CLOSED: What Are You Willing To Trade For It? *Seed Auction* # 3

Shepherdsville, KY

Hey Flower you could send the kids from next door.. lol
I can send the cats that use my flower bed as a litter box. GRRRRR.....

Just wanted to share a golden butterfly with my friends.

Thumbnail by hollyhocklady
Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

LOL holly,
Well I can't send them either as there is none there either. I hear ya about the litter box. My cats do the same thing. I throw something at them everytime I see one even attempting it or sometimes if I am watering I spay the heck out of them.

North of Atlanta, GA(Zone 8a)

I would give mine away if they were still home but they are off to first day of school today.

Thumbnail by LiliMerci
Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

we have ferrel cats that roam the wooded, undeveloped lots here in my neighborhood. Three int he wooded are in back of my house. I havent had a problem with them using my flower beds as a litter box, maybe due to the fact that I use red cypress mulch... not many things like red cypress for some reason.

My neighbor has pine bark mulch in his beds... he also has a big problem with armadillos tunneling through it to find grubs. I keep telling him to switch over to red cypress, but he thinks the pine bard looks better. But i think cats dont like the mulch in any form.

North of Atlanta, GA(Zone 8a)

I love the pine barks. They look very nice. I wish I had an armadillo to dig out my grubs!

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

lol.. you might for awhile, but when ya have to keep shoveling pine bark back into its bed every morning and filling in 2 ft holes they have dug in your flower beds, and replant uprooted plants, you may think

armadillos will uproot a plant to get to a grub or earthworm... and I happen to like my earthworms right where they

This message was edited Aug 10, 2009 9:03 AM

North of Atlanta, GA(Zone 8a)

well, I want to keep my earthworm but rid of my grubs. How will that be possible? They're nasty little thing aren't they?

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

herein lies the value of

I love my earth tunneling friends. though they may leave raised labyrinths all over my yard, they do get rid of those grubs that feed on the roots of your lawn and plants. i odnt mind the tunnels so much, as they are easily stomped back into place... and when the moles disappear, you can rest assure that your lawn and garden are now grub free... because when they've eaten them up, they move on.

Holly and Lilly, those butterflies are georgeous! The flowers too, but I love to see the butterflies. My mimosa tree stays full of them, all colors and sizes. Was watering the plants earlier and a hummer stopped in mid air watching me about 2 feet from me. She was there for at least a couple minutes. Then she went on to get flowers nectar where I was. I moved out of her way. SO cute.
GOOD bids up there. Someone wants those seeds. GOOD LUCK, everyone.

Shepherdsville, KY

I have had a hummer take a shower while I was misting the garden foliage, Sure wish I would of has a camera then.

Thumbnail by hollyhocklady
Orlando, FL

i have a hummer that comes all the time here she is

Thumbnail by blondhavmofun

Getting close to the end. Crepe myrtle's are butterfly magnets. Soft summer blooms swaying heavy in the breeze. LOL Showers of petals covering the ground. Interesting peeling bark during the winter months. :)

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

seray, that was a good start to a poem. Need to finish it.

Thanks Flower. I'll turn it over to you next. :)

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

oh no you don't. LOL I just don't have much talent for it.

OK, everyone, the winner is:

Davesrq- with the bid of
20 floss silk tree seeds
20yellow trumpet tree seeds
20dwarf poinciana seeds
20 red cardinal climber seeds
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!! Send me a d-mail with your address info and will mail out tomorrow.
Thanks for the bids everyone, back in a few minutes with next weeks new seeds up for bid.

North of Atlanta, GA(Zone 8a)

daves have some cool tropical seeds! Congrat!

What seeds would you guys like to see up there? Let me know , give me some ideas what YOU want to see up here.

Congrats Daves!

Mekos you have dmail.

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

new Auction

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