don't know about the things dishonest one's do

I found out the hard way with a shrill was, I bid on multi items with one seller, this other bidder, (and it was back when the ID's were in full name and not 2 letters and 2 astrics). I was out bid on each item, so I rebid and out bid again. then I got a bunch of emails from ebay saying this bidder retracted there bids due to putting in wrong amount, thinks nothing of it, untill I got the next batch of emais from ebay and this same bidder retracted the bids agains saying they entered wrong amount. This was the time was the time I was buying FDC from this one seller and we were both members of the same FDC society and I mentioned it, that I bidding against some crazy bidder, then he told me to check find a member and search both ID's, so I did, and both had the same address, this seller was using there other ID to raise the bids up, I wanted to pull away from the bids on this seller because they were dishonest, ebay would not let me retract my bids, nor would they lower the original bid price to where it first was before the seller started to bid on it. No one else bid on the items, and I ended up having to pay more due to this persons dishonesty I told ebay I believe it is illegal, they had a class action suit against them from buyers who filed for allowing shrill bidding and making that buyer pay more instead of correcting. I got notice of this lawsuit, and never heard any out come on it.

Her picture of Spicedtiger reminded me of Come what may and that is a new listing her

Turtle Jim is going out of business, he no longer has the time for the iris.

This is what she is buying and from whom her iris Recurring bliss and Cimmamon stripe look alot like these iris in picture

Boaz, KY

Irisloverdee -- what other ID? Are we still talking about the-country-garden?

Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

As I look at the ones I got from her a cpl years ago and wonder what they really are as not what I thought I was buying I get angrier and angrier at her blatant fraud and angrier at her excuses when you Email and complain and still get no where with anyone. Hope her plants all die .

Lebanon, OR

country garden, look at location...


Salem, IL(Zone 5b)

google "shill bidding" and see a number of sites, some of which are most informative.

This message was edited Aug 17, 2009 12:20 PM

South Hamilton, MA

OGRose My click on the link stated that the page could not be found.

Salem, IL(Zone 5b)

The link did not respond for me either. If you use google as a browser, just type
shill bidding and a number of sites pop up.

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