Storm headed this way!

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Oh Lord, aren't eucalyptus beasts in windy weather! I think they are also known as "widow makers" aren't they? I will be keeping my fingers X'ed for you guys on the BI although by all accounts we are going to get it full force too.

Weird how every TV channel says something different. I really like the Jeff Masters site that Hetty told us about and have added it to "my favorites" both at home and at work. Thanks Hetty.

The tourists at work are quite frightened, but they are in a concrete buildings so I think they can ride it out quite safely. Funnily enough no-one is asking how they get OFF the island - you remember the mess we had at Honolulu airport when the electricity went down for hours after the earthquake hit? Hopefully they have a back up generator now so at least the bathrooms work this time.

As far as I know we haven't be notified of any beach closures yet - the local surfers are waxing up their boards and the coconut wireless is a-buzz with where the best surf is likely to be...

Soup sounds just the ticket Dave. I am making bread in the morning so that we will be at least be able to have ham sandwiches! I don't think there will be much fruit left on the trees because heavy rain brings down things like the starfruit en masse. I am picking tomorrow morning and taking them down to the food kitchen and over to work so they won't go to waste.

Hang tight over there, it might be getting a little sloppy.


Wunderground (Jeff Masters' blog) is a very good place when a storm is approaching. A lot of sensible and knowledgeable people there. I make it a point to stay away from the weather channels on TV who SALIVATE when a hurricane comes, gives them validation....

You all be safe.....

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

We worry about a Eucalyptus nana that could easily take out out home or my neighbor's - depending on the wind direction. I know they would be pleased if we removed it but is is so pretty.

Around here we paint our porch ceilings a pale blue to keep the unfriendly "haints" away. As to ghosts, the Lowcountry abounds with them. Having a friendly ghost adds significantly to the value of your home and if you see the Gray Man walking the beaches of Pawley's Island you had best skedaddle to higher ground for surely a big blow is nearby.

I can't believe my ears but I swear I just heard on the radio that Taiwan had 80" of rain yesterday.

Hang on tight friends and batten own all those d@.. flower pots that multiply around the garden.

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Yup...Wunderground Weather is GREAT!!! Gee...I remember Jeff Masters when he was just a puppy!!!!!

Re: Masters, Felicia is now a Tropical Storm...but that still has up to 73mph winds which could take down my greenhouse with no effort at all!!! We are securing all we can from the W thru to the S which will be the winds that we get. Unfortunately, that leaves my greenhouse, out in the orchards, pretty vulnerable.

AY Jenny....and I was just going to offer to trade Avos for Mangos...we probably will have a lot of neither after Tuesday!!!

Thinking I should get a box of kitty litter going inside as our kitties are outdoor/indoor but will probably balk at going outside with those winds!!!

Keaau, HI

Our local weather just reported, via a weather plane that is flying over the storm, that the storm is still a category one hurricane with 85 mph winds, but slowing.
It is expected to be a tropical storm when it hits tomorrow with sustained winds of 40 mph and gusts up to 60 mph. It will bring lots & lots of rain!
Beaches from Laupahoehoe to South Kona will now be closed; the surf is going to be quite dangerous.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

Have you gotten all your baby hoyas in the house yet? We'll all hope for nothing more than the 60 mph wind gusts. Your GH should be able to handle that.

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Will continue to watch and wait and pray for your safety. The weather is the one thing mankind still cannot even begin to control.


Keaau, HI

Interestingly, the weather channel says that it is sunny out here right now. Out the door it appears to be raining!
Guess I should keep the door shut to avoid confusion.


But yes, be safe guys!!

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Weather, I guess, is anyone's interpretation. A sailing couple we know didn't have a weather band radio and when asked how they know what the weather is they said, "we look out the windows". Nothing you can do about it, anyway....

Tilaran, Costa Rica

Hang tight bro. I've been in 5 big hurricanes including Hugo, in Croix, and Andrew in Miami.
Make sure the food and water are stored up and "hurricane proof".

That goes for all of you people. Hope for the best but be ready for the other.
Beans come first. Ornamentals are second priority.

Gotta go feed my Tilapia !

Anyone who has been through Andrew and lived to tell has my respect.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

Amen to that. Hugo AND Andrew is really something.

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

AH...the PPP strikes again!!!! (PhicklePhinger of Phate)...The latest report has the center of NOW a Tropical Depression going further North and the outer edge just glancing us to the S. AND predicted to hit a day we will get plenty rain...what else is new!!!

Good news for us....hope it brings welcome rain to other parts of the islands, too!!!

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Here's hoping that it is nourishing rather than devastating... be safe.


Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Thinking of you at the bottom of the hill, Jen.


Looks like all the islands will see some rain from this storm.

Richland, MI(Zone 5b)

Just take care, stay safe and dry there! Thinking of you!

noonamah, Australia

As mentioned earlier, I think heavy rain will be your biggest problem. These systems are capable of carrying a lot of water, even well after the winds have dissipated.

Keaau, HI

Storm Update:

The storm still has 46 mph winds, and weakening. The eye is still expected to pass between Maui and Hawai'i.

Hawai'i and Maui Counties are on Storm Watch and Flood Watch till Tuesday evening. Oahu from Tuesday till Wednesday.

Kaua'i will miss most of the storm action.

Lots of rain coming. Luckily the winds are going away.

That sounds better.... I'm sure you al in the islands are used to lots of rain, and without the major winds you should not get any damage, correct? Unless you are in a low lying area.
Thanks for keeping us posted.

Keaau, HI

Oh yes, "used to lots of rain"!

Thumbnail by Metrosideros
Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Rain? Used to it? !!@&^%$***&^%$#@)(***!

It has been a VERY wet summer... You can hear the weeds out there giggling as they produce more and more seed!!!!


Keaau, HI

Sorry Carol, can't hear the weeds today. The rain is too loud!

Mérida, Yucatán, Mexico(Zone 11)

Good luck and I hope you stay dry. I second (or third) the value of Jeff Masters and Wunderground, we check him daily during this time of year. So far, so good for us. El Niño effects tend to keep the number of named storms down in the Caribbean. We got 2 direct hits from Cat 5 storms on our beach condo in 2005, that was a bad year for us and hurricanes. Not so bad since then, Dean brushed us and caused damage from the surge but not the wind. At least with hurricanes we get some warning that they MAY be coming unlike earthquakes where I lived before or tornadoes which would scare me silly. The hard part is that most of the time you get ready and watch the updates constantly and then they turn or collapse, it's good but it dulls your readiness.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

It's funny but I always heard that weeds were the only things that grew in a drought but after this wet summer I find they grow faster still in the rain. Chamber Bitter, or gripe weed, is giving me the gripes right now.

We use Wunderground all the time and because we live on a sea island and there are often storms all around us, checking out the Wundermap (second item on the menu under the radar screen) is a huge help. It let's me know if I have enough time to walk the dog or whatever.

I'm in the process of re-potting many plants. All the rain saturated the soil to the point where the perlite floated away.

Good luck with Felicia, 45 mph winds are unpleaseant but doable,

Kealakekua, HI

I left work early to make sure stuff is secured. My road will wash out for sure. Figures the one time my sister comes to visit this happens. its getting cloudy now in Kainaliu.

Keaau, HI

Take care over there Mlassi. You'll be close to the eye of the storm.

Kealakekua, HI

ty. Hopefully we wont get much wind. You stay safe too!

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Its not the speed of the wind that gets is the direction. All of our trees grow braced against the prevailing winds from the E. strong trades are NO BIG DEAL. But the Westerlies, especially on the high points, cause havoc!!!

Have fun out there...the worry part is gone now just anxious for it to come and get over with so we can get on with it!

Keaau, HI

The storm is moving North, and is now expected to hit Maui directly.

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Go figger...the sun is out and it is windy. I love it!!!!!

Wishing all safe keep's on all the Island's there.


Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

I grew up in Hurricane Alley, 45 miles up Bayou Lafourche from the Gulf and Grand Isle Louisiana. We moved to So La the year Audrey hit and have been in La since...Audrey, Florence, Betsey, Camille, Hugo,Ivan Andrew, Allison, Katrina, Rita, Dad was with Civil Defense and my Mom was director of Nursing services at the local hospital.....we never got to evacuate to a hotel like the rest of the folks and swim and play....we got to count rooftops as they spun by.

Good thoughts to you all, be safe.

Richland, MI(Zone 5b)

Everyone alright? Dry? Thinking of you,

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Well, the folks in the northern islands are going to get the storm but, as of tonight, we are getting nothing directly. We are even 'out of the cone of influence'!!!! Whew...a relief for us but the storm is not a hurricane anymore...will be a TD most likely but it seems unpredictable!!!

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

Hurry and wait, what a PITA. Glad you will be safe and hope the other islands are spared also.

noonamah, Australia

The waters in that area are too cold to support a system like that which Felicia had developed into further south. On top of that the wind shear I mentioned before knocked the top off of it. Felicia is now in virtually 2 parts. The bottom part is moving east through the islands. The upper part is close to completely sheared off and out of alignment with the bottom. Increasing wind shear will complete the dismemberment. But there's a lot of moisture drawn up into Felicia that's still to come down. That's where the main problem will be. And tree roots in soft waterlogged soil don't hold well in any sort of wind.

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)


I'm following developments with great interest. The Islands are in my prayers. To you all, please sound off as soon as you can when the storm has passed so we know you're all safe and sound and can breathe a sigh of relief.

Take care.
Pu'ole, a.k.a. Sylvain.

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Have been to Jennies and she is truly at the bottom of a hill with a street feeding directly to her short driveway. Very exposed should it rain hard. Hope it misses her. Her home is beautiful and does not need to be flooded.


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