Storm headed this way!

Keaau, HI

It's a beautiful day out right now.

The storm hits in 10 hours.

It has moved North and the Big Island will miss most of it.

Hope Jenn and everyone North of here is ok; still lots of rain coming with the dissipating storm.

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

weather spot on CNN is showing intrepid surfers on the beaches, said they had 1500 contacts with life guards referring surfers to safer beaches....You weren't one of them were you Dave...grin

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

I think this is one of the most beautiful mornings we have had ALL SUMMER!!!!!! Time to GARDEN!!!!!

Keaau, HI

Hi Moon, more likely to find me in the forest than on the beach, but I do record the rare plants of the coastline, walking the Puna coast periodically.

Here is Ischaemum byrone, a Listed Endangered coastal grass of Puna, Hilo, and the Hana coast of Maui.

Thumbnail by Metrosideros
Keaau, HI

Gardening sounds perfect Carol!

I've already fertilized my beans, peppers, and taro. Thankfully spared from the storm!

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

Katrina sent a 22 foot storm surge up the coast when she hit. There are pictures of beautiful old homes before the surge reduced to pilings or concrete slabs afterwards.....never underestimate the power of water.

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

AMEN. We sailed the Pacific for 6 years in a 43' boat. Water is to be respected and admired.

Beautiful day. Gosh...bring on the threats of storms....

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Thought you might like to know that because we took hours filling up sand bags we have had no flooding at all. Heavy rain since 1am but the gound is absorbing it well. All the trees are washed clean from the unrelenting lava dust and if the sun was out I am sure they would sparkle.

Sitting here at my computer upstairs I can't see the ocean or the West Maui Mountains at all - it's like being in a grey cocoon. Now how to persuade the dogs to go out for a walk. They are absolutely convinced that they will shrink if they get wet from rain. Rain expected all day...

Keaau, HI

Good to hear that the storm brought some good your way Jenn.

Now that the storm has missed us, we need some rain on the Big Island!

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Forgot this, a picture taken last evening on our after dinner walk on the beach. As you can see we didn't have the high surf that hit the island, but the sky looked ominous...

Thumbnail by Braveheartsmom
Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

So glad that everything is fine so far. In years of camping we found that if we went to bed prepared for rain, there would none. If just left everything helter/skelter, there would be an unplanned deluge. Being prepared and not needing it is the best way to go. Is it washing out your lower garden?


Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Beautiful day here too...but we are thinking rain will be coming...wind from the SE...all the pundits say big rain...and with our rainfall average, they are seldom wrong!!!!

Keaau, HI

Sounds good Carol!

I hate having to run water out to the garden.

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Yesterday and today (so far) have been beautiful...sunny and HOT! But the previous two days were rain constantly, and it left here headed your way, so if this storm doesn't get you any rain, the system just leaving here will for sure! Hope it will be gentle and nourishing... So very happy that everyone is safe, as Christi said...much better to be prepared and have nothing serious happen.


Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

All good news. Let's hope the rest of the seaseon is as gentle.

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

I'm so happy to hear that nothing bad happened to you guys. May the rest of the season be as calm.


Jenn, that is a lovely picture that you posted from your walk on the beach. The sky did look threatful though! Thank you so much for sharing that! I enjoyed it very much.

Tremendous new's to read that all is well on the Island's and there is NO extreme weather related damage done to any of you!

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Just @$#@@!!&^* Hot and Humid and we have lost a lot of body fluids!!!

And did I mention the mosquitos are rabid!!! And you thought living here was all kittles and beer!

No, I knew life on the Hawaiian Island's were not all kibble's and bit's;-)

Some of us Northerner's sure do enjoy seeing picture's from "you-all's" part of the world ;-)

Mosquito's are pretty much gone here. I do remember the day's of those blood sucking West Nile carrier's though.


Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Wish we could get rid of ours....we have 4 different ones... grrrrrr.

(Mary) Poway, CA(Zone 10a)

Sigh .... even Paradise isn't paradise all the time? Did they fib just a little for the tourist advisory? I made reservations for a week in Kona in February on their promise that it was paradise, all the time. LOL

Hey Carol if you're in town during that week, we'd love to drive over and buy you and Bob lunch or dinner.

It was "frying eggs on the sidewalk" hot here a couple weeks ago - but most of the time this is a place others like to visit. They'd have to drag me kicking and screaming to get me to move away.

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Feb.'s usually my time to visit son and granddaughter in the give me your dates and I WILL be here!!!! Love to see you and Harry!!

Hope you got a good rate!!! The hotels over in Kona are begging for 'butts in the beds'... The Hilton Waikoloa is down to less than 150$ a night!!! Wowser!


Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Aloha, all.

I got a great hotel rate by using Priceline and naming my own price. We stayed at the Waikiki Prince Hotel in Honolulu. The hotel wanted $329/night for this great room through their web site. We got it for $120.00/night by naming our own price with Priceline. Great hotel, great location, 5 stars, we loved every second of it. I don't know about TBI's hotel rates but Priceline worked wonders for us on Oahu.

Take care, all.

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Sylvain... When I tried on Priceline to 'bid a room' I wasn't given the chance to seclect a hotel...a specific hotel. How did you do it?

GREAT bargain!!!

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Maybe they changed their modus operandi. It was 2 years ago.

We had some research before going on Priceline.

On Priceline's web site, we identified searching in Hawai'i, then we chose Oahu, then Honolulu, then the various neignborhoors in Honolulu (we chose Waikiki). Then, a list of hotels became available and we clicked on Waikiki Prince because it was NOT on Waikiki beach. It has a marina across the street, Ala Moana Park across the bridge and it's really well positionned within downtown Honolulu.

We started the bidding at $80/night and got refused. We tried again at $90 and got refused. We increased in $10 increments until our bid was accepted for $120/night. We had checked the floor plans and had identified room 514 as the room we wanted. We put that in the notes and the hotel honored our request. And that's what how we did it. We loved it there. Our room was handicapped accessible, with a balcony right next to the pool; one of the very few rooms with a balcony. The morning of the cruise, we ordered a humongous breakfast on the balcony. Everything tastes better outdoors in Hawai'i. We opened a bottle champagne with our friends while watching our cruise ship arriving in Honolulu at Aloha Tower.

I hope this explains it, but like I said: it was 2 years ago and they may have changed their booking system since then.

Pu'ole, a.k.a. Sylvain.

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Mahalo, Pu'ole....


(Mary) Poway, CA(Zone 10a)

We'll arrive there 4 o'clock February 13th and stay till February 21st in the early morning. Way too short a time! Not staying anywhere too fancy. Outrigger Keauhou Beach Resort. Breakfast is included. There's supposed to be nice snorkeling next to the property.

We just came back from Rhode Island where my very connected sister got us a 39 buck a night at the Courtyard by Marriot in downtown Providence. A very hip hotel in the middle of everything. It was a special employee rate. (None of us work there) She's a friend of the sister of the hotel manager. If they can let it go that cheap they must be raking it in with people who pay the normal rate. I'm surprised that they don't take hotline or priceline's first bids with this economy. I know some of the San Diego hot spots are hurting.


Xai Xai, Mozambique

just wondering, is Hawaii a malaria Zone? Mozambique is, and i am a malaria prone. i have had it already 5 times this year.

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

Wow westraad. I just heard some news that is right up your alley. Researchers have discovered a way to "infect" mosquitos with a vaccine for malaria, turning the infectors into injectors. Some one out there is brilliant. Turn mosquitos from vile carriers into remedies.

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

I have travelled to countries where malaria vaccination is mandatory at 6 weeks before you leave: Brazil and Sénégal come to mind. No vaccination is required of travellers visiting Hawai'i. I wouldn't think Hawai'i is one of those places where you have to worry about malaria. I am sure some of the islanders will chime in on that.

But then again, I could be wrong.
Take care, all.

Winter Haven, FL(Zone 9b)

My buddy recently moved to Haiti to be a missionary. In 2 years he has gotten malaria like 4 times! I know a man that was a missionary in Haiti for 20 years and he has gotten it almost every year he has been there. Close to death many times.

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

With all due respect to anyone here from Haiti, we must remember that Haiti is a 3rd world country, one of the world's poorest. Your friend must consider himself lucky if he only contracted malaria, no matter how many times and how close to death he came. Such are not the conditions in Hawai'i.


Winter Haven, FL(Zone 9b)

Well I understand that. basically, it humbles myself because my entire life i have gotten aggravated with the notorious "Florida Mosquitoes" and he almost dies when he gets bit.

Winter Haven, FL(Zone 9b)

And yes, as you said about the 3rd world country and being fortunate, he is. He runs an orphanage up in the mountains many hours away from any source of medical help.

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

I can understand that insect borne diseases are hard to eradicate, especially in poorer nations where just getting enough to eat is a daily chore. But...before we went to Australia this summer, we had to renew our Pertussus vaccines (whooping cough) There was an outbreak of it on the sun coast, and even the tragic deaths of a couple babies. The parents were among the "all vaccines cause autism" believers....I think personally I would rather a living autistic child as opposed to an unvaccinated dead child......scratching heads and sad hearts...

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Vaccinnation is also quite costly, not to mention painful and frightening. I am one of those people who has to look away when they show people getting a shot on TV. Gail tells me when it's over.

We needed 5 vaccines each when we went on that 3 continents cruise over a year ago. The nurse came in with a tray covered with 10 needles: 5 for Gail and 5 for me. I decided to go first because if I watched while they did Gail's vaccines, I would have run out before my turn came. We each got 2 shots in each arm and one in the toochis. We were sore for a week. Then a slight fever broke out and we were told to ignore it unless it lasted more than a day. It didn't. Worst yet was the $1200 bill we paid for all that. That's adding insult to injury if I ever experienced it.

Take care,all.

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

Unfortunately good health isn't cheap as we are finding out all over the world. Won't take that any further as I do not wish to break any of Dave's rules.

Xai Xai, Mozambique

i have always had a bad immune system, and have had malaria 20+ times, and i am NOT exaggarating! most people think malaria is this terrrible, deadly disease, and it is, if you don't treat it. if you catch it soon enough, you can take the necessary medication, and you will probably be sick for about 3 days. after that you are just completely drained, and should rest for at least a week or two. a big mistake a lot of people make is that they feel better and then they get up too soon. they get a relapse, and then they are really, really sick!
Mozambique is also a third-world country, and poor. but if there is one thing the hospitals know how treat it is malaria. i once couldn't stop vomiting, and had to spend the night in the hospital. i was very impressed by their service, it was better than the state hospitals in South Africa, which is the most developed country in Africa.
right now it looks like we have swine flu going around, thats the last thing we need! the Mozambican people here are not very hygienic, so its gonna spread.

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

DH got malaria when he sailed... Not fun!

Dengue fever is another mozzie borne malady...more insidious as there is no prevention other than don't get bitten!!! We don't have malaria on the islands and any dengue appearing is taken VERY it usually is with someone who gets it somewhere else.

when I went to Vietnam in 1967 we had to have Cholera and Black Plague vaccinations!!!!

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

That's why I couldn't understand the thing with the Whooping Cough. You have the means available to protect your children, and you do nothing. My heart went out to the two mothers who lost their babies to Whooping Cough in Australia until I read that they chose not to vaccinate them because there might possibly maybe but no one knows for sure be a possibility that the vaccines could possibly promote autism. We got the shots because we were going to see our brand new grandson for the first time. While my daughter was still in hospital, she and my SIL both got injections against Whooping Cough.

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